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RAMBO WINS!!! [AAR] Stalin's Organist (Allies) vs Rambo (Axis)

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Guest Mike

Progress is being made in Iraq, but the whole battlefield is turning around as the Finns sneakily capture Archangel!

A quiet turn - presume John is rebuilding a few units, maybe shipping reinforcements to hte Mid-east.....

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Axis invades Portugal - looks like he's about to conquer Spain perhaps?

Nothing happens in Iraq - we're happy that it is now the world's largest POW camp for Italians! smile.gif

Germans move to take Sevastopol - they lose a few points but the garrison can only be reinforced to 5, so it's doomed - Russian fleets try to help but achieve little. Germans circle Leningrad again - Finns come in to help - plenty of losses on hte Axis side, not much for the good guys! smile.gif

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The peace loving Iraqi peoples have been seduced by imperialist fascist propaganda and foolishly blew up their own oil wells last turn.

Brave Soviet liberators will bring peace and prosperity to the area shortly! ;)

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Tide has turned in this puppy. Italians were cornered in Kuwait, but German forces from Israel are on the move! Red Army was forced to operand back to the Motherland after Germany's capture of Moscow! The Reds are taking damage from the very strong LF working from the 2-mines (which are mine). Lennigrad is surrounded & has been pinged for the last 4+ turns, expected to fail soon. The Germans are strong in Russia, he tried a counter attack, but lost Armor, Army, & Corp to a focus small Army with large Air support.

In the West, the RN is garbage, trashed earlier in the game. Thus, Subs raid 40-55 MMPs per turn from Canada. The RAF & USAF bomb my cities, but anti-Air is being installed. Italian Navy broke thru The Rock (Gibralter). UK doesn't have much punch after the initial failed landings in the LC. We've yet to hear from the Americans, but I'm sure it will be air only, since the Atlantic is my personal private pond.

Axis has this game in bag, unless he has nukes.

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It's been a few days 'cos I forgot I'd disconnected my modem & couldn't figure out why I couldn't get to the net!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Anyway - John's mighty airforce wiped out a few units, but they're all coming back without any trouble in a few months, and he's given up Moscow and Rostov....seems his tightly focused army can't be tightly focused everywhere at once! ;)

Italians and Germans advance on Baghdad, but that's OK too, since all those units aren't in Russia! smile.gif

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A German advance from Iraq is difficult to supply. I tried that once and got the HQ stuck in the one tile surrounded by mountains and the marsh. I looks like its only 5 MP from the oil well, but the game doesn't see it that way and put the HQ out of supply. Maybe two HQs in Iraq would give enough mussle to punch through and establish a base in Russia. It will be interesting to see if jj can pull off an Iraq base advance.

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Russians have Moscow & Rostov back. I gave them back, meanwhile, the LF counters against advancing Red Army Tanks...we blast 3 of them over a period of a couple of turns. LF is sharing their Long Range to pick of key units. Few turns later, Red Air Force showed up to support another Communist advance. The LF (along with Italian & Romanian Air) quickly destroyed those Commie units smile.gif

Down in Iraq, the Italians are saved! With the taking of Moscow & Rostov, the Reds bought their desert army home, thus, Gerry could counter from Israel & take Bagdad. We destroyed 3 corps in the process.

Up in Army Group North, Lennigard is finally taken.

RAF hits ports.

German subs destroy 50 MMPs from Canada per turn.

USA has yet to much of anything.

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Nah - hte Desert army was never bought home - it was just left in the desert to see how much you'd put up against it! smile.gif

LW temporarily wipes out the VVS, but they took a lot more hits doing it than they've taken in a long time.

All destroyed units are beign rebuilt, Tank group in Rostov sadly marginally fails to destroy a Corps with 1 hit, more suprises due next turn from the West.....

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October 1943 --- Germans are capturing cities I've never heard of in Russia. Oil well & city grabbed in Southern Russia. Forces are beside Lennigrad, just a matter of weather now. Russia is doomed.

In the West, we begin beefing up some areas. Subs raid Canada runs.

Allies are doomed.

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Yep it's no looking so good for comrade Joseph - can e have a "no Sov union surrender" script??!! ;)

Damned sneaky tech 1 mot 2 tanks snuck through a gap in the Caucasus & started the ball rolling capturing a city & the rebuilds are (cough) a little late arriving :(

A few armies are appearing as Garrisons in Europe replacing Corps against the possibility of invasion.

But what the heck - B36's are on their way shortly!! ;)

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Yeah - couldn't stand agaisnt the LW - not even though the sov's invented the 262 before the LW did - any hex John liked he just hit it with 5 or 6 Lw and a couple of minor air fleets then just moved in a ground unit - ouch!

well done John.

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My ground forces in Russia were rather weak, but concentrated. Stalin had strong tanks, but with the Long Range technology, I was able to pop key Russian units.

Yes, it was a good game. Stalin played agressive & caused me problems. He can have choice of side next game!

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