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Defending with Jagdpanzers and AT SPG's

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Does anyone have suggestions on how to employ german TD's in a defensive role? I would like to use these more because they are cheap and have a pretty good gun most of the time, but I am always incinerated expecially with the Nashorn's and the Jagdpanzer IV (regular 75). Thanks in advance!


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I think the use of the Jagdpanzer is quite obvious. Sneak around in vegetables, keep nose pointed to enemy.

The Nashorn, however, gives most CMBO players a headache. They are too thin to be useful on a CMBO size battlefield, everything kills them once they are seem.

In reality they were effective in defensive positions because the ranges were premeasured by the defender, either by devices or by test shooting or by walking or whatever, drastically raising chance of first hit. Reality also saw static AFV camouflage that CMBO does not model.

The only use of the Nashorn is to get an insurance against the opponent arriving in lots of thick variant Churchills or Jumbos and you can't effort a Jagdpanther because all your points already went into Flak and SMG units :)

Alternativly, fragile units like Nashorn, Hummel, Marder make excellent training - if you can keep *them* alife, and then switch to Panthers or Hetzers in a game that counts, you might be in a very good shape.

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One thing I try to do is unhide and open up with all my ATGs\SPGs at once. This can really screw with the TacAI, messing up the target priorities, it's always entertaining to see an M4 swivel its turret back and forth deciding where to shoot. This takes a good setup, terrain, and luck though. Its a matter of having your opponents armour come into the LOS of all your guns at once, each gun having a good chance to hit and penetrate. Usually I have to wait for armour to get in pretty close, then open up with everything I've got.

Confuse, blind, destroy. :D:D

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Hi Guys! These are all very good suggestions and they follow basically what I do already, but I haven't really tried keyholing them so that maybe what I have to change. I also like to pull them out of position in reverse and use a covered route behind my lines to disappear, reappear, and attack from a unknown location (part of the reason I die are trick shots by quickly flanking TD's, so this is my minifix). I'll also couple a Platoon of Rifle 44, a HMG, and a Pzshk in hiding to make life difficult for charging infantry and Armored cars. Thanks for the responses!


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