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Play balance: how to determine with solo-play

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Subject pretty much says it all. I'm designing scenarios, but have to rely on solo-play to test them, as I (STILL) don't have home internet. I fear that my knowledge of the scenario will skew my opinion of balance. While playing as either side I can usually force a minor or tactical victory, depending on some weather-related stuff. Does it sound like I'm about right?


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I'll test a scenario for you, Doug. I've got a fair amount of experience with this game. IMO, if I have to fight hard for a Tactical Victory on my first attempt I'd say you have good balance. That's about the difficulty level I like anyway. If you're interested just send me the .cmb file.


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What I try to do is play it from both sides, trying to act "blind", and see if my score comes out to be the same. Usually, I'll give the AI a bonus (same one for both sides) so it isn't a rout (they're hard to compare).

Letting other people playtest is also a great idea.

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