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Fire your MGs dammit!

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I am playing a QB where a pair of Stuarts are watching about a company+ worth of Axis infantry moving accross a road around 60m in front of them.

The good thing about the Stuie is it's MG loadout, the bad thing is it's HE capability of the main gun. Unfortunately they just pump round after round of their puny 37m ammo out which the Germans ignore unless it's actually aimed at them, but they are not bothering to fire their MGs at this ideal target.

Eventually most of the German infantry make it across and around the side of the Suarts and grenade bundles start to do their damage.

Now I'm not going to cry BUG at this one instance, but has anyone else seen a similar lack of tank MG fire in their games?

Could this be something to do with the very large HE loadout of the Stuie, which is causing them to burn that first before using their MGs. Then again, they have a huge MG loadout as well.

[Edit for screenie]


[ December 12, 2002, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: Rex_Bellator ]

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f you target a unit directly you can specify "fire main gun -> no".

A trick I use to get the hull Mg to fire is to rotate the vehicle, while the turret is in a fixed place. If the rotating hull "strafes" over infantry targets it will fire its MG. If you are lucky.

I agree that in your kind of fight the coax MG is vastly better than the main gun, because the MG will prevent the enemy soldiers from switching positions between the houses. I like TacOps behaviour which will always fire a burst of coax MG after it fires its main gun on infantry.

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