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Can someone e-mail the demo?

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Sitting here at my parents house watching the demo download at under 2K speed, a mere 16 hours to go. Can anyone who has got the file downloaded e-mail me a copy to the address in my profile?

I know my connection to my e-mail server is a lot faster than 1.73 KB/Sec.

And somebody start posting AARs! I've almost got to the point of reading SeniorTits threads again...

Back to drooling over the spoilers.....

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To those who sent me mail, and you know who you are, thank you profusely for your efforts to help me get my undeserving mitts on a copy of this game. I whole-heartedly appreciate your kindness.

Alas, it is just not to be. First, AOL sucks. 126 disconnects later (can't wait until my parents get that itemized phonebill smile.gif ), and the closest I got was 18.1 megs downloaded of the German version before it canned my connection with 2hrs and 52 minutes left. Now it won't even continue that one. AOL sucks.

Thank you all again. Oh, and did I mention that AOL sucks?!?!?


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Better yet, ditch AOL and get a decent (and cheaper) ISP! I feel your pain, I used to be an America Online victim (couldn't resist all those free months). Here's a handy, itemized list of AOL's sins compliments of Frontpage Magazine:

1. AOL prevents its users from using a proper, full-featured, e-mail client like Outlook Express.

2. Its e-mail system won't display graphic attachments in-line.

3. E-mail cannot be sorted by name, date, subject etc. like on other systems.

4. It doesn't use industry-standard e-mail standards MIME & SMTP, resulting in garbled messages sometimes.

5. Most surveys of online connection quality show AOL near the bottom.

6. It kicks you offline if you leave your computer unattended for a few minutes.

7. It is noticeably slower than a plain-vanilla ISP for surfing the web, as everything has to be routed through their network after traversing the Internet.

8. When sending or receiving from non-AOL addresses, its mail delivery is often much slower than a plain-vanilla ISP.

9. It forces you to view annoying pop-up ads.

10.It has terrible customer service that puts you on hold forever.

11.Its software can interfere with other software on your machine.

12.Its main program takes up a huge amount of memory and takes forever to load.

13.It often won’t sign you off immediately when you need to make a phone call, forcing you to wait while it downloads this or that “update” to its system.

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Do you use P2P programme (eg kazaa-lite), perhaps some people could make it available through that. Should be able to achieve your max bandwidth as it will download from various sourses to make up to you bandwidth.

Just a thought.

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