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Parachutes look like assclouds

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As originally posted by Ike99:

uummmm....ahem. Isn't that what I did?

Yep, you did, my apologies,

And to the others like blackbellamy

Who ALSO offered deft suggestions, ah,

I was mostly hoping

That we might get some more of these,

And less of the harsher stuff,


Not any problem really,


As many have said,

Mods for this depiction and other

Sprites & flags & medals

And the like... will be all over the place!

Like front-yard dandelions

Then a lengthy Spring-time raining.

Ah, here in a little while

It's gonna be... some kind of

Fabulous FUN! ;)

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Lars, being inimitably, Lars:

Well then Dave, perhaps assclouds for the turn they drop.

After that, we just squint to see if the trousers are bloused.


Ah, more time & effort DEVOTED

To "parachute convolutes,"

(... we should ask Macon, he knows,

having butterfly floated so, to earth, or,

send hoo-doo petition to Hendrix?

strumming up a watch-tower storm,

in his grave ;) )

Than to - why?

Over 40% of good, solid, hard

Working, up-standing, sometime

Church attending

Main Street Americans

Who get most of 'em hard news

From soft-hand, psuedo-journalists,

Why I wonder!

Them good Americans ain't got ANY health insurance.


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If you don't have health insurance, go get a job and buy it. Why should people be entitled to something for free? Why can't I get car insurance for free? Why can't I get home owner's insurance for free? Why can't the government to everything for me for free?

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Glad you enjoyed that. ;)

Seriously though Dave, this is a computer game. Why not have the icon change after the drop turn for a bit of eye candy?

If they're in supply that is, otherwise replace with a tombstone. :D

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Why should people be entitled to something for free?
Shoot the Clavichord Player,

I just knew

This would be the jjr response. :rolleyes:


How come there is all that

Corporate Welfare?

You know,

Like subsidies for tobacco growers,

And sugar producers,

And Oil-rig riggers,

And on & on ad nauseum!

Not to mention,

Taking all the monies OFF-SHORE

In them tidy little banks

In Bermuda and where-else

So no taxes gotta be paid,

Would you say, ummm,

That's a kind of... "welfare?"


Exploiting 3rd World Labor, yep,

Tell me ALL about it jjr,

I am willing to listen,

Since I am being good ol' boy

Of late.

(... Immer is near, yet not quite

OUT of that cheerless desert prison, you

know, where they keep folks

indefinitely for no good reason? Not to worry though, oh no, being American through

and through, he knows ALL the secret

passage-ways! ;) )

Anyhow, what you think, tail-gunner,

Of them para dudes?

In general, I mean? smile.gif

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Lars is Lars, good to count on that:

Seriously though Dave, this is a computer game. Why not have the icon change after the drop turn for a bit of eye candy?

FWIW, I had made a similar suggestion

Some while back.

Remember how they did it in Panzer Gen II?

I thought that was true cool,

And have said so. :cool:

I don't know, guess we'll soon see

What comes of these ideas, eh?

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Now yer talkin'

Tail-gunner Joe... ummm, I mean

Tail-gunner Jon.

The way I see it,

EVERY single war-gamer

Is indeed - how you say, nuts.


As I've come to realize, MOST

Just REFUSE to admit it.

It's encouraging that you and I at least

Are happy to do so. ;)

I think a flaming Strategic Bomber going across the map for another two or three hexes before crashing might be very cool. :D
LOL, ahhhh, NOW I see, Lars,

You were being facetious!


I like that idea where the Para Dude

Flies over in the transport,

Floats to the drop-zone,

RE-orgs in lightning-like frenzy and!

Commences withering area fire,

And wipes the stunned, astonished,

Unlovely Foe from face of the earth!

OTOH, my favorite game piece

Of all time,

Bar none,

Is the black 4-6 GErman Armor

Unit to be found in a little plastic

Tray, up in my closet with all

Them other 30 or 40 games

From Yester yore,

Waiting for the glamorous day

It might burst!

A card-board purveyor of mayhem, yea,

Rip! right out of that airless pocket


Wipe that dirty Red A/T gun-crew

From the face of the earth!


Guess the old ladies in the peace auxilliary

Won't be wantin' my 'graph, or endorsement

Any time soon? :cool:

(... though, that screaming, earth scorching Heinkel, not bad, not bad... ;) )

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blackbellamy, not taking an apology for an answer, at least not from me:

speaking in verses

appears witty to oneself

but it is just dumb

blackbellamy, apparently needing help:

I go away for two days and you guys manage to drag yet another topic down the toilet with inane rambling.


posted March 07, 2006 03:54 PM

Just before checking in at Beta Forum, then over here, I was reading The Desert City Sun after my wonderful, satisfying dinner of red chile enchiladas.

dateline: GENEVA

The lethal strain of bird flu poses a greater challenge to the world than any infectious disease, including AIDS, and has cost 300 million farmers more than $10 billion in its spread through poultry around the world, the World Health Organization said Monday.

Scientists also are increasingly worried that the H5N1 strain could mutate into a form easily passed between humans, triggering a global pandemic. It already is unprecedented as an animal illness in its rapid expansion.

Since February, the virus has spread to birds in 17 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.


I just gotta ask myself, I really do.

Which of the above am I going to concern myself with?

A) Any part of the first two quotes.

B) Or, the second news item.

Hmmmmm. :confused:

Tough call.

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Well David it is Obnoxious as hell, but I get the feeling that is your intent.

Pardon me?


Likes the Cards?

I guess I don't know what you mean.

What is obnoxious?

What is my intent?

Crimeney, and folks claim not to understand what I am saying. :rolleyes:

BTW: Avoid using my birth name; you don't know me well enough. Thanks.

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Those 88's are rough, kid.

Where I... been?

Yeah, some,

But nuthin' to speak of.

Where I'm... at?



DD catching some flak?
I was out walking, jjr, on one a' them rutted, tumble-weed clotted back roads, here near Desert City,

Whistling an old time show tune,

What good is sitting...alone in your room

Come, hear the music play

Life is a cabaret, ole chum...come to the cabaret

Put down that knittin'...that book and the broom

It's time for a holiday

Life is a cabaret, ole chum...so come to the cabaret

Come taste the wine...come hear the band

Yes it's time...for celebratin'

Right this way your table´s waitin'

No use permittin'....some prophet of doom

To wipe every smile away

Life is a cabaret , ole chum...come to the cabaret

-- Music by John Kander, Lyrics by Fred Ebb

Thinking of how some certain people,

Like this kinda crazy courageous lady


Blaze across the sky

Like great golden chariots pulled

By - 22 stallions!

Wild manes all a-fire,

Yep, carpe diem,

They'll live - to die in the moment,

Be... born brand new, each

And every day.

Liza paid.

We all do.

Sooner or later.

Then - by chance, and

Sure, it's serendipity all right,

I happened to see one a' them new

F-22's fighters they moved out here

On the desert for test flights,


There was this little kid

In short-pants and wearin'

This t-shirt that exclaimed:

"I might be little, but

I got Big Cat game."

[... PIC of "Lion" above this caption]

LOL! He was

Standin' by side of rutted dusty road

Shootin' at that F-22!

Believe it or not!

With... a squirt gun!

Too bad,

No luck.

I just had to laugh,

Though... utterly admired his pluck. ;)

[ March 10, 2006, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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See, this is why I avoid getting involved in any serious discussion on these forums. I post about my dislike of a particular graphic, there's some back and forth, I post again suggesting an alternative icon, and then Desert Idiot takes over with his crap:

Blaze across the sky

Like great golden chariots pulled

By - 22 stallions!

Wild manes all a-fire,

What the ****? What kind of rude trollishness is this? What does this have to do with anything other than some self-absorbed shut-in who thinks himself witty upon the turn of a badly constructed phrase?

I do a search for Desert Idiot's posts and it's the same old garbage thousandfold. He's polluting this board and hijacking threads. It's all about him and his, screw discussion or rational arguments, look at me look at me look at me.

The guy is mentally ill or a sociopath. No rational human being behaves this way.

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The thing is, blackbellamy. I'm not a big fan of verse or poetry either, mainly because I can't write it myself. But I very much prefer DesertDave's verse to your abusive garbage.

If you'd been here move often last year, the year before and the year before that, you'd have read hundreds of threads by DesertDave and through his former screen identity making great suggestions about the game, many of which are now included.

But you weren't here, unless it was to pop in and out once in a while. You're a Johnny-come-late to this place, and an obnoxious one at that, whose decided to single out a real member for pointless abuse. You're like the sports fan who never shows up during the regular season but suddenly has the best seat for the post season, screaming abuses and waving a banner, to vanish till the next World Series, Stanley Cup or Super Bowl. The devout Christian who only goes to church Christmas but, for that single hour or so, he's a real zealot.

In a month or two you'll vanish from the site again, off killing hamsters, or whatever courageous passtime you like to indulge in, and leaving will be your greatest contribution.

[ March 10, 2006, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by blackbellamy:

See, this is why I avoid getting involved in any serious discussion on these forums. {snip}

Between David and other SC elite and their pathetic attempt to Moderated this forum along with repeated attacks on all new bee’s has only accomplishing one thing.

Your campaign to chased away any new customers is only hurting the developer,not the newbee's,they just shake their head and stop showing any interest.

Good luck guys

PS: I agree blackbellamy ,the ass clouds have got to go

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