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Why The Germans Lose At War (Book) + JJR @Armageddon & JJ Goes, Returns, and Leaves.

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Originally posted by arado234:

Xwormwood how can you compare what hitler did with saddam.Iraq has no hope of attacking the whole world let alone the U.S.A.You know as well as i do that the main reason we are in the middleast is because of oil.Look what happened in sierra leone and the diamond ind.People were gettting killed like crazy and there certianly wasnt any ful scale invasion to try and help them.Like blashy said politicans are greedy and will jump at the chance to justify any attempt to seize oil.As far as saddam using W.M.D's the americans SOLD THEM TO IRAQ(chemical weapons).What the hell did they think he would do with them?I do agree with you though that the world is probably a better place without saddam but thats not our decision to make.If we were really so concerned about human rights and feedom why dont we attack china?They treat sure treat alot of their citizens real nice.Just ask the people of tibet.Or atleast boycot them but wait that would cost us ALOT of money,so you can forget that.We all know its about GREED.Plain and simple.

I wouldn't disagree about the oil and maybe even greed.

But still: Saddam sent Scuds to Israel for no reason but hate against the jews. He used chemical weapons against a population he wanted to get rid of. He started war against his neighbors even though this might lead to a worldwide conflict or crisis (burning oil wells).

He let his army fight till the end (even though they might not have fought as fanatical than Nazigermany).

He granted money to those families who lost a member because this member did a suicide attack against jews.

And you really ask me how it might be possible that i remember Hitler when thinking about this man? :eek: :confused:

Concerning the US:

I have not forgotten that GIs went to Yougoslavia and Somalia, even though there was and is no oil or hope for gains to achieve.

And i remember Saddam greeting the world via tv with an a-bomb fuse in his hand.

[ July 24, 2007, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

No two countries that have McDonalds have ever gone to war with each other smile.gif

Only the USA knows how to properly make CocaCola, the real thing. I've been to Bahamas, Canada, & Korea...and their soda pop tasts like how my butt smells after recycling a can of beans. Seriously, the bottling companies outside the USA are terrible.

Far as the USA's future, I don't see good things. Far as the world's future, I don't see good things. (viewing as a worldly man). Clearly, we are on our way to Revelations chapter 4.

Now you being the only person willing to smell your butt I will not contradict what you say but other then Africa and South American I have travelled throughout the world and cokes taste like cokes everywhere.

I know they withdrew the cocaine but maybe you have an old lot?

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And here was I thinking only dogs had the required flexibility and interest to investigate their own butt's..... :eek:

I've tried US coke...the cola variety.......30 years and 7 years ago - it wasn't any different from my local product on either occasion.

I did like root beer and iced tea tho - we don't get those here.

As for Macdonalds...well it actually CAUSED the war in Iraq ...so there!! tongue.gif

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Le Terrible... best beer bar none and I'm NOT a beer enthusiast but that one is in a class of its own.

As for soda pop, if we have the worst so does USA and Mexico because it pretty much all comes from Mexico and USA, hehe.

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Rambo is correct each country bottles it own Coke. Some kind of Coke rule not sure exactly why. May not be true in some really small countries though.

As to beer I only drink beer in England, Germany and Taiwan. I only like German beer. I can tolerate English beer. Taiwan beer has an interesting flavor.

French beer tastes like Rue smells. American beer is the worst beer in the world. Hell even Vietnamese Beer was better the American beer.

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Originally posted by targul:

Never tried Micro brew. Never will. It is made in America and I do not touch American beer no matter how good they claim that crap is.

This means I only drink a few times a year when I am vacationing.

Well I guess the best beer come from the czech republic and the netherlands. In Berlin Becks(brewed in Bremen) was very common, felt a bit disappointed as they should promote their own Berlin beer more instead.

Becks and Budweiser - same easy to drink crap.

I want a beer that got something going on, not just some crap that screams "hey buy me, Im easy to get drunk on and taste like water".

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by targul:

Never tried Micro brew. Never will. It is made in America and I do not touch American beer no matter how good they claim that crap is.

This means I only drink a few times a year when I am vacationing.

Well I guess the best beer come from the czech republic and the netherlands. In Berlin Becks(brewed in Bremen) was very common, felt a bit disappointed as they should promote their own Berlin beer more instead.

Becks ... easy to drink crap.

I want a beer that got something going on, not just some crap that screams "hey buy me, Im easy to get drunk on and taste like water". </font>

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Okay fair enough. I'd be willing to give up my occassional beer if the country was made dry again. We'd be much better off. Drunk drivers are waxing people daily on the road. Moderation or not, Devil Juice is not good for society. Devil Juice destroys families, jobs, hopes, & dreams...all for what? Liquor is of the Devil.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Okay fair enough. I'd be willing to give up my occassional beer if the country was made dry again. We'd be much better off. Drunk drivers are waxing people daily on the road. Moderation or not, Devil Juice is not good for society. Devil Juice destroys families, jobs, hopes, & dreams...all for what? Liquor is of the Devil.

Yes, majority of inmates are often the result of alcohol or drugs. So it's a big problem no doubt.

But what you are saying in this and other threads are that alcohol should be prohibited but everyone should carry a gun?

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Originally posted by xwormwood:

But what about Jesus making wine out of water?

They celebrated until there was NO MORE wine, and then Maria asked Jesus to do something.

That's a fairy tale and the same story was told 3000-4000 years ago AS a fairy tale.

You can do anything in a fairy tale. smile.gif

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Rambo you bring back prohibition and you may as well bring back capone.It doesnt work.How long have drugs been illegal?What 7 or 8 decades and look where trying to stop it has got us,NOWHERE.The money would be better spent elsewhere than putting someone who smokes pot in jail for life.Drugs have been around along time and you cant stop it.I know legalizing drugs will create a whole new set of problems but atleast you would severly cut down on the drug cartel.It could be taxed just like booze and alcohol.Remember no one is forcing anyone to take that first drink or smoke that first joint. Correct me if im wrong but isnt your prison system run for profit?

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The Lord Jesus Christ didn't make alcohol, he made wine. Wine, as in not fermented. The Bible is quite clear about drunkeness as a sin. How much sin (fire) can you play with before being burnt? Bottom line, you reap what you sow.

@arado234 --- Much which you say is true, I agree. But today, we have a REAL problem with drugs. We ain't talking just dope & beer.

1) Depression Drugs. The United States #1 made drug is depression. Are you kidding me? A prescription to make you happy? Insanity. You leave God, you get the depression because you have no hope.

2) Herion, Meth, Crack, & other crap cooked in a pot. What a mess.

3) Date rape drugs, Estascy, Coke, and other rich kids drugs.

4) Potheads, Drunks, etc.

Bottom line, the USA spends so much cash on Booze, it's a sin. You people give me this moderation crap. We'll as an individual you might be moderate, but as a Nation, we ain't.

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Far as the "if you bring back prohibition", "blue laws", etc...you will bring back the mob. Okay, fine bring back the mob. I'd rather run that Devil Juice to the other side of town. Make drunkards be embarrassed to shop for their poison. Make people buy from criminals.

I'm all for a "War on Drugs". Lets attack Columbia for starters.

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War on Drugs, War on Terror why do we call these wars. No way can they be called wars as such. Only congress has the authority to declare war in America and there has been no declaration of war on either.

I agree drugs should be legalized. The time since we have decided that only the government can decide what drug is good and what drug is bad has only created more problems.

I came home from Nam with Malaria. No cure in the US. I went to China where they do have a cure. Take a pill for 30 days no Malaria. I used to spend many days in the hospital every few months since I took the cure no more malaria attacks. A doctor at the hospital told me about the cure but said the FDA had not approved it so he could not give it to me. Cure is still not approved and I have been cured for 15 years now.

Does pot prevent pain for some? Doctors and patients say yes. Federal government says no it is not an approved drug. The politians are typically not physican so why they should be ruling on medical supplies is beyond me.

Legalize and tax the drugs. It will be safer for the users and safer for our society since they will no long be committing crimes to get them.

As to booze that should be legal also. Many counties despense booze out of vending machines. I have seen them in Europe. Our society has created more of a problem by attempting to control liquor then they have solved.

I am a person who really believes in personal freedom. If drinking, using drugs, not wearing a seat belt, or a helmet when you ride a bike does no harm to others do not make it illegal. Individuals should have the right to do stupid things. We have governed everything so that the person has very little freedom in order to protect ourselves from ourselves. Dumb!!

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I agree with you Targul but somethings DO affect others.

Like hard drugs that can turn a person into an addict after a few uses. This will affect society as that addict will end up not being able to perform his work and will end up stealing (they could even kill) to get his next fix.

Some drugs you just can't make legal for that reason.

You have to take into context if making this legal will have possible future effects that could be dangerous to society.

Bike helmets are another example, in a universal health care system like Canada the taxpayers end up paying for those that do not wear a helmet. What we should do is have guidelines and if you did not follow it ALL costs go to you. No helmet, no seatbelt and you get an injury for that you pay the bill.

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