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I played it PBEM against quite a good player. I got put down hard.

I assume you mean against the ai. Lead with your infantry, keep your tanks together to overwatch and to take out any guns that do get ID'd. Choose one flank to push and push hard. If you can break a flank it should be easy to roll it up.

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Funny you should mention "Totenkopf"! I just had the same result handed to me last night in my first try - "Tac Defeat" as the Russians. Like you said, those AT guns are murder on the light Soviet armor. I was feeling a little humbled, and went looking for other posts on the scenario and found almost none. Glad to see you also found it a very difficult scenario as the Russians.

I didn't try it with EFOW, just the Full version -- I can't imagine how poorly I would've done with EFOW.

20 turns is just such a short time to push forward and win if you don't know already where everything is hiding. Has anyone else done better on their first try?


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Essentially I did what you suggested. I advanced infantry into the woods on the left and used my tanks to suppress what they could see. However, as soon as they got within range of his ATG they were toasted. By the time I had identified where the shots were coming from I had lost half my tanks!

I wonder if a human wave through the wheatfield might work?

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Push your infantry ahead further. They are what will ID the guns. Keep your armor keyholed to support your infantry. Ideally you'll find one of the defensive mgs. Position your armor just to hit the mg without revealing itself to other locations.

It's all in the details of exact positioning.

The wheatfield provides pretty darn poor cover. I tried sneaking through the wheatfield but as soon as I got ID'd the mgs broke my squads in an instant.

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Originally posted by Warren Peace:

Has anyone had success with this scenario as the Russians? THe best I have been able to get is a tactical defeat! I'm using extreme fog and it is really hard to find his AT assets before Most of my tanks are toasted.


This was my first PBEM game, done double-blind. We'd been looking for a meeting engagement and got duped by the mis-labelling of this one on the scenario roster. My opponent is pretty good (we've both got lots of CMBO time and other relevant experience). I too went down to a tactical defeat, but only because the game ended at the minimum turn limit while I was only a few meters away from claiming undisputed possession of the objective. As others have noted, with the narrow frontage and lack of off-map artillery, this is a toughie. My initial main thrust was on the German's left flank; that got stopped hard. My diversion on the other flank made more headway, especially after I took out the HMG commanding the approaches. I ended up shifting the bulk of my infantry to that side and rolling up the German flank. I'd broken most of his infantry when the clock stopped. It was a real bloodbath for the Russians, though, especially among the AFV's.
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Yes, that was my experience as well. I had broken the SS troops and was about to move a mass of Soviet infantry in from the deep left flank to finish clearing the copse, and it ended on Turn 20. It's just too short a time given the slower battle dynamics of CM:BB.


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Playing as Russians v AI, I got a tactical defeat, 68-32%. I got possession of the left flank (Russian), and the foxholes just beyond the central wheatfield. I ran out of time on turn 24 of 20, and reckon I would have needed another 10 turns to get undisputed posession of the VL area. Got to agree with some of the earlier comments re the ATR units and EFOW. I kept hearing little "pings" all game long, but could never get a fix on them. I used sneak extensively to move 2 platoons up the central wheatfield, but discovered the limitations of the cover. I ended up with 85 casualties to 51 for the Axis. I don't think I would fancy this one pbem against a good German opponent!



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Hmmm, just played this via TCP / IP last night.

I took the Russians against my mate who is a tad weaker player than I.

I managed to get to the flag and dispute it. If the game had gone a few more turns I would have finished him off. He had hardly any ammo left and most units were head down in serious trouble.

As it was I had lost 2 BT10's a tank and both MG tanks. (sorry can't remember the names.)

I managed to get all his AT guns and A/c's with mortar and HE fire.

I managed to do my first Human waves and took him in the left flank using the woods on the left as my launch point.

Using the corn fields for cover is useful, but absolute crap if you get fired upon by the HMG's.

Against a good defender this will be a bloody tough challenge and you will need to be working well to crack it.

As said previously Infantry first and keep your tanks out of view until you have cleared the first woods. IMO the left flank is the only way to go due to the nature of the land.


P.s. I got a minor loss or some such result.

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