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Historical accuracy about Italy

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I played the demo a lot and I appreciated it very much. I applaud your historical accuracy too. As Italian, I need to submit you some improvements about Italian troop names.

GENERALS: Balbo was not a real military commander, but a politician, minister for the air force and governator of Lybia. Guzzoni was not a very important general. I strongly suggest to use: Messe (commander of Armir in Russia and of italian-germainian troups in Tunisia), Gariboldi and Graziani (Maresciallo d'Italia, the most popular italian general).

SUB: "Bianchi", "Cappellini", "Barbarigo", "Giuliani", "Torelli": these some of the most proud and important italian subs that did operate in Mediterranean and Atlantic area.

ARMY: for the new armies, I suggest "Julia" (the alpine division in Russia), "Cuneense" and "Trieste".

CORPS: I like your choice of "Alpini", then I suggest "Bersaglieri" and "Giovani Fascisti".

PARATROOPER: I strongly suggest "Folgore", the best italian army, very well trained but never used for landing. "Folgore" fighted with great honour at El-Alamein.

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I would not worry about this really.

There will be A LOT of disagreement on historical accuracies in terms of names, how many armies, tanks, paratroops, this or that, etc...

The editor will create tons of variations (you can add in all those names you stated with the editor).

It will be very difficult to find one "mod" that becomes the standard for competitive play. In time it will most likely happen as the game gets balanced out.

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As I recall, when Balbao was shot down, accidentally by his own men as he was flying a plane back to base, it was a great loss for the Italian war effort. Why? He was one of the few gneral with the guts to stand up to El Duce, and was pushing for more planes, better planes, better training and better logistical support.

My guess is that if he was not shot down the Italian forces would given a better showing in WWII.

That said, in Sc2 you can customize everything.

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Maybe you are right, Edwin. Italian air force had a lot of very interesting and innovative projects (as the jet fighter Caproni CC-2: 1940!) and prototypes but it had lack of number force and cohordination (above all with the Navy). Balbo (not a general, but a man of the Fascist party and governor of Lybia) tried to have a power air force, but generals didn't help him in his efforts about. Generally, Italians had some good plane and excellent pilots (Galland said he was one of the gretest pilot in the war), but few planes and insufficiently armed a/c.

to HUBERT CATER: sorry: I forgot one of the most smart italian general in WWII: Cavallero. So, I suggest the names of : Cavallero, Messe and Graziani :)

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Historical Background:

Web Page on Balbo

On 10th June 1940 we entered the war with the British Empire and France. The military situation wasn't favourable at all; Balbo had tried till the end to dissuade the Duce from declaring war. In the afternoon of 28th June we were on the hills around Tobruk - we had been at war for only eighteen days - suddenly a plane came from West and started to fly over the city and the bay. In the harbour there was the San Giorgio cruiser that immediately opened a deadly anti-aircraft fire. After a few seconds the plane, riddled with shots, went down behind our positions. All together, we clapped our hands for a while, we had seen the first war action in our life. We later learned that it was an Italian aircraft not recognised by the Italian artillery and that on board it there was the commander of the African Army and Air Marshal Italo Balbo. The troops talked for long about this accident: Balbo was very popular, his aversion to the war against the English and his devotion to the Princess of Piedmont Maria José, fierce opponent of Mussolini's policy were well known. -(Testimony of Tenente Salvo Messina, artilleryman of the Cirene Division)

Question - How would you rate Cavallero as compared to Messe and Graziani?

[ April 06, 2006, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Originally posted by Fineturno:

, I suggest "Julia" (the alpine division in Russia), "Cuneense" and "Trieste".

CORPS: I like your choice of "Alpini", then I suggest "Bersaglieri" and "Giovani Fascisti".


I agree.

Those Alpine troops were something to be recond with.

Have you read "Few Returned" and the novel "The Red Horse" by E Corti?

If not go and buy it now! Especially if your Italian.

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