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ETA for offical patch?

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

I had previously ventured,

After... Canada's Victoria Day,

And before - USA's Memorial Day,

For European customers who are not familiar with these public holidays, please give us the date of these two days.



[ May 20, 2006, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Franky-Boy ]

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The original ETA was possibly by the end of this week, which has passed, so it's more likely to be next week. But when it comes to patches you never know, all sorts of crazy things can pop up at the last minute during testing.

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It is, and has often been said, and

I would tend to agree,

That "Western Europeans"

Are... thinkers.

Early mature, reflective, intellectual,

Even when they have not gone

To University, nope

Any musty old "Gymnasium" will do.

(... Europeans having reached age 12

ARE better educated than Americans

With University degree in hand, LOL,

and too damned bad - we prefer to send

the rich kids to the few decent schools,

the hell with the riff-raff)

And some would say... even,

Ponderous, staid, becoming

Ever more... senile.

Americans, OTOH, are yet... adolescents.

When it comes to ANYTHING,

Whether that be sex (... X-tremely

wary and afraid, in a slap-stick

Kind of way, of meaningful committments, it's

all about hooking-up - fast, and gone again!

faster than that!)

Religion or politics.

Americans just DO THINGS, alas,

And especially of late,

Without BOTHERING to "think about"

Context, Gestalt, ramifications or

Any ultimate degradations, not

To mention, the mass of 7 Deadly Sins

Now! Piled so awful high,

The Rocky Mountains are ant-hills

In comparison.

As Ipso:

The Child will eat every single

Cookie out of the jar,

(... AKA: Pandora's Box)

Crumbs falling all over the place

For Mother to clean up, EVEN!

Thence - she has long since expired.

In that event,

Fetishes, neuroses, assorted

Facial-tics, worthless totems and teddy bears

Will do the trick.

Anyhow, eat eat eat!

While watching utterly useless drivel

On the new Mesmerizer - television,

Hardly concerned that he or she

Will finally become - fat.


Establishing habits of impatience,

Moodiness, inability to sit still

And actually, and really LISTEN

To... anybody else

In the whole wide world!

We take pride in that!

Don't think we don't!

Then, of course, it must result,

Given the dominance of AMA-Pharmaceutical

Corporate soul-less-ness,

Be prescribed, and dutifully swallow

The most harmful sorts of medicines.

Which only makes them sicker,

Less holistic, and MUCH more liable

To be manipulated by preachers, priests,

Lying leaders and false prophets

Of every oddly imaginable ilk.

OK, now that I have probably bored

You and whole Captain Crunch crew, stiff,

If not silly, here!

Is what you prefer to know:

Having lived in GErmany (... near the French

border) for almost 4 years, and,

Having traveled and accreted SOME

Of the ancient culture, myth

Hauntings, and lore and very much more,

I am convinced of one thing at least:

GErmans are irrevocably and intricately

Wedded to... Nature.

They can't help it, it's

Inside-Out trait,

And explains all them internecine

Battles over the Centuries, why,

Your soil must be so saturated with blood

It would seep out?

With every tentative Tourist step?

Alright, enough juke & jive.

You SHOULD see - Miss First Patch,

Sometime after... last quarter Moon,

And BEFORE... new moon.

That do ya?

**First I assumed you were American,

Due to yer nick.

As in... "Ol Blue Eyes" Frank Sinatra.

Or, and more, ah... GErmaine,

To the above palaver,

Also an adolescent American since "the boy"

Is attached to the main

Moniker - Frank, making

It... Franky-boy. ;)

That hep ya enny?

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@Desert Dave

Well, I've got two questions:

1. What is your profession in real life? It seems to me that this might be something about philosophy (like a teacher), some kind of freelance or a physician. Most things you write (those parts I understand as a "not native English speaker") makes a lot of sense and you write this in an extravagant way.

2. Where did you live in Germany (french border)? I live in the Saarland, not far away from Kaiserslautern, Ramstein and Saarbruecken).

Ciao Frank

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1) Advanced degree in Psychology, specializing in ANY kind of... "addictions,"

To include those who simply HAVE TO

Do... one more turn!

Of SC-1, or SC-2, EVEN!

When it is wee hours of the morning,

[... when Frank Sinatra is incomparably singing:

"Set 'em up Joe... one MORE for the Road."]

Like me, though I am rarely able to "counsel" or treat myself.

But all that came later.

Before that I did, among MANY other things:


Worked in lumber camp in Taos.

Then for Uncle Sam, US Army, '66-68.

Worked the docks down New Orleans way.

Tried my damndest to get into Movie Business, Hollywood USA, as actor or screen-writer

Or even, gardener to the Starlets. ;)

Was a merely competent auto-mechanic.

Drove a truck all over "the Land of Enchantment"

Pumped propane and other noxious chemicals

Started writing and sending out poems age 40.

Worked a tungsten-silver mine in Death Valley; we ended up finding Silver, but the Con Men running the show didn't SHARE none of it, which is usual here in America - I get mine! Ta hell with you, Jack! LOLOL!


Etc, IOW, a "common working man" since Age 16 FIRST,

Before enny a' that there fancy-pants, ziemlich hosen so-called "higher" education. ;)

BTW, thanks for the kindly comments; very likely I haven't EARNED many of them.

Others, O Mein Gott, ya!

2) Kaiserlautern and Pirmasens.

Loved! Those rolling, rained-on green hills & dales, and, all them VERY old Castles, as along the Rhine.

I used to go hiking all over, and for the most part, found the GErman Volk to be EVERY BIT AS DECENT and friendly as yer average American.

Later Alligator,

Factotum have I been, am still, at heart,

Which is WHY I support the working dude

All over the World,

Wherever he might be expending sweat

So others might loll around

Doing nothing, except

Consuming! And Consuming!

Utterly useless junk,

As we have it here,

In abundance. :rolleyes:

[ May 20, 2006, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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@Desert Dave

Thanks for the info, you had a very eventful life so far. smile.gif

I suppose that most Americans have much more changes in their life compared to Europeans (Germans). Interesting, but this seems to be based on the different social and political structures.

But know, back to the topic! :D

Ciao Frank

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Thanks for the info, you had a very eventful life so far. smile.gif

You got yer answer after all, ya?

I use this ether space

As my

Big Chief tree-pulp tablet,

Mouse is... #2 pencil.

Almost time to move on along,

Do some other things, likely

Later this summer.

Got a VW Kamper Wagen

And Big Sur,

And Willamette Valley,

And some other places are a'callin

Siren-like hymns to me.

I get to Europe again, as well.

Maybe I see you in some kleine Cafe

In Cologne?

Da-Da Cabaret in Berlin?


(... I want to pause there, pray, light some candles, place flowers and "honor" those who were annihilated... for NO GOOD REASON :( )

AFTER finishing up this

And another "little project"

For Hubert.

He is a VERY honorable man.

I wouldn't do this

For ANY OTHER over-hyped game designer

Out there,

No, nope, nix, no way, for-get it!

LOLOL! smile.gif

[ May 20, 2006, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Nice that you'll place a wreath at Dresden, Dave. Tell us, were you also planning to place a wreath at Auschwitz, Rotterdam, Belgrade, Warsaw, Coventry, Babi Yar, Lidice, Oradour...


Originally posted by Desert Dave:


(... I want to pause there, pray, light some candles, place flowers and "honor" those who were annihilated... for NO GOOD REASON :( )

smile.gif [/QB]

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Some how i don't like the tone in the question

Originally posted by dicedtomato:

Nice that you'll place a wreath at Dresden, Dave. Tell us, were you also planning to place a wreath at Auschwitz, Rotterdam, Belgrade, Warsaw, Coventry, Babi Yar, Lidice, Oradour...


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Desert Dave:


(... I want to pause there, pray, light some candles, place flowers and "honor" those who were annihilated... for NO GOOD REASON :( )


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Didn't mean to upset you, my brother tomato. Haiku Dave seems to feel that the destruction of Dresden was unnecessary, though others believe it was a legitimate military target. In any event, it seems to me that the inhabitants of Warsaw, Rotterdam and Belgrade have even more reason to complain of unnecessary destruction. I'm just curious how he's planning to express his outrage there.


Originally posted by KillerTomato:

Some how i don't like the tone in the question

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dicedtomato:

Nice that you'll place a wreath at Dresden, Dave. Tell us, were you also planning to place a wreath at Auschwitz, Rotterdam, Belgrade, Warsaw, Coventry, Babi Yar, Lidice, Oradour...


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Desert Dave:


(... I want to pause there, pray, light some candles, place flowers and "honor" those who were annihilated... for NO GOOD REASON :( )


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As my mom used to say two wrongs don't make a right. However it is so easy with the passage of time, while being removed from the horrors of war, with new information at your finger tips to judge the people who made on the spot war time decisions and to lump them in with the true evil war criminals.

It is one thing to make a war time decision to bomb Dresden or to use THE bomb to perhaps end the war sooner, thus end the suffering and deaths of not only your side but the other. It is another to personally take part in the torture and deaths millions.

Read the following stories then tell me the people who decided to bomb Dresden and use THE bomb should be lumped into the same sentence as possible war criminals as DD did.




Just a few of the MILLIONS of true life NON war related crimes that the VAST majority of war criminals were tried for. To lump people who wrongly or rightly made decisions on military objectives in the same sentence with those is a crime in itself and lessens the evil involved in the pain, suffering and deaths of the victims.

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Yes Blashy war is an awful thing and should be avoided at all cost. Of course the winners will always promote who the good guys and bad guys were, but keep in mind had the 'other side' won that war we wouldn't be hearing a thing about their war crimes, any talk like that would of just added you to the victims list. However there is a distinct difference between a cold and callous war decision and that of murder and torture by indivuals.

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Luckily in our case (the winners), you can look back and criticize some of their decisions and not disapear.

And Rolend, I agree with you. Some actions I do not consider as part of "war" (holocaust, rape, etc...).

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The issue here is moral relativism, which basically says that everyone in World War II was equally bad. Sorry, Axis lovers, who sometimes make me embarrassed to be a wargamer. No nation in WWII was pure good, but some were worse than others.

I won't even mention the Holocaust. I'll just say that Germany attacked its neighbors without provocation. It attacked neutral powers like the Netherlands and Belgium just because it was convenient. I don't wish harm on civilians, but the Germans reaped what they sowed, and revisionist attempts to minimize that responsbility will always fail.

As for the bombing of Dresden, I suggest you read "I Will Bear Witness", the memoirs of Viktor Klemperer, a Jew who barely managed to survive in Dresden because of his Aryan wife. In February 1945, he was to report for deportation (which meant a death camp). He escaped because of the bombing. Also ask the Auschwitz prisoners who prayed for the Allies to bomb the camps. Better to die from a bomb than a gas chamber.


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