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Freshblood in action: Baron vs Hellraiser AAR

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We'll get back to the game, probably next week as I am away for the weekend attending some stupid courses :(

And, yes, allies have probably almost double the combined axis' income - long term it is very difficult for Axis even if they can stop the current offensive. Russia now can afford losing/sacrificing some units (going for killing key axis units , disregarding their own losses) - losing units on par or even at a 2-1 ratio can be dealt with pretty easily.

I think Baron did something wrong with the border garrisons in 41. Russia came in too quickly ... at least this is the feeling I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things don't look good for the Axis. German reinforcemennts are being fed into the meat grinder and being spit out by the Red army. In hindsite I should have gone after N.Africa .... Even thought the casualties are horrendous on both sides- the allies can affors it the axis can't.

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Allies and germans lose a lot of units but Allies do have the cash to rebuild them ... Combined USSR/US forces push into Hungary/Bulgaria/Yugoslavia. Red troops killed several units protecting Warsaw surrounding tiles, HQ in city, LF down to 2 due to tank attack. Ankara survives at str 2. US gets HT2.

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I accepted the surrender offer as soon as it was put on the table. His Russian forces utterly wiped out Germans with 3 and 4 bars of experience like they were nothing. When the surrender offer was made there were more Russians in Germany than there were Germans! I really enjoyed the game and hope I've learned some from it. A salute to my foe!

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