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Website sections dedicated to pre-made maps for QB's?

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Now that we can import pre-made maps into QB's, I would really like to see some maps that are specifically made for QB ME's posted someone. What would be really great, is if the maps could be split up into maps that are best for ME's, assaults, attacks, and probes.

If you were going to start a PBEM game, a map could be downloaded to match the type of game you were playing. May seem insignifigant to those who dont play a lot of PBEM QB's, but it will save a lot of emails on trying to decide which map to use. I would just prefer using a blind map for both of us, but I know that some will not agree with that idea.

Is anyone planing on hosting a section for just QB maps? I know we had blank maps before for scenario design, but it would be nice to have a section of maps designed specifically with QB's in mind.

Chad Harrison

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I have a suggestion. How about the ability to download a "random" map? Server software coughs up a generically-renamed map for download or e-mailing. Maybe from a chosen sub-set of all the maps ("Large", "Small", "Unbalanced"...). Perhaps players could ask for a map as a pair, and both recieve the map directly from the server to prevent the possibility of one person tampering with the map?

In my LAN group we do something similar (but not automated) for QB-style scenarios all the time - it'd be great to be spoon-fed such maps in a "secure" manner.

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I'm all excited about importing maps, especially if someone starts doing accurate city maps to play with.

Berlin/Stalingrad could be carved-up into a dozen or more sector maps of varying sizes to choose from. Our Eastern and Central European brothers could do stand-alone maps of their own home towns. This could be fun.

As an aside, here's something to look forward to. The CMBB Quickbattle map does an incredible job at constructing maps. A great improvement over CMBO.

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