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When is good to start spending on technology.As the germans i do it as fast as i can and hope to get some good tech hits before russia.As far as the allies go is it better to build units and at least have them in the game and add tech to them or just tech out early and hope for early inceases?

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For Russia, the answer is simple. Since the units received by the Siberian transfer appear for free at maximum tech level available, research should be done first. Also, since Russia's expenses in research is limited to 750 mpps, just like Germany, you should have 750 mpps invested at all time, the same with Germany! There is a tech race between those two countries and winning it gives you a very decisive advantage. Most of the time I'm playing the Allies, I'm able to buy all the Russian corps, Konev (rating 7; I don't buy Zukov as I know he is more expensive and he will come with a medal for free as a Siberian)and always keep 750 mpps invested in research whatever its outcome, all this before the start of Barbarossa.

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I think that one of the only things that everyone agrees on is that you should ALWAYS have your research maxed out for Russia and Germany.

I always go for Infantry first, together with one in Production Tech. If I get a breakthrough in Infantry or Production, I buy it again until they are at level 3 and 2.

Next on my list is Mobilisation for Germany (not for Russia). Then Advanced tanks to level 4 together with Anti Tank to level 3.

After that, with Germany I go for Advanced Aircrafts and Long Range aircrafts. For Russia I try to get tanks to 5, but I'm not sure that the slim chance of getting it, is worth it.

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With Russia I put EVERYTHING at first into Infantry, Tanks, and Industrial Tech, priority on IT. I can usually get it up to 4 before Germany invades. Russia starts producing so much that I can invest in paratroopers, and Rambo can tell you how much those hurt. :D

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I put the USA on full research too and don't even start to build until I have maxed it out. IT is again a priority then usually I get the infantry upgrades before swapping to air tech.

The UK I usually don't have much tech in there until Iraq/Norway fall and France is out. Then there is a bit of a lull in UK troop needs until the US gets involved so I start air techs for the UK.

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My research strategy for Germany during 1939 depends on whether I plan to Sea Lion England.

Before I start a game I decide whether I will try to Sea Lion England or not. If I decide to Sea Lion England, it will take first priority on all resources. I will sacrifice anything and everything to make sure I can Sea Lion as soon as possible. ...could be as early as spring '40.

Sea Lion has to take place before the British builds up enough ground and air forcess to defend England. I will sacrifice research to make sure I produce the troops I need and to make sure I have the money it takes to pay for transports and amphs.

If I go for the Sea Lion option, my research will emphasize air superiority. Air superiority is important not only to support the landing, but to blind the Allied player by removing his airforce.

I will also give top priority to reinforcing airfleets, and to producing additional air units... which are very expensive. So I don't have enough MPP's left for doing all the research I would like to do.

Sea Lion is my favorite. If I chose not to Sea Lion, my second choice is to put Barbarosa on steroids. Again, if this is my call for the game, I must give top priority to those things I will need to take Moscow and Stalingrad ASAP. Forget about subs, forget about advanced planes. What do you need to knock out Russia? That is your priority.

But again, I decide which way I will go (Sea Lion or Barbarossa on steroids) before I start the game, and develop my research and production strategies accordingly. Either way, the German strategy is to focus on a single enemy and crush him, then focus on the next and crush him. Forget about half measures. Go for broke.

...by the way, this idea I borrowed from E. v. Manstein's memoirs. He pointedly critisized OKH for failing to do just this.

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