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K man (Allies) v Colin (Axis) AAR

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The opening years have just been completed with K-man as Allies and myself as Axis in round two of the Rambo invitational. Germans took Poland rapidly then walked across to France taking in Benelux and Denmark on the way. There were two consequences, France didn’t fall too fast. When it started to crumble, though, it went down quickly despite the dug-in armour in Paris. This was mostly due to very concentrated Axis air including the Italians. L1 French armour in Paris seems de rigeur but I’m inclined to dig the HQ in Paris and use it to direct counterattacks designed to kill at least one high value German unit by forwards infantry with the armour lurking a little to the rear to swing in at the right moment. Anyhow, the second consequence was the Axis got some decent technology (IW2 and some air upgrades) with a “don’t operational-move-just-walk-and-spend-the-petrol-money-on-tech” investment policy. Germans lost a corps in France but, freakishly, the UK air fleet died in the same fracas. It was involved in killing the German corps (without the UK air having HQ support) and was intercepted by the best Axis air fleet with HQ. Nevertheless, taking 8 strength loss in one go is a bit harsh (equal tech). I suppose it was near maximum losses both on interception and on ground attack. I didn’t realize this had happened, hit it with my best air in the following turn (planning on following up with two more attacks) only to see it die as the last 2 points were removed.

Allies nailed one sub rather innovatively, transporting the French HQ from the dying motherland to use as an ASW spotter! Germans launched a blitz on London in the absence of the RAF (also known as a Luftwaffe pilot training exercise). German Navy a nabbed French cruiser (after defection to the Allies, of course!) doing recce of the French coast.

The UK bomber is on Malta, repeatedly hitting Tobruk harbour.

It’s early 1940. UK has been active conquering Syria and Iraq. Both sides are playing quite conservatively and cautiously. Italians have been very passive (the Navy, with fine attention to historical accuracy, is cowering in port) and both the US and USSR are on quite a low activation percentages. German subs are active again in the Atlantic.

In Spring 1941 the Axis planned to strike hard. Rumania and Hungary and Bulgaria already joined the Axis so I was planning a simultaneous DOW against Vichy France and Spain. Getting IW3 delayed that, it seemed worth upgrading the army going into Spain for a faster kill and the time was also used to upgrade the Tirpitz – German navy had shiny new guns and was lurking off the French coast and looking for trouble.

Broadly the plan was to take Iberia/South of France and hope the UK opened itself up for a late Sealion. I considered going straight to Sealion but K-man was playing carefully so I figured he would have a good response. His ground and air forces were active in the Middle East (UK HQ, at least one army and armour and two air fleets were all there and the UK bomber was at Malta) which suggested that he had not concentrate everything in Northern Europe as some players do. This increased my willingness to risk Sealion. The Axis airfleets (L2+L2 LR plus basic tech. Italians) were placed in pivotal positions in France so they could: (A) Intervene in any Naval battle (B) Hit Northern Spain.

© Attack London if it was left open. (D) Hit Marseilles.

Both German paratroop units assumed ready positions with long range transport – looking to London, Bilbao and/or Marseilles as targets depending on where a good opportunity presented or to help out if the ground assault bogged down. Meanwhile freshly built German infantry deployed to the Russian border just in case the Western operation took longer than I hoped. As with France this was very much trying to think ahead and minimize the operational movement costs in this game. I intended to perform the first year of Barbarossa with new units or those that walked there, guessing that he wouldn’t play a forwards defense and that there was time enough for the rest (particularly the armour and air force and best HQs) to arrive in 1942.

K-man went after the subs. Badly damaging one though I nailed a battleship in return. Iran fell so allied morale was dangerously high.

DOW Vichy France, destroyed the corps but didn’t take it completely – needed the other forces for Spain which was attacked same turn. Destroyed one border army, damaged another and took out the Spanish armour from the air. Held the paratroops though was very tempted to use them. Built Italian paratroopers and positioned these and other units for Sealion – Kriegsmarine screening English channel, Danish corps in Amphibious mode and army and HQ to Brussels.

May 1941. It all depended what K-man did next. He did a nice defense of Marseilles, transporting in Barcelona corps and continued to hit Tobruk. It was clear UK air was still in north Africa and UK fleet hadn’t tried to take on the German surface fleet or block the sea so Sealion was GO.

Three German air and Italian hit London, a second turn of heavy bombing so UK corps should be somewhat damaged and not entrenched. All three paratroops landed North of London and attacked the capital. The corps was destroyed and a German amphibious assault from Brussels occupied London. Meanwhile, Madrid was taken and the Spanish surrendered – very welcome – needed the MPP and the morale boost and the surrender of the Spanish corps in Marseilles makes it easy to continue a string of victories at a critical point in the game. Vichy France and Portugal fell to the Axis.

This triggered Russian entry into the war and the US wasn’t far behind – not unexpected. Life is about to get exciting, the UK is under massive pressure as the Germans advance towards Scotland (not helped by the lack of HQ coordination for the British, the Germans got an HQ to London) but help is on its way. The UK launches a major blockade of the home island, finally attacks the Kriegsmarine. In North Africa the British pulls back from the assault on Tobruk after loss of a cruiser to the Italian navy. The UK capital shifts to Alexandria and Barbarossa is launched, its too early to see what will happen in Russia.

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Excellant breakdown of the game by Colin. Not much I can add to it. Except maybe a little perspective from the Allied side.

I was a little perplexed by the lost of the RAF by going from a 10 to a 2 on a defending hit of equal tech (1) fighters. But foolishly I didn't move him away after that lesson...(or atleast reinforce him.) Guess I was still in shock...

On the sinking of one U-boat, I did use the French HQ to spot him. The idea was really to try and rescue the HQ, since I knew the tank (Paris) would fall next turn. But since I knew the sub was out there, and didn't have many ships in range, figured the transport could detour a little on its way to England. The HQ did help in the (spotting) sinking but unfortunately never made it back to England.

Regarding the sealion: Didn't expect it. Excellant play by Colin. Have to give credit where credit is due. Although I suspected something with the fighter attacks on London, I figured it was to draw off any ships from Gibralta area, after he attacked Vichy France & Spain. Even while that attack was occuring I had transported an army (mistake) to bring to Africa. Figured the fight would continue there. And sometimes the decisions you make, can make a big difference. At one point 2 turns before the sealion attack began, I had the opportunity to attack his cruiser and battleship in the strait. I decided to wait for the other ships to get closer and move in for the attack. Next turn the german ships moved back towards benelux and out of sight. Not knowing the sealion was coming, I decided to move Navy south. Definitely a turning point...

The cruiser lost near Tobruk, was the Vichy France ship. Debated what to do with him, since Spain had surrended and that meant the spanish corp in Marseilles was now gone. (Vichy France would now fall next turn.) I knew it would be a suicide mission, but if I attacked one of the italian ports (ships), I didn't think I'd do much damage. Thought I could maybe coax some ships out of their ports if I bombed Tobruk. Was able to put some damage (2) on each of the battleships. Oh, the poor Vichy french...

One last note: Something I was unaware of from either the manual or these blogs here but just noticed by accident. With the US now sending their convoy $ directly to Russia, I didn't know you could adjust the % sent via the map/convoy screen. I wish that could be done with all convoys. Would help against those wolf packs when their running loose...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late 1941: The British have taken Tobruk from the Italians and Matildas are trundling towards Tripoli. The Axis finished their conquest of British Isles and headed into Russia taking Riga-Smolensk-Minsk-Kiev-Odessa with the Finns weighing in for good measure. The RN finally trash the Kriegsmarine who were exposing themselves protecting the German land units in the UK. British Navy is large but pretty knackered – doubt they have the MPP to repair it too fast. Broadly, the Med is contested with UK strong in the Middle East and North Africa with an excellent bomber in Malta -though the Italians have started to bombard it in a vain attempt to take the pressure off Triploli. Barbarossa has been muted – clearly the Axis has yet to see what the Soviets have prepared and the Axis have yet to hit with full force. Axis own a lot of real estate from Iberia to Ukraine. Norway/Sweden, Eire, Greece/Yugoslavia/Turkey and Tunisia/Vichy Algeria are all still neutral. Gibraltar remains British though there are German units camped just outside shelling the place and Italian ships bombarding and it finally falls. Turkey is quite pro-Axis after the adventures of the UK in the Middle East and loss of the British Isles. The Germans reinforce their hold on the mainland, garrisoning their conquests. The Americans have yet to show up in any real numbers.

Spring 1942

The Axis troops in the UK take Eire before the Americans decide to use it as a staging post or airbase. The allies complete the conquest of North Africa with only a little harassment by the Italian navy.

The Axis Spring offensive has one primary objective: Moscow. Three German army groups with sundry corps on the flanks and air support advance on the Soviet capital. They are conscious of a serious looking Soviet force to the South/East. The Axis bypass Leningrad, letting the Finns box in the Soviet army. Moscow falls fast and the Germans contact the Russian armour and infantry lurking. The Axis attack is aggressive – an air attack reveals the location of the intercepting Soviet air and Axis Long Range Air destroys one. Long range paratroops jump deep and take out a Soviet HQ whilst armour and infantry pile through the Soviet lines in support. Critical moment – if the Soviets counterattack strongly they could cut off the Paras and lead armour. Soviets have three armour to hand and lots of high grade (but low mobility) infantry – but on the negative side they are losing the air war and (I hope) have command control problems – with luck only one HQ is in range. Could go either way.

He retreats. Axis take Gorky and swing south towards Voronezh and Kharkov where there is extensive Russian infantry dug into fortifications. He is clearly preserving his armour.

Axis try to raid Casablanca with a corps, thinking he only has a US corps in the region. Something of a shock to find the rest of the Western army and air force using it as a staging post. “Here’s looking at you, kid!”. Well, possibly worth the loss just to get the intelligence – the German corps damages a US fighter before the inevitable.

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Going for the british isle is not necessary anymore - I did it, hoping to get an early major victory in H2H but apparently it is not possible like once was (USA and USSR were not in, I killed UK off but game continued).

Best is to go directly for Moscow then Stalingrad, entrench near Stalingrad, operate air and paras in France, take london and game over, major victory smile.gif

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Hellraiser - happy how it worked out. Sealion reduced the effectivess of westen Allies a lot. It was a partky opportunistic move.

Germans continue in Russia but wont take stali8ngrad this year. Despite a Russsian counterattack or two and some extensive fortifications they slog on - helped greatly by the excellent axis air force.

Meanwhile towards the end of 1942 Western allies invade Iberia eliminating a minor corps in Portugal but on the first turn not taking Lisbon but relying on HQ supply as they storm ashore. Interesting timing, I'd have waited for the Spring and let the Winter salvage the Soviets.

Germans respond with an attack on UK HQ with a corps from Gibralter - sadly not enough to eliminate it - and engagement with a UK corps.

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Yes, allies debated back and forth where and when to attack. Stalin was demanding a second front. Of course Churchill wanted to know why Stalin let his troops get butchered there on the eastern front. Stalin blames the generals, for not setting up a line of defense behind the rivers.

Allies, finally conceded that a second front should be established to relieve the pressure on the bewildered Russians. Now the question was where. The element of surprise was now gone in the Portugal / Spain area. But the allies decided to proceed any ways. But this could be a fatal mistake. Although it will relieve the pressure on the soviets, at what cost to US & UK lives? Would the landings have been better served on the UK islands? Probably.

After lossing all those Russian troops, the coordinated attack between the allies did not happen as planned. The time may be short for the allies on the western front...

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Germans indeed push the Western Allies out of Iberia with heavy casualties on the Allied part - that has to be most of the British army with their MPP, including HQ, several corps and armies and the armour out of supply plus 2 American armies killed. Axis lose a para. Less wisely, sally by Italian Navy crushed. We are heading into 1943. W. Allies have their Navy + Airforce + North Africa/Middle East. Soviets are rebuilding. Italians are knackered - they own Eire but lost North Africa! Germans are formidable on the ground and in the air.

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Allies had hoped they would last longer on the continent, but although the land operation is listed as a failure, it did bring out the German & Italian navies and that naval operation was a success. Came down to an exchange of my land units for his navy units.

Now the allies have free access to the seas for all future operations.

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Agreed, though the Allies must also contend with the UK struggling to rebuild through MPP limitation and North Africa being a low supply springboard in part of which the Gibralter effect operates. On the plus side his gang of carriers is very effective. His only access to the Med is via Suez. Losing my fleet was stupid though.

It will be a few turns before we see any major activity in Russia I'd suspect.

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A little Winter action around Rostov results in a lost army on both sides and the fall of the city to Axis. Allied carriers very effectively mob a German army and storm the Med. after bombarding Gibraltar port down to zero.

Russians fortify around Stalingrad and Caucausus. Germans fortify around London.

Its Spring in Russia, 1943, and one suspects the game is going to warm up a little....

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It is August of 1943. The Germans have moved thru the fortifications near Rostov and destroyed what's left of them. Germany then moves on Stalingrad and takes the city after some bombardment from its mighty fighter divisions. Russians have lost more men than the Germans in these battles...(The exact numbers have not come in yet.)

The Allies begin their landings, liberating Ireland from the oppresion. Airstrikes and bombardments are ordered on the German occupied cities of Britain. Scapa Flow is taken back by US forces, to supply the ships operating so far from home.

Bombers & Battleships continue to reduce the fortress of Gibraltar and it port to a strength of zero. Fighters are then sent in to terrorize the German corp that is trying to survive.

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Germans push north after Stalingrad. Long ranged air is deadly, pilots sit back in cushy rear areas and make life hell, switching targets without rebasing. We are now into September, I'm rather hoping for a few more turns before winter strikes. One notable feature of the game is no major tank battle - Kursk has yet to happen despite serious armour on both sides. The Russians are split, at least some of their tanks are in the Caucausus where he has fortified positions. The Russian air is sensibly keeping a low profile after another paratroop assault.

Meanwhile there is a Russian corps floating around in landing barges in the Baltic.

As K-man says the Allies are seriously focussing on retaking the UK/Eire. So far, Axis holds all cities and has a fortification near London but the island is isolated by Allied seapower. Italian paratroopers die in Eire. Gibralter hangs on for dear life.

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Another city falls back into Allied hands on Britain (Edinburgh.) Only Manchester & London remain in the evil Axis hands.

Bombardments continue on Gibraltar. Corp is still hanging on. There aren't many rocks left for the division to hide under.

Yes, there is a russian barge floating in the Baltic. This forces the axis to reinforce the coastal cities. (Less units for the eastern front.)

...and speaking of the eastern front...Colin is correct, regarding the major tank battles. That appears to be changing. Russians do counter attack in this turn. One german tank is destroyed. (But Russian tank will be a sitting duck.) Forces move up from the south (Caucausus) as well. One corp is destroyed.

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The Allied assauilt on UK looks good - think it depends on the weather - the UK is tricky to fight over in the mud.

Gibraltar - that corps can feel justifiably aggrieved - Axis high command is doing little to help it apart from ship in fresh recruits.

But Russia is a different story. Here the Axis are giving it full attention. The Russian counterattack is badly damaged, it happens in clear weather letting the Axis air strike where they can do most damage. This is in concert with an infantry assault directed by Von Manstien and heavy armour. Three Russian armoured units go down and one more put out of supply, plus two armies. I estimate some more losses my side if he presses; but the Germans are getting the better of this one - to such an extent that its hard to see how he can sustain these casualties.

Around Lenigrad, some slight signs of Russian aggression.

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Yes, the allied command is making good progress, in Britain. All that stands of the German tyranny is London. (Including the engineer who is intrenched in the fortification, but badly damaged.)

Gibraltar falls back into Allied hands.

The port of Kiel is also taken by the special Russian commando corp division, trained for this mission. Denmark is cut off, and the allies now have access to the baltic.

Russia is a different story. Heavy Russian causaulties, but more units have arrived. Another German tank is destroyed. The cut off Russian tank will be destroyed next turn. Colin is correct, that it was a mistake to counter attack during the clear weather. But the demands of Stalin prevailed. Hopefully he will not sacrifice his new units as needlessly.

Lenigrad area is coming to life as army is reinforced...

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Germans counter in Southern Spain - loss of Gibralter and two units to the Axis assault.

Russia is fairly quite - some exchanges over a mine in the Caucausus.

Games getting very interesting. Allies have clawed their way back well in the West suberbly - although they are really only at their starting position :D

Russia - he still has some forces but this is quite a different story. The Russians are rather fragmented with a strong enclave in the Caucauses but isolated from the rest.

1944 will be an interesting game.

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Pretty quiet as we enter the spring of 1944. Allies continue to bombard and soften up both Copenhagen & Gibraltar. Air strikes pretty much grounded due to weather and the defending Axis air power spread out in the west. They have started dive bombing my ship near the port of Kiel.

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Not too much to add. This turn the US corps attacking Copenhagen gets some harrassment from the air and Germans advance towards the Caucausus.

I think we can confidently expect some quite serious battles pretty soon.......

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Its partly tenacity and good planning by K-man. This is coupled with a strong German focus on Russia and a bad decision with my fleet. Having said that, he's doing well with raids, air strikes and MPP drains but has yet to win a major land battle.

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