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Should SC2 be played by kids under 18????

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It's terrible enough to have a country torn apart by a civil war, but the real agony often starts when the peace keepers arrive to keep things orderly. So yours is advice worth paying attention to. ;)


At Leyte Gulf Japanese Admiral Curita, veiewing that thing from the bridge of BB Yamato, would have miss-identified SS Adolfi as a fleet carrier with squadrons of aircraft taking off, and immediately turned for Japan.

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adolfi, it isn't that what you're saying is so far from some of my own opinions, and those of many others, it's just that you're saying it in the wrong place.

Come fish the waters of SCBuntaland, where trawlers of all sizes can safely put into port. ;)

Just click on the link in either my signature, or Kuniworth's.

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I have had the chance to actually play Kuniworth, he's a good Player. He actually gave me a match in SC1, which was unusual. There were about 5or6 guys who could do this in the old version. I have to admit despite the fact he's a bit of a Spazz he's unique.

I notice on-line on various bulletin boards a very scorning, self righteous attitude about many people. They act as if they were an elite member of a special board room that noone is allowed in without the right of Passage. Like a bloody Fraternity and everyone has holier than now about what is said.

I recall writing on a poker forum recently on some poker advice, not giving the best advice probably, probably substandard but the attitude of the people on that forum was dreadful. I came into the forum blazing and acting a little knowitall but I attempted to be modest and only was scorned but what appeared to be young College Brats. Because they've won a few grand Playing Poker they think they're some how the next Chris MoneyMaker. What a Joke! 1 in a Million guys playing poker is that! It made me feel like there was a bad juju all around it. A Dark Presence, when you're amongst young and dumb fools who're not worth your time or effort to learn from or educate either way.

Now here on Battlefront, you've got a lot a different minds, you've a conscience in men like Jersey John, you've got Extremely knowledgable layman of the WW2 era perhaps but they possess some neat stuff, real openminded real personable, real lighter souls, it's amazing to feel the warmth and direction here. More Mature, more nurturing and accepting despite some of the worst philosphy, attitude and even down right Evil Creatures that may be here also, but we accept it and that is something. I think we may reincarnated German Generals from former lives along with Soviet Execution Squad Officers hanging in the same Board. Wouldn't be shocked if Terif wasn't Guderian! or Manstein reincarnated ROFL... Then of course you've got American Superman, Audi Murphy in people like Rambo. Kuniworth was definitely that dude from "enemy at the gates," The Commisar.. ROFL tongue.gif

"some men are rich with love"

P.S. I was probably that poor SOB on the JU Stuka Raids over the English Channel, I'm tragically unlucky

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Appreciated, and likewise, you make a huge difference in this site. :cool: smile.gif

Tragically unlucky, yes, know the feeling. I was in the USAF at the height of the Vietnam and became a battle casualty in northern Maine when a sleepy kid ran me over with a tractor (we used to call them tugs). Fortunately I fell between the huge tires or I'd be writing this from the Great Beyond. A lot of soldiers, airmen and sailors get killed in ways that have nothing to do with the actual fighting. In many wars, like the Crimean and American Civil War, disease accounted for many times more deaths than battle. That always seemed unfair to me, you put on a uniform and, if you're going to buy it or be injured during the war, it ought to at least be in battle.


It's hard pinning the guy down to one identity, always was! :D

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Yes, that could of been the picture of the White House Lawn. Think of the Statue of Liberty being replaced by the Statue of Goebbels. Minister of the New Territories of the Americas? The Re-Education Camps in America, as we re-educated Germans they could of re-educated us to in a more radical and violent method. Our Minorities purged, Mexico next. Parts of Central and South America.

repopulated and made into slave labour for the AmeriReich?

LOL Frighteningly possible

It is possible to believe white American's could have partaken in such a past time. It's in their blood...

There are also many rebellious elements here and in Europe. God knows what this would have meant?

What if the Germans had won, but we had not invested in Great Britian, but rather in a massive Nuclear Program. The Germans were a decade behind!

Super StratoFortresses, flying 5 or 6 Xs the range of any WW2 Bomber in 1944? Not a couple of Nuclear Weapons, but 50-100 in 1944? What would have happened to what we considered a hostile European Continent completely enthralled by Germany? Every Major Industrial Center Leveled? New and Improved Targeting equipment with radar flying too high for Fighters to intercept.

On top of this, envious Japan and the United States cooperating together, both fearing the Power of the SuperContinent dominated by Goosesteppers? New Technologies in U-Boat Warfare shared and with cooperation preventing any ability for the Germans to ever have a Naval Fleet...

The Germans may have conquored Europe though it is possible in 5 or so years had they not come up with radical weapons to counter the new threat for the West they could have lost it all! The World could've literally had a WW3 Scenario of Sorts smaller scale in 1945?

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Somehow i doubt those bombers would have come through with the UK occupied.

Add some nice ME 262's to that, combined with some radar installations and voila smile.gif

The game looks pretty nice btw.

The story however is a bit far fetched ;)


Fall of Liberty changes reality by twisting one historical fact: In 1931, Winston Churchill was hit by a taxi on 5th Avenue in New York. In reality, he survived the accident but walked with a cane for the rest of his life. But what might have followed if Winston Churchill had been killed in the accident? Without his voice to lead a country to war, the events of WWII change dramatically; the Normandy invasion never happens and the UK and all of Europe come under Nazi rule by 1945.

Building on the successful conquest of Europe, Nazi intelligence develops superior weapons and vehicles so that on December 7, 1951 they are able to launch an all out surprise attack on America – beginning with a mass invasion of New York.

Unprepared, the invasion stuns America and plunges much of the country into fearsome Nazi occupation. In Washington, the Swastika flies from The White House, and in a show of force to end rebellion, a nuclear attack on Manhattan is being planned. The odds are overwhelming, the reality of the situation shocking, but for players, it’s time to join the resistance and fight a guerrilla war in the newly occupied territories.

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It is possible to believe white American's could have partaken in such a past time. It's in their blood...

Well Liam,

I'd have to say it's notso much

"In the blood"

(... though I think I understand what

you are intending)

As it is,

In the brain.

That ancient... Lizard Brain.

The kind you find in this old creature

Common hereabouts

Where I live.


Covered over with sheerest veneer

Of ol' Huck Finn's

Adolescently despised - "Civilization."

And, IMHO,

It ain't limited by skin colour,

As Conquistadores and Idi Amin

And Genghis and recent blood feud

Between India & Pakistan

Among VERY many other "races"

Has amply vampirely proved,

Over and over and over,

All throughout the Ages.

Whole clans have gone "mad."

Are now.

Will again.

Though, I am optimistic.

One day... a kind of "collective

epiphany" shall occur.

A "common and unspoken" agreement


All the scratch and snatch & grab,

That "base" sneer and ice

Cold command.

Proof of that?

Have none,

Empirically speaking.


I'll say... it NEEDS to happen, and

Fair soon.

Perhaps that is the ONLY impetus

Necessary? smile.gif

[ March 15, 2007, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

The Lizard Man is the dead one, Jim Morrison.

That's Lizard King, jjr,

Not Lizard Man

Nor Lizard Dude,

Or Lizard Wizard

Has got sulphrous talons

'Stead of only bony fingers, neither

Either, eh?

My kind of abnormal Cat, @-Man :cool:


I had the - ummm, pleasure of knowin' 'im

(... sort of, say, in the way

you ken actually

KNOW a Bengal Tiger, for instance)

When he lived in my neighborhood

Here in Desert City,

And also out at Big LA's

Whiskey A Go Go

That one time, LOL, he was not

So far ripped out and gone, baby, gone!

You could NEARLY understand

'Is X-tremely lively jive kinda

Mad-hatter patter.

Yep, jjr, MORE flat-out charisma flyin'

Every witch-a-way offa

That ACTUAL Bad Cat than ANY

Person I've ever known, uh huh,

(... tho, Bobby Kennedy had that same

outrageous stuff, only different,

whiter, so to speak)

It was akin to... standin' alone

In midst of mighty ferocious thunder

And lightning storm!

BTW... once did a 40 page research paper

For an Abnormal Psych class

On - WHY In tarnation!

Are the really great "Show-Folks?"

[... as you coulda been, IF only... ]

Almost always... umm,what is ordinarily

Considered by the crowd, as - freaks,


No good-niks,

Slap 'em 'n smack 'em sorts of

Anti-social disordered dudes?


Crazy *ss flakes, man, and too,

Drivers of rods or

Moto bikes - ain't got no brakes! :eek:


This here "thesis" included

A couple other back alley Cats

That you would know:

Jimmy Swaggert,

And Ted Turner.

[... I only considered characters from

roughly, oh, 1963 to 1983]

I would send you a copy of the treatise,


You had PROMISED me

One a' them there Camp Rambo


Only I never did get it.

Maybe IF I should join?

One a' them there tree-house clubs?

THEN I'd finally get mah cut-off T? :confused:

(... gettin' closer to "The End," here,

so not to worry O/T dis-liking Kin ;) )

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