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Weapons and Warfare Player vs. Player AAR

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Howdy Folks,

Blashy and I are going to duke it out using the latest Beta build, and we will be posting the game on this thread as we go.

He will be playing the Axis scum, and I will be leading the Allies to victory. 1939 Fall Weiss, standard rules (weather, FOW, no soft builds, etc).

Stay Tuned.

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Axis Turn 1:

Two Polish unit are destroyed, I have 2 units next to Warsaw and should weather be nice I should take it next turn.

Warsaw unit down to 4.

6 units are cut off, STR 10x3, 6, 2, 2.

Hitler is sacked for trying to dictate military orders and racism towards anything not white.

The war shall go on to liberate Eastern Europe from Soviet occupation (Baltic States, Ukraine, etc...).

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Allied Turn 1:

One cut off army manages to inflict damage on the Panzers. Go Poles! Warsaw will fall next turn if rain does not come and ground the Luftwaffe. And then it'll probably fall anyways.

The British Navy sets out to secure the sea lanes.

The new sub abilities make the possibility of England being cut off and starved very real, so I will be taking steps (and thus spending MPPs) to prevent this.

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Turn 3 was good for me. Got a diplo hit on Iraq and four tech hits.


We now enter the quiet phase until Blashy decides to start trouble again. His army moving over to France will be easier than in the first game, since the roads now leading from Poland to western Germany negate the effects of the mud as long as he travels along them.

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Axis Turn 4:

My forces were very lightly damaged in Poland so having them back at full readiness is easy and they swiftly use the roads to start their march west since the French and English don't get that we only have the intent to bring peace to Europe by working to free all countries... Poland is just a temporary necessity, we'll give them their freedom back :D .

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April 1940:

The French get a bit of luck: The Axis are hit with mud AND rain during their turn. France is given one turn's respite.

Intel informs British High Command of some Axis naval positions.

This is a great little feature where intel can randomly give away hidden enemy positions.

The Germans begin the naval front with a raid on Egyptian supply lines.

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Good question. I imagine it'll do the same as it did before, reduce the cost of op-moving units around. Would be interesting if you had to ugprade it to get more movement points on the roads...but then again, with motorization and clear weather we'd start seeing units flying halfway across a map in a single turn!

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Spring 1940 Denmark is attacked and Surrenders.

Belgium is attacked, unit on Capital destroyed, port taken but not the Capital. Units were used to push in France instead of taking the capital.

2 French armies a destroyed, maginot line is cut off from operating to Paris.


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I'd like to emphasize the new impact that rails now have on strategy. Take, for the example, the fact that in SC 2 you would have to completely cut off the Maginot line, as in the yellow circle, to stop them from operating back to Paris. ANY tile would suffice for moving multiple armies.

NOW, with operating only happening across rails, the German player merely has to occupy the red circled tile and the Maginot line is effectively cut off.


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Spring 1940:

France gets a lucky diplo hit in Iraq before they fall and the Iraq convoy starts.

Now it is time to start working on the Saudi Arabian convoy.

The Maginot Line falls back and attacks the German paratroopers, inflicting 40% damage.

Paris is exposed.

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So guys, it seems we have units that can conduct 2 attacks per turn. Artillery, Tanks, and ???? was that TAC also?

I'm wondering is that in lieu of additional movement or in conjunction or not at all?

Upholding the ND, could possibly you elaborate on the dynamics of attack and movement for various unit types?

I would be particularly interested in the features revolving around "Special Forces".

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Quiet after the Fall of France, the Nazis are behaving themselves.

The British continue to research the development of the Killer Joke.

A destroyer flotilla and the Invincible clash with U-boats on the egypt convoy lines, both survive badly injured.

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