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You can take England BUT...

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Hellraiser, I am lazy and right now I would like to discuss the principles of the game before modding myself

You can attack right now 6 times in a round one defender in the defense line. I think its nearly impossible to hold a defense line aginst these odds (off course rivers, fortifications will help a lot) Still with it seems the attack value rises with tech and defense not? We have already the bigger map, fewer units etc. I think H2H a defense against a superior force will be nearly suicide.

Regarding the range of transports Blashy says the RN can do a lot. We will see in the games but I fear that they will be to strong or lets say TO flexible in its use.

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Still with it seems the attack value rises with tech and defense not?
No, they both are, generally. Infantry Weapons affects both soft attack and soft defense, etc.

Regarding defensive lines, yes you can mass quite a lot of attacks against a single tile. But if you're doing that you're NOT attacking someplace else. I've noticed in the full game that campaigns play out pretty well - France 40, Russia 41-44, Italy 43-44, etc.

Attackers do have a slight advantage, but this is often elusive. Weather effects bog down offensives. Casualties mount for both sides and you need operational pauses - both to upgrade units and add elite reinforcements, which require you to not be adjacent to the enemy. And there's a rebuild unit discount which usually favors the defender, so it's also a matter of how long an attacker can sustain an offensive.

So look beyond the individual battle calculus, and consider the big picture. ;)

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Attackers should have a certain advantage. They are the ones who have the initiative, they pick the spot to hit and ofc they amass enough (or think they do) forces to break that spot. In ww2 it was common to get a 3-1 superiority in places selected for attacks.

Weather - I like this aspect. It adds value to the game, by all means.

Probably ppl will need to start thinking of more mobile defence than in SC1. As I noticed from the demo, trench warfare is more or less gone.

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@Hellraiser: different point of view. I think the defender should have the advantage. 3:1 was seldom sufficient.(As I recall soviet doctrine called for an 8:1 advantage often used 12:1 advantage to crack a german position)

Right now these are some kind of sandbox discussions for me . The real game will be H2H.

I only fear that any defense line will be simply overrun or cracked open on the first try.

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The real game will be H2H.
H2H is great fun, Sombra, I agree.

Yet, I'd bet

~ 90% of the games played will be SOLO.

With that in mind,

I tell you this:

EVERY single player out there,

And I do mean - NO exceptions, none,

WILL be able

[... quite effortlessly,

And/or with some certain assistance

From those who enjoy modding

And are accomplished]

To have EXACTLY the game they'd prefer. :cool:

The Editor will enable you to have

The more daunting encounter, IE,

I think the defender should have the advantage. 3:1 was seldom sufficient.
The defender should indeed have

Natural advantages,

As for one instance,

In A3R,

Where the defender is doubled in clear terrain,

Or tripled in what is rougher.

And so,

Should you prefer this,

You simply use the Editor

And change some of the attack & defense

Values and viola!

You now have WHATEVER you most prefer. :cool:

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