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What if WW2 didnt happen, would it have been worse?

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I always wondered (red alert touched on this i think) if hitler had never taken over would russia have tried to take europe. Will there be a way to set all magor country sides against russia? would be interesting in in 1942 russia attacks the unprepared europe.

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I wonder how you could make it hard for the Russian player. It would seem to be easy if the only nations in your way was a weak Germany, a bunch of neutrals and France. Once you got all the resources east of France I don't see how you could possably lose.

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once poland gets attacked germany france and england join. Then a bit later italy joins. Then the USa later. The maginot line would be there also so you could hold line there. When germany falls the spain and portugal join. Could be still a challenge.

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Sound's very interesting to me. I believe holding off Russia would be possible. If the Balkins and Poland don't fall in like 2 turns, then the other countries, spec. Germany France and England, might have enough time to gather force in Germany itself and start putting up a decent fight. Will norway and other minor's be with the Allies? Russia would have to fight a two front war, first the main front heading west from Russia to France, and 2nd heading south through the middle east and North Africa. Even if Russia does not strike in this direction, the allies are sure to try it as a "backdoor" around the majority of the Russin forces.

Germany will probally be defeated but they must put up enough of a fight to give the rest time to mobilize and for the U.S. to join. Once American forces arrive and the other Western Allies are fully mobilized to fight, you will probally have more of a stalemate then anything. Both sides will start to seek way's around the main line of fighting in central Europe (I.E. middle east or Finland Norway Sweden)

It very well could come down to who has the best technology, since a USSR with Poland, Germany, the Balkins, and possibly the Middle east added to it's resource pool will counter the allies in MPPs.

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well the way i see it

Russia 480

Germany 120

France 115

Britian 145

Italy 115

Allies total:495

so the USAs 180 would tip ballance the tricky thing is that when pushing into russia the scortch and burn tactic would be powerful.

Also about the allies going into Caucaus seems not easy due to the mountain. soldiers through is one thing but the hqs would have big problem.

Also with so much fighting agaist russian invding would the allocated resources be useful.

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Interesting......but I must bring out one important oversight. What's guarding the Eastern approaches to the Russian Empire?

Do you think Japan is going to sit idely by while USSR wages war in Western Europe.

I think not!

There are some nice fat resources that Japan desperately needs in the Eastern USSR provinces.

It could be a great scenario, but I need some explanation for keeping Japan and USA out of the fracas.

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usa is going to join for sure. Japan would still be busy with china waring if not occupying the conqueered contry. Also wouldnt russia be to friggin cold to care to join. Also if anything they would join russia for fuel and for i like to call from dogs of war, fortress old world.

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yes i first agreed to that 185 to europe, 185 to pacific, that could be a reason.

also maybe because USA lost only about 300,000, alot put in grand scale not many. and yes usa did supply alot of recources to russia and all over so the low income could be what they saved for there troop use.

[ October 20, 2005, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: Mr.Dozer ]

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Well, i've always thought that if you pull out Pearl Harbor, you pull the US out of the War. I really believe that had Pearl Harbor not happened, the US never would have gotten involved, that or by the time they decided to do something more than just sent tanks and planes it would have been to late. So, if you want to keep the US out of it, take out Pearl Harbor i'd say. Dark as it may seem, I almost go the impression America was more likely to side with Germany than go against her had things turned out slightly differently. Who knows though. A lot of ifs in alternate history scenarios, a lof of fun ifs though.

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This would be an awesome scenario to make using the editor. When I read about, and saw the pictures on the editor, I was sold. One can make any map, and scenario, anything one can come up with. So this scenario would definetly be possible to make.

One does not have to simulate the entire World map, but maybe in bigger scale, Europe only, ofcourse Including European Russian, up until the Urals, Scandanavia, England, Balkans, and Italy all the way to Spain. And not to forget Turkey, Iraq, and Iran who would no doubt me important as well. With sacraficing all the extra room that would be needed for the Atlantic and part of the US, this map could very well be very detialed, and would envolve a great deal of forces.

I for one will most likly jump straight to the editor and start making my own scenarios, like Fall Blau, Operation Saturn, and possibly this what-if scenario.

Another scenario I would like to make is a very detailed campaign focusing on the 41-45 Operation around Lenningrad and the Baltic reagions and Norther Europe.

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Remeber that Hubert is only using about 1/6 of the maximum size a map can be.

So a full WW2 map could still be quite detailed.

I just can't emphasize how much the editor give you all the tools to create your own game.

Rome, Crusades, Napoleon, US Civil War, WW1, Pacific Theater, Cold War. You name it and you can create it.

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One thing I am wondering, can you have a nation with no capital, or even no cities or land? I've been thinking about a Battle of Midway scenario. The only land would be Midway and possibly Hawaii, so there’s no possibility of placing a Japanese capital without altering the historical quality of the scenario.

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I think from the look of the screenshots such 'battle scenarios' are possibly. And I believe Blashy answered this, or was it in the FAQ? In either case, you can set different objectives with the editor, capture capital, destroye enemy units, and so on. I am not 100% sure, but I believe this is possbile, if so, you can create your Pacific Scenarios.

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