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Wondered if this could be fixed for next if there is a WaW future patch

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As i have already stated in another thread im new to these games and after purchasing the Bundle pack the other day im so glad i chose Strategic Command! I absolutly love this game and the expansion pack WaW.

I have a query to do with WaW. Please excuse me if i sound like a complete amature at this and get the sayings wrong. Im learning.

When i select the Allied Paratroopers ( the 3d ones with the parachoutes) and move them to an overseas location the Plane animations moves over to the chosen destination, if there happens to be a base or something on that square there is then an Alert message saying that they may have experienced problems or taken casulties from the landing. Now this is what i think maybe a very slight bug? If you then click on this message to rid of it and try to select another unit to make a move it seems the game doesnt recognise that you have deselcted the Paratroopers and selected this other unit. I say this because when i try to move the newly slected unit the move information and move line shows up then dissapears and all other avlaible units that can be moved are flashing indicationg to me that it thinks you have not selected a unit. This only happens after you have moved an Paratrooper unit and you then have the message alert and then imediatly select another unit by clicking on it. Its ok if you deselect with aa right click then select another unit.

I know this may sound pedantic but thought i would mention it just incase its and easy fix if there is to be a patch in the future.

Loving the game! But still learning.

Thanks for looking,


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Thanks for the reply! Yeah thats great i understand about the message its when you try to select another unit after you have that message and then try and move the new unit it doesnt show you where it can move to.

Sorry but im not the best at explaiing these things!

Ill deffo be taking your advice about transporting and training - thanks.

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There is another small feature of SC2 + WAw which could be changed perhaps? Every HQ is set to "automatic" why not scrap this option and set it to "automatic assistance"... First of all its annyoing to always chose this option by hand . I dont see any benefit for the automatic option only anyway. Annyoing because you usally want to be able to assign units to an HQ anyway. Its a small thing but a little bit annoying

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Thanks Hubert for taking the time,

Ok not to worry, i think my description might be abit offleading. Im not implying the Alert Message is a bug at all.

Its best to be shown on the D-day campaign. If you move your Paratroopers over the shores and onto a base or Fortification as soon as you have moved them click on another unit ready to move for your next go say the tank icon. When the Alert messages pop up like taking casulties then about the fortification come up and you click to close them down it has now selected the Tank icon but whne you try to see where it can move to the line and marker showing your the points it costs to move there flahses on and off and dissapears.

Sorry for the lowsey description. Dont know if there is another way i can demontrate this rather than words?

Thanks for looking.

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Thats fine i didnt think i would be able to explain that at all.

I also noticed that if you move the mouse pointer over the 'Next Unit' icon on the right hand pannel it sorts this out you dont have to click next Unit but just scroll over it with the mouse. Thanks for taking the time to have a look.


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Does that mean that if there is a future patch it will be included? That would be exellent! Talk about customer service!

I also noticed something else which isnt a bug at all but maybe it might be easy to add.

When you move your mouse pointer over a square it tells your info in the top panel. There are 3 parts to the info, left, middle and right. In one of them it tells you the weather status. I have noticed that if you dont have the national colours option turned on on some maps its hard to see exactly which square has snow falling. You then move the pointer over and it tells you the weather status for a certain square. However if you are over a square with water or mountains it does not tell you the status of the weather. It only does if you are in a clear square.

As i say not a bug just something i noticed.

Thanks for taking the time im absolutly loving this game!


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Two things, one very minor, the other perhaps less so.

The captal of Bulgaria is Sofia, with an 'f' rather than a 'ph'.

Also, it seems that at the time there was a railway link from the Norwegian port of Narvik to the Swedish iron ore mines, but no road (see page 142 of 'White Death, Russia's War on Finland 1939-40' by Robert Edwards, published this year). In the summer the ore went by ship down the Baltic as in the game, but in winter when the Swedish ports were ice-bound it went via the railway to Narvik, from where it was transported on by ship.

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