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Not always, you could go for a strong navy, need all those MPPs in subs and GLR.

Or 500mpps spent in research, that's 4 chits in IT or 5 chits in PT. Germany at maximum in those two before or soon after Barbarossa, scary.

Kind of boring, yes, some parts of war are always boring, but have to be done.

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@Blashy --- If you want to be taken serious, don't question Yodl. Dude, I told you to fly him over to Canada & have him test. You think this guy is an idiot, Blashy? His record in the original SC-1 is 5,389 wins, 9 losses?

Think before you type about basic statistics. Those cheap Diplo are a great buy for the Buntas.

Terif is not a smacker either, he's an intellectual. His English is better than all the overweight dope smokers posting here from the USA.

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Axis surrenders.

Game is lost. Allies made D-Day in Spain instead of France. Very clever, those mountains are perfect to hold the line.

Spain is powerful now and i launched a soft attack thinking it would be enough to take madrid. How wrong i was. terif was clever sending every UK unit there just at the start of Barbarrosa.

The game was going great for axis but diplo took me down.

Thats the price i took for not lookin at diplo, when i first looked at diplo i saw Spain was 11% (didint care too much) but just after waiting for ages for romania and hungary, i ask terif and he tells me they are not joining because of Spain...cool.

Then i saw i wasnt getting convoys neither form Norway (UK troops held 2 cities and mines...) and Sweden (at 19%!!!).

So i said OK, im strong. War on Sweden, Spain,Vichy,tunissia...and once i get Spain, gibraltar and Iraq. Malta already taken.

Didnt get Spain but because Romania and Hungary didnt join--> u cant buy many troops cos u dont have much MMPs.

So bottom line. Diplo can REALLY make a difference and Spain...well u need to commit many troops and take bilbao (reduce port) ASAP not letting allies to send troops. I thought id better take Spain before tunissia and vichy but then i changed my mind. Now i think it was better to get Spain first with my first italian anp. transports. It took a long time to launch Spain invasion afterwards.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

It only cancels one out. So one of them would still be functional.

I'm pretty sure Condor spread himself too thin trying a bit of the old strategy from SC1.

Spain with HQ and tons of units is pretty much hell. Diplomacy for Spain is usually essential or you just ignore it.

Well i totally ignored diplo in this game. but look at the price i took. GAME LOST.

No MMPs to buy troops.

Investing in diplo in Spain is a must from axis --> u cant allow to LOSE Romania and Hungary.

The freaking frenchies can invest a single diplo chit in Sweden and u with luck u get NO CONVOYS from Sweden.

U cant generally prevent allies to take both Norway cities plus mine and u get no convoys from Norway...

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Invading Norway vs a human is a no go - too many cash spend to get those cities/mine. You're better off landing near Stockholm, get sweden first if you plan for a skando control. This way you could care less about UK spending cash in skando diplo.

On a side not - it seems that surface vessels placed on the convoy lane going from norway to germany, manage to interdict the convoy, or at least it seemed to me this way. Can you guys confirm this?

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Seems the old "spain influence Romania and axis minors" is still here from sc1. THat one was stupid back then and now too.

Lets see historically Hungary had a lot of pro-nazi sympathy already back in the mid-30ths and Romania lost bessarabia and wanted a defence, so whats up with this Spain stuff?

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Originally posted by Codename Condor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blashy:

It only cancels one out. So one of them would still be functional.

I'm pretty sure Condor spread himself too thin trying a bit of the old strategy from SC1.

Spain with HQ and tons of units is pretty much hell. Diplomacy for Spain is usually essential or you just ignore it.

Well i totally ignored diplo in this game. but look at the price i took. GAME LOST.

No MMPs to buy troops.

Investing in diplo in Spain is a must from axis --> u cant allow to LOSE Romania and Hungary.

The freaking frenchies can invest a single diplo chit in Sweden and u with luck u get NO CONVOYS from Sweden.

U cant generally prevent allies to take both Norway cities plus mine and u get no convoys from Norway... </font>

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If I choose the light defence of egypt i.e. freeing up more cash for diplomacy, I first notice if Axis put something in Spain, counter with 3 chits until Italy joins, put 2 in Iraq, put every available french cash in iraq as well. You need Iraq @30% to start convoy to UK (30 cash, that's a lot).

Axis can force France to use cash for defending longer if they hit benelux in turn 3 or so (Condor style).

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