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My Ass Handed To Me By The AI

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One thing I found is that bloody plane that comes in later in the mission chewed up 90% of my half-tracks! eek.gif Even the flak positioned near them wasn't able to take it out.

One thing that did work was getting the 105mm,81mm spotters to hills near the back, and carpeting the wide area near the AT guns to keep their heads down. I even managed to knock one out gun and set several wheat fields on fire, blocking their view. I kept a HT just behind the hill so that when they retaliated with arty I was able to bug out for a bit to another hill.

Gunning the engine and sending my tanks AFAP from woods to woods helped a bit too. smile.gif


I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

-HAL 9000, 2001

[This message has been edited by jabberwock (edited 07-07-2000).]

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Warning: ***Huge Spoilers for the scenario!!! ***



















Man, now I'm depressed. I intially ran into the ambush on the right side and had my entire platoon shot up, but I recovered and waited for my Arty to arrive. I managed to take out 3 AT guns with well placed 81 and 105 shells! At the same time I had managed to work 9 HTs and 2 nearly full platoons up the left side jumping from point to point behind the trees. I was also able to nestle a Pz-IV with them.

The guns were gone, I had troops supported by HTs, 81mm mortars, and a tank approaching the big hill on the left. It was only turn 25, and I was feeling confident.

That was until those damn M10's showed up. I thought, no prob; they're just open topped targets with very slow turrets. I'll just pop up my lone tank on the left out, my 3 on the right side of the map, and my 2 hiding nicely behind the mound in the middle nearest the German side. That kind of massed firepower that's spread out over a large area should give the AI's thin skinned, slow turning turreted AFVs real fits. Hell, it oughta be a slaughter!

I was right, it *WAS* a slaughter, but not the kind I had in mind. In 2 turns, I lost all 6 remaining Pz-IV's and only killed 1 M10. 5 shots from my 75mm guns ricocheted off that so-called "thin" armor. His 76mm shells were not so kind to my tanks. And that damned plane took out my 2 hull down Pz-IVs in the center; both of whom had an M10 in their sights and dialed in!

All that work using careful planning and purposeful movement completely washed away in two measly turns. *sigh* I guess I'll have lots of time to think about it during my stay in the POW camp. frown.gif

- Chris

[This message has been edited by Wolfe (edited 07-07-2000).]

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