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The Nordic Championships (Part II)

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Here are the median scores achieved for each scenario. The first number is the Allied median, followed by the Axis median. These medians were figured AFTER adjusting raw scores for contested VLs. That's why they always equal 100. Were the scenarios balanced?

Scenario [ Economy_Of_Force ] medians [ 77.5 22.5 ]

Scenario [ Gotta_Get_Up ] medians [ 36.5 63.5 ]

Scenario [ The_Aftermath ] medians [ 41.25 58.75 ]

Scenario [ Enough_Is_Enough ] medians [ 60.5 39.5 ]

Scenario [ A_Meeting_Of_Devils ] medians [ 53.5 46.5 ]

More stuff to come....

Treeburst155 out.

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Below is the input file to Nabla's scoring program. It contains all the raw CM scores. Players should check this over to make sure the input is correct. I have been known to make mistakes. IIRC my last mistake was in 1973; but it is still possible I goofed. The Allied player is always on the left.

# Economy_Of_Force

Juha_A 70 Ari 30

Topi 81 Fate 19

Heibis 83 vskalex 17

Tuomas 74 Jarmo 26

Sesam 91 Dragoon19 9

DrAlimantado 83 Ugbash 17

tero 66 Torbhen 26

Juha_K 77 Kingfish 23

S_Fredrikson 47 Cogust 46

PasiN 53 Pixie 47

Ali 78 J_Porta 22

Mattias 92 Romeoman 8

# Gotta_Get_Up

Topi 37 Juha_A 63

Ari 46 Heibis 54

Fate 60 vskalex 40

Sesam 41 Tuomas 59

Jarmo 10 DrAlimantado 90

Dragoon19 24 Ugbash 76

Juha_K 36 tero 64

Torbhen 34 S_Fredrikson 66

Kingfish 15 Cogust 85

Ali 41 PasiN 59

Pixie 38 Mattias 62

J_Porta 35 Romeoman 65

# The_Aftermath

Juha_A 54 Heibis 46

vskalex 20 Topi 62

Fate 38 Ari 62

Tuomas 59 DrAlimantado 41

Ugbash 35 Sesam 65

Dragoon19 25 Jarmo 44

tero 62 S_Fredrikson 38

Cogust 69 Juha_K 23

Kingfish 58 Torbhen 34

PasiN 39 Mattias 61

Romeoman 37 Ali 63

J_Porta 29 Pixie 45

# Enough_Is_Enough

vskalex 25 Juha_A 75

Heibis 42 Fate 58

Topi 29 Ari 68

Ugbash 58 Tuomas 42

DrAlimantado 70 Dragoon19 29

Sesam 60 Jarmo 40

Cogust 61 tero 39

S_Fredrikson 84 Kingfish 16

Juha_K 65 Torbhen 35

Romeoman 52 PasiN 47

Mattias 85 J_Porta 15

Ali 61 Pixie 39

# A_Meeting_Of_Devils

Juha_A 41 Fate 47

Ari 60 vskalex 27

Topi 55 Heibis 33

Tuomas 60 Dragoon19 29

Jarmo 70 Ugbash 30

Sesam 57 DrAlimantado 43

tero 39 Kingfish 49

Torbhen 37 Cogust 41

Juha_K 59 S_Fredrikson 41

PasiN 39 J_Porta 50

Pixie 37 Romeoman 38

Ali 50 Mattias 50

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Assuming there are no complaints with the input file, the highest tourney score achieved was 8.57 points. The lowest score was -11.24 points. A score of zero would indicate a performance that was right on the median.

With a high score of 8.57 points, the value of a single AAR is .3428 tourney points(4%). Five AARs would increase your tourney score 1.714 points.

I will now determine whether or not AAR points could possibly affect who the four finalists are. If it is possible for AARs to make a difference I cannot proceed further until we pass the AAR deadline. We don't want people writing AARs just because they know doing so will get them into the finals. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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AARS definitely could affect the outcome. If you think you did well, based on the raw input file posted earlier, you might want to seriously consider doing some AARs if you haven't already done so. It's a very close race in places.

Here is my latest list of people who have sent in AARs, along with the number of AARs I have from them. Check this list over to make sure I didn't lose any of your AARs. They could be very important. If you are not on this list, I don't have any AARs from you.



Juha K.....3

Mattias (Sec 4)...2



Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The absolute final deadline for all AARs is Saturday, April 13, 1200 hrs (GMT -5)

I will begin posting statistics as soon as I get the last game result. This could be anytime now. It will be Saturday noon before I need the AARs. I have lots of work to do without them until then. By Saturday night (Sunday morning for you guys) the four finalists will be announced.

Well, that means that I've got to start polishing my second scenario for the finals. :D

Glad to see that the first round is over. Interesting medians. We can't start discussing the scenarios, though, until the Nordic Wannabe tourney has finished the first round. What's their status, TB155?

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Well, (grumble-grumble) I didn't even (snivel) like this stupid game (drivel) from the beginning (pouting with lower lip, while drying tears). tongue.gif

Seriously, I got too much slapped around to get to the finals, so all I can do is wish the finalists good luck.

And once more thank Treeburst and Nabla for this! Very well organized, and greatly appreciated! :D

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Hah! I knew it, I won the last place. Sorry guys, you never stood a chance to get that much sought after position when I was in the tournament.

Seriously, thanks to all my opponents for teaching me a thing or two and of course to Nabla, Treeburst and Winecape for organising everything. Very well done, and a huge round of applause goes out to the replacements who stepped in.

Call me next time you need a whipping boy smile.gif

[ April 12, 2002, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: vskalex ]

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Okay, it seems I screw up on the Aftermath worse than I thought, against Cogust. smile.gif

I have to admit though, his attack in the end was pro, if not without few strokes of luck.

But I'm pretty happy about the results. Two games at the median, two actually well above it, not bad. Not going to be on the finals, though. smile.gif

One interesting thing I noticed: check section I in scenario Enough is Enough. All the games ended with german victory. In all other sections, allies won. Very interesting. smile.gif


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Ok guys, who do you think will reach the finals? I made two quick calculations and came up with these candidates:

Ari +38 +63.25

Sesam +24 +27.25

Cogust +38 +81.25

Matias +23 +43.25

I don't know the exact scoring system, but I calculated the simple bridge score as well as the ponits above/below the median in all scenarios. Gorup 2 seems to be the most even group by far and both DrAlimato (+18 +20.75) and Toumas (+6 +24.25) have a fair chance of making the finals instead of Sesam. Group 1 OTOH had the largest differences by far, most come from the Enough is Enough scenario where that group manage to win with the 'wrong' side in all three games as Juha pointed out above.

I really hope my calculations are right. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Cogust:

but I have a nagging feeling that it might be kinda stupid as well. smile.gif

LOL, oh yep. I was just covering up my laziness that prevented me from writing those AAR's. But what the heck I can always blame it on the winter up here in Umeå. It is mid-April and still snow around, I cannot hack it anymore. smile.gif


[ April 12, 2002, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: DrAlimantado ]

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You GOTTA be kidding me! I'm from Umeå as well, and i can't really say that the amount of snow here prevents me from writing any AARs (just me being lazy). Get your butt over to BoB where we currently have 7 (soon 8) players from Umeå, I'm soon starting up the Umeå Championships over there, also called battle of the Ändalykt (don't ask). smile.gif

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Originally posted by Joseph Porta:

"Hah! I knew it, I won the last place. Sorry guys, you never stood a chance to get that much sought after position when I was in the tournament. "

Bah ! I resent that ! :mad:

*I* am the Ultimate Whipping-Boy :D

What :eek:

So, pretty boy, you dare to challenge me? Well, I gladly take you on anyday. To put it briefly- I challenge thee to set the score once and for all.

Let the battle commence - Mail in the profile. :D

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Here is how things stack up BEFORE figuring in the credit for AARs. The score is your tourney score generated by Nabla's program.


Ari 7.59

Fate 4.41

Juha_A 2.16

Topi 0.13

Heibis -5.75

vskalex -11.24


Sesam 4.13

Tuomas 2.83

DrAlimantado 2.05

Jarmo -0.23

Ugbash -2.82

Dragoon19 -6.83


Cogust 8.57

tero -0.22

Kingfish -1.76

Juha_K -2.14

Torbhen -3.53

S_Fredrikson -3.77


Mattias 5.09

Pixie 1.79

Ali 1.09

J_Porta -1.80

Romeoman -2.92

PasiN -4.24

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Here are the FINAL results after adding in the AAR credits. The four section winners move on to the finals, a three scenario round robin.

Congratulations to the winners, and too you all for finishing the tourney! You are all WineCape tourney alumni in good standing.

A big special THANK YOU to those of you who filled in as replacements is in order.

Thank you, Nabla, for the scenarios and scoring system; and thanks, Wild Bill, for your two scenario contributions; and of course thanks to our sponsor, WineCape.

I will be posting the TOURNEY scores for individual scenarios when time permits. It's interesting to look at.

I am unsure exactly when the finals will begin, but it won't be long. I have to secure the scenarios first, and Nabla has to send me the last one before I can do that.

If you are one of the finalists please email me so I have a current address for you. Many of mine are very old now. I had lots of "finals" game files bounce back to me in the Wild Bill tourney due to old addresses on record. Thanks!

...and the winners are:


Ari... 7.59

Fate... 4.41

Juha_A... 2.16

Topi... 0.13

Heibis... -5.40

vskalex... -11.24 Congratulations, vskalex!!! :D


Tuomas... 4.54

Sesam... 4.13

DrAlimantado... 2.05

Jarmo... .80

Ugbash... -2.82

Dragoon19... -6.83


Cogust... 8.57

tero... 1.49

Juha_K... -1.11

Kingfish... -1.76

S_Fredrikson... -2.06

Torbhen... -3.53


Mattias... 5.78

Pixie... 1.79

Ali... 1.09

J_Porta... -1.80

Romeoman... -2.92

PasiN... -4.24

Treeburst155 out.

[ April 13, 2002, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:



Ari... 7.59

Fate... 4.41

Juha_A... 2.16

Topi... 0.13

Heibis... -5.40

vskalex... -11.24 Congratulations, vskalex!!! :D


*Brushes off coat, takes a good long stare in Joseph P:s eyes and walks away into the sunset*

N'uff said?

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:


Tuomas... 4.54

Sesam... 4.13

So it paid off writing those AARs! I hope Sesam isn't too pissed off now when I passed him. Well he could have stayed ahead if he had written even one report.


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I assume that AARs will be collected somewhere on the net for people to read? It somewhat bothers me that I have two scenarios I haven't had patience to write AAR left, surely I can send them along although they won't affect scores anymore? It's just that they're very fun to read, especially if one has played the scenario.


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Sure, Juha, write some more AARs if you want to.

I don't have a place on the web lined up to put all these AARs. There sure is a lot of interesting reading in them. The best I can do is send them to anyone who requests them.

Perhaps someone would like to host them. I'll ask around when I get time. I have lots of Wild Bill AARs too. Time is tight for me for a week or so however. That's why I haven't posted the individual scenario stats yet. I'm hoping to get to that on Monday.

Treeburst155 out.

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