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Great point SeaMonkey and terrific recap, Retributor.

After returning to the French lines they formed squares to protect the rest of the broken divisions who were withdrawing after a day of Napoleon's and Ney's most inept and botched frontal assaults. The British brought up field guns and asked the guards to surrender. "Merde! The Old Guard Dies, but never surrenders." And so they were blasted into oblivion.

Meanwhile, the Young Guard held the French right flank against the Prussians, who were appearing in overwhelming numbers. At the end of the day they fell back in good order with the remaining remnants of the Greand Army.

Napoleon's committing of the Old Guard at the end of the day, with neither flankers nor skirmishers, was the single worst action he ever ordered. He had to be physically prevented from leading them; beyond a doubt he wanted to die in battle and those poor bastards paid the price of his gesture.


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Originally posted by Nerd King:

No, no, no, we can't ignore that nonsense because that means tolerating it. I'm sick of being on the defensive when I come to this forum because some folk can't keep their egos in check.

If the admins are too complacent to do something about it, we should.

At heart, I agree with you. smile.gif

The problem is, in fighting them we help create even more garbage than would otherwise exist.

As one of the other members was saying at one of the other threads, and as I've said very often, there's a big difference in pointing out where the United States has done some really despicable things -- there are so many cases that they can't possibly be ignored or properly defended -- and just brainlessly bashing the United States at every turn, the way some people here do with practically every post they make.

So, they force me to defend the country even thought I've spent the past 35 years getting myself in trouble for speaking out against the things our country does that it shouldn't. But there's a difference. Me, and others with similar views, love the country and have served it and want it to do things more in accordance with it's loftey and noble ideals. The bashers hate the place and probably hate the whole democratic idea as well, and no doubt have no room for things like freedom of religion, or freedom of any sort.

Which is why I try to to get them to tell us exactly what it is that they believe in, so we can compare it to what the United States has been failing at.

As you've no doubt noticed, they're usually very shy on revealing their own values. That tells us something about them, doesn't it?

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Putting the two themes of this thread together,

1)Is this community Dying?

2)America Bashing and/or other Heated Debate.

Any thoughts on if theme 2 has a direct bearing on theme 1? The bantor, that at times can get quite heated and personal, may very well have a big "turn off factor" on some. Why come to a forum just to get pissed off by things that are personally quite offensive to you?

I understand the remarks such as "just ignore", don't be a "wuss" or whatever they may be. But some things can be hard to ignore and some things can be quite hurtful or frustrating on a number of levels.

Maybe the SC2 forum should be about SC2, For Liberty about For Liberty, CM about CM etc. Maybe we should consider using the general forum to fight out the other stuff. Maybe making "Newbies" feel unwanted, stops them from becoming part of the "Old Guard".

Personally I enjoy some of the "off topic" banter, but back to answering the original question. If we adopt the attitude like it, take it, live with it or get out - just maybe more people then we think, choose to get out.

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If we adopt the attitude like it, take it, live with it or get out - just maybe more people then we think, choose to get out.


I don't believe that is the "attitude" at all.

Rarely have I seen it so.

Folks don't gotta read nuthin

They don't cotton to,

Who's makin' em?


Who would be afraid of

A series of etched line symbols,

Who "afraid of"... words? :confused:

The World is FULL of all kinds of things,

Good Bad and Ugly,

As one of my Cinema heros,

Clint Eastwood, would have it,

And if you are afraid to deal with

Some, if not many of them,


Good luck in living out yer life

In a reasonably care-free manner, nope,

It ain't gonna always turn out

EXACTLY as you'd like.

This I know.

Too well, LOL! ;)


WRT to that "@" business, I don't take offense

If you should use it when responding to me,

So no apology necessary.

All I said was that I "prefer" it not be used,

Since it makes it seem as though

You are not conversing WITH someone; rather,

AT them,

As though they are an "object."



No, nix nix.

Merely, I'd hope, a return to courtesy?

And some, me included, could

Use the practice, I'd reckon. smile.gif

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