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SC2 Exp Demo Questions & Issues

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SC2 Exp Demo Questions & Issues


1. Why is purchase & production disabled in the demo?

2. Why don't ships repair(regain strenght) when in ports?

3. No tool tips?

4. A read me on what does/doesn't work in the demo would have been nice!


1. Can't see date on screen when playing at 1280x1024 the text is way way too small.

2. No mouse scrolling in list boxes, come on!

3. Sure would be nice to see the range when I select a airgroup

4. Would be nice to be able to select and cycle through just Naval, Air, Ground units. The Next just cycles though each and every unit type.

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Originally posted by aesopo:

I think under advance options in the menu would answer #3. Do not expect much from a demo as it is a "demo" and be thankful that there is even one. Don't expect full technical support from just a demo.

There is no option for tool tips under advanced duh! The Button tips under setting don't work!

If the developer can't even support a demo, why make one?

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Hi Pad152,

Thank you for your questions and I'll try and answer them by your categorization.


1. This has been disabled since there are unfortunately very creative individuals that often crack demos and turn them into full games. For obvious reasons this is not good for sales and so in the end we have to create a careful balance between giving away a little bit of the game while not giving it away entirely for free. As has been mentioned here already essentially the demo gives you an idea of what the game is about and "most importantly allow you to see how your pc handles the system requirements". Purchase is disabled but anything in the Production Queue should arrive when it is available.

Note, there may be some confusion between the full campaigns like 1939 Fall Weiss and the smaller campaigns such as Wacht Am Rhein. In this case some features may in fact be disabled purposefully as they are not applicable to the campaign. This is done via the Editor and for example Wacht Am Rhein will have the Convoy screen disabled since there are no convoys for that particular campaign.

2. Ships do repair in port if there is sufficient supply and MPP but of course not automatically.

3. There are tool tips and they are set to be on by default for the Demo installation but they only apply to the side bar buttons in the game play area, i.e. they will not appear on the text labelled buttons as it is assumed those are more self explanatory.

Note, even for the sidebar you may need to rest the mouse over the button in question for a second before the tool tip pops up. Alternatively there is an automatic tool tip that appears in the center of the information bar at the top of the screen. This shows what the button does with or without the tool tip option selected.

4. There is a README in the installation folder of the Demo and it should also have appeared when installing the Demo during the installation process. Granted it does not mention that purchases are disabled.


1. Unfortunately there is no easy way around this other than to choose to play with the smaller available resolutions or on a bigger monitor. For example this would be the same issue in Windows if you selected a higher resolution where the chances are the text would appear much smaller as well. Windows does give users the option to increase the text size but even here they warn that by doing so it may not work well with all applications.

2. Correct

3. This option is available under the Advanced options dialog. Here you can select the Intercept Range Highlights or the Escort Range highlights as needed.

4. Good idea and I've made a note

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Some More Questions

1. So there are no tool tips for Area's of Research correct?

2. In the Battle of Bulge mission when playing Axis, I can't figure out how the use the German Fighters that appear as reinforments! I tried to place them on the map, doesn't work or have them target a enemy unit.


Movement range of units is very hard to see when there is snow, white highlight on white hexes!

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Hey pad152,

1. Not at the moment but this was also suggested to me during Beta but unfortunately there is only so much time for all the features I would have liked to include. For reference though I would suggest downloading the Blitzkrieg Demo as it includes the full manual for essentially both games and will cover the research areas in more detail. The WaW demo Manual highlights the major changes and evolution to the new expansion.

2. Placing air units on the map is restricted to the highlighted areas that are close to the cities with Flags on them. It might be difficult to spot because of the white highlight on white hexes so in this case I would suggest selecting the 'National Colors' option in the OPTIONS dialog. This should make things easier to see. Also, you may have been restricted from targeting enemy units due to snow or possibly rain/fog.

Hope this helps,


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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Be careful with that cycling issue HC, I've had numerous SC2 games CtD when using that option.

You know I've had this crash reported to me for some time now but have yet to be able to repeat it with any consistency. Maybe by adding in these extra options it might just do the trick (in narrowing it down) as it is probably happening for some obvious reason I simply cannot find.
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Stop being a perfectionist HC, you've done a brilliant job with this series.

Really... I kind of feel a bit petty just mentioning it. Its simple to avoid, just don't cycle and go to the big map to observe which units are still flashing to see who hasn't moved.

Besides, there's bigger fish to fry in the Pacific. :D

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