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Preliminary Contest Setup and Challenge Thread

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This idea came to me after I was offered a free copy of a Battlefront game for inspiring the latest contest. I naturally picked PDE, but I suddenly felt like I had to give back something even more. It rests in my philosophy to support smaller publishers and developers struggling to carve out some market share against the multi-million dollar behemoths like EA. Having also worked in that kind of industry I've seen the "do or die" mentality that comes when a publisher and developer spend millions on a game. It *has* to become a hit, or everyone loses. Companies shut down, jobs are lost and the gap between big developers and small ones widens even more.

With that in mind, this new contest has two main goals. One, to generate traffic to battlefront and two, to generate sales (primarily for the SC2 series but if they buy other games here, that's great too).

Contest:The contest is tentatively titled, "The Ridiculously Easy Strategic Command 2 Contest". Most contests are typically geared towards people who already own the game (scenario or map contests) or towards people with some sort of skill (story writing, art, etc) or anyone with a reasonable IQ level. Not this one! If you have the capacity to type a number into a post, you are in luck my friend. I'll be choosing a number between 1 and 10,000 and whoever gets closest to the number wins the prize (or prizes: see below!).

Prize and Challenge: And what is the prize? I'll be buying the SC2 bundle package and the PDE expansion to give away to a lucky winner. I want to take this one…or two, or three steps further and throw out the "challenge" part of this contest. I challenge anyone out there, particularly the veteran players who have been here a long time, to match my prize. Think of it as a donation to support a company and developer that brought you a game that's given you years of enjoyment.

If you are up for the challenge, post here. You can opt to buy the SC2 bundle w/out PDE, PDE by itself OR both the bundle and PDE. If we have multiple prizes, we'll award them to the people who got closest to the number. I was going to require the prize packages to be bought before the contest starts, to limit "flaking on promises" that often happens with contests like these, but it was decided it could be handled much easier through Battlefronts purchasing system if we held off until the winners are announced (and PDE is closer to release).

The main thing is we're supporting Battlefront and Fury Software. Not only as an extra "Thank You", but to help spread the word on a great game that gets largely ignored by review sites (mostly because they are only interested in game reviews that bring in advertising $$$).

For those who won't, or can't, buy a prize package you can help by spreading the news on this contest to anyone even remotely interested in this kind of game. This is an easy opportunity for them to have a chance at getting a free copy and at a point in the games life where it has come along a LOT in terms of balance, bugs and gameplay if they were initially turned off by it earlier. Of course there are "hexers" out there that won't ever like it, but whatever. smile.gif

THE CONTEST WILL NOT BEGIN YET. Again, this is a preliminary thread to get some feedback on the contest in general, and garner some support in terms of prize packages. Once things are set I will create a new thread announcing the start of the contest, the rules, prizes and when the contest will end. Also…this is an UNOFFICIAL contest. Battlefront and/or Hubert aren't guaranteeing anything, so if you offer up a prize and flake out you'll probably be put on Rambo's Coward List. ;)

Also…if anyone from an online games mag (or if anyone knows them) would be interesting in helping promote this contest once it begins, such as Armchair General, that would be much appreciated as well!

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Nobody interesting in assisting with prizes huh? No problem, one is sufficient. smile.gif

I will likely start the contest towards the end of this month or early May and run it for a couple months or so. Once it begins, anyone is eligible and I will offer up the entire SC2 package as the prize (SC2 + WaW + PDE). If you already have any of those, then give it up to an interested friend or whoever came in 2nd in the contest. smile.gif

Either way, it'll be your easiest chance to get a free copy of an amazing series.

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No problem guys, and understandable considering the state of things these days. The main thing is that when the contest does start all of us can help spread the word to get new people to come to Battlefront and participate. If each person here could draw in two or three people that are interested, I'd consider that a pretty good success. smile.gif

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