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ETA for offical patch?

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Thanks for your input regarding ETA for the coming patch. NOT!

“He (the jew Viktor Kleperer) escaped because of the bombing.”

Aha, then the bombing of Dresden was ok.

By the way, could you pls keep your big-male-mammal-with-horns-poo to yourself. Thx!

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FYI, falling asleep in a gas chamber or dying by bombs (torn limbs, bleeding to death), sure being bombed is better.

Anyways, lets stay away from the Holocaust camps, they were not war, they were savagery and barbarism.

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Blashy well if I was in one of those camps and knew my turn in the chamber was coming I would prefer they bombed the camp, not because it might be an easier death but because I would know a bunch of Germans would be coming with me and that camp could be put out of 'action' for at least while. Yea if I was in one of those camps I would say bring on the bombers.

Very few people after the war were put on trial for war crimes involving carrying out the war, they were tried for the holocaust and similar evils. Personally I don't even like the term war crimes as most of those crimes had very little to do with the war. So to lump people who wrongly or rightly made tough war decisions, WITHOUT the knowledge of the past 50+ years that we have, in the same sentence with such evildoers is just plain wrong.

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Gas chamber inmates FELL ASLEEP, Blashy? Do you have any clue what you're talking about? The victims were systematically jammed into the chamber until they could no longer breath - and then the Zyklon B was dropped. At least with bombs, the victims would have had the consolation of knowing that their murderers were suffering as well.

And, yes, events like the Holocaust are a part of war and of World War II. I know how many of you would like to pretend that the German armed forces were these honorable professionals, and all the bad stuff was done by the nasty SS. Too bad about all the evidence that the German military participated quite willingly in atrocities, and then lied about their involvement after the war.

But if you want to dicuss game design, I find it very interesting that most strategic World War II games are unbalanced in favor of Germany. The patches, and the errata for board games, almost always have to help the Allies.


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Originally posted by Blashy:

FYI, falling asleep in a gas chamber or dying by bombs (torn limbs, bleeding to death), sure being bombed is better.

Oh well I suppose the jews need to thank the Germans for peacefully gasing them to save them from the bombing.

Blashy, that was one of the dumbest things I have ever read. Then you contradict yourself by saying the death camps were savage. Which one was it, a peaceful ticket to heaven or a savage horrible place?

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Your imposition that people who create these games a Nazi sympathist in making the game favored towards Axis is pretty lame and rude.

Germany tends to be favored by default, it is easier to be on the offensive and figure out loopholes to favor the country on the offensive than the one preparing for the offensive.

I don't think and I've never read here ANYONE state German forces were honorable, just as Russian forces were not and "some" Western Allied forces were not, but Germans and Russians were the worst offenders.

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DT well what fun would there be in just repeating history, you need to make it more pro Axies then it really was or lets face it the Germans would not of had a chance. Besides I find historical 'what ifs' a lot of fun.

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IMHO, Germany had more than a chance, it could have easily sued for Peace after taking everything just shy of Moscow.

It could have conquered the North Africa & Middle East as well.

Luckily at the top they had a goofball and those bellow him believed in him, even if they were 100x smarter than him in military manners.

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Blashy, you're a perfect example of what's wrong with wargaming. Gamers read a few memoirs by German generals, see a few documentaries on panzers and Luftwaffe aces, and they believe all the stereotypes. We know the list: The Germans super-soldiers, the SS troops were super-super-soldiers, the Russians were stupid, the Allies only won because of superior numbers, etc. Unfortunately, real iife wasn't that simple.

No, the Germans could not have just said "let's have peace" in 1941. How long would a truce between Hitler and Stalin have lasted? After the London Blitz and Pearl Harbor, do you think the Western Allies were in any mood for making a deal with fascism? After two wars with Germany in 20 years, the world was going to settle accounts with the Reich one way or another.

No, the Germans could not have taken conquered the Middle East whenever they felt like it. Not with an Italian merchant marine that could barely supply the Afrika Korps, or so few trucks that most German infantry had to walk their way across Russia.

Oh, I forgot one more stereotype: "Germany would have won if only Hitler had listened to his generals." If you have an open mind and can read something more than a picture book, try "Inside Hitler's High Commmand." See how the Germans approached such trivial matters as logistics, intelligence and manpower. I'll give you a hint; if Barbarossa was a flawed plan, it wasn't only Hitler's fault.


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This thread has been hopelessly hijacked. If memory serves me correct (LONGtime lurker), it's been requested that these off-topic discussions be moved elsewhere.

Can we please lock this thread since it no longer relates, even remotely, anything to do with the ETA on the first SC2 patch?

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You seem to have a problem in reading the nice hints regarding you in this forum. So let me make it more clearly to you. We are not interested to hear about your holohoax!

Clear enough?

Admin please close this thread and open a new one regarding the more important question about ETA for patch 1.01.

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Did I misread Chris G's comments, or did he just say that the Holocaust is a hoax?

Now some of you will understand why I'm concerned about a tendency among wargamers to romanticize the Axis.

However, most wargamers are not Holocaust deniers. Perhaps someone can inform the moderators that there is a Holocaust denier on the SC2 board? It's up to them what they want o do about it.


Originally posted by Chris G:


You seem to have a problem in reading the nice hints regarding you in this forum. So let me make it more clearly to you. We are not interested to hear about your holohoax!

Clear enough?

Admin please close this thread and open a new one regarding the more important question about ETA for patch 1.01.

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