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Research (IT) question

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Germany can still get a significant boost tho. They have IIRC 110 native MPPs (after Warsaw falls), and with a 10% boost per IT level that can mean 55 extra MPPs at level 5, after an investment of 375 MPPs (assumes 5 chits invested over the entire game), which means the extra MPPs pay for themselves in exactly 7 turns. IOW you'll be sacrificing some MPPs early for a solid bonus later, which considering the multi front action which will be going on from '42 on is probably a wise move unless you want to shoot your wad early for some quick knockout somewhere (perhaps Spain).

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It's an 'okay' investment if it hits. Though the Germans cannot afford it... The chance of not hitting the IT is too expensive

I'll put a spare chit in after I've got my Minors down but in a competitive game your dead, the MPPs could go better elsewhere, Diplo-Tech-a new Panzer

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I hotseated it and I found that it does pay off for America,Russia,Gemany.Italy was an maybe.But like Liam said with Germany or(IMHO)any country but America(I think for America its vital to invest in Ind.and Prod.tech)you are running the risk of not having enough troops with the proper upgrades if you go allout with Ind.tech.Britain I found wasnt worth it.

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Originally posted by arado234:

I hotseated it and I found that it does pay off for America,Russia,Gemany.Italy was an maybe.But like Liam said with Germany or(IMHO)any country but America(I think for America its vital to invest in Ind.and Prod.tech)you are running the risk of not having enough troops with the proper upgrades if you go allout with Ind.tech.Britain I found wasnt worth it.

yep Arado and what good is 20 Russian Corps with IW1, they're going to get waxed at ratio that sure you can rebuild cheaper with Prod/IT but great... you'll be rebuilding all 20... You can go awhile without some tech, but no tech will really really hurt
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