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Fernando rules supreme.

I for one am not a big fan of photo realistic mods, as I think they look out of place in the CM environment. Fernandos mods on the other hand are supremely detailed at all distances while at the same time blending in with the general feel of the surroundings.


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Check out the Mods and Modders site - under 'Mods' AFAIK most of the Panthers have been posted with colour pics of each allowing you to compare and select. It is a down to personal choice to some extent (though I have to say I agree entirely with the author'c comments regarding a certain Panther on the site!!!)

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Makjager's zimmerit hasty camoed Panther A is a good choice, for that model of Panther. Fernando is a great choice for Panther G, and G Late.


PS-all are avalible at CMHQ (Go for CMMOS if you can, I have never been happier with changing mods!)

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