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Hey..has anybody actually PLAYED CMBB? Or....

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I played a scenario downloaded from Boots and Tracks this afternoon. Had my ass waxed and handed back to me by the AI.

Meeting engagement in a small village my recon and light armor reinforcements run into a large force of armor of varying ability to perforate my tin cans with wheels.

What were the Germans thinking? After having a sizeable percentage of my force become perfect for roasting marshmellows, the reason for the early war tank panic becomes very apparent. The 20 and 37mm guns I briefly had may be OK for the aluminum foil covered armored cars, but the T-34's that my units almost identify before dying are a whole different matter at the range I unfortunately found myself engaging at.

My infantry makes a decent coveraged approach to a couple flags but is discovered soon after my vehicles are all scrap metal. Their uniforms provide even less resistance to the shells and bullets.

I guess that is what they call a lesson in pain.

Love this game.


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Just dorking around, but it seems green Panthers don't do well vs. veteran T-34/76's!

I'm running in 1600x1200, so the text will prolly be hard to read in the pics....


Axis T-34


Allied Panthers


Allied M-17s


T-34 Hits panther




2nd Panther Spotted





[ September 24, 2002, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: leakyD ]

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Sorry no screen shots from me but a little bit to salivate over.

Sturmtiger is amazing. First QB the AI auto-surrendered on turn 14. Sturmtiger racked 162 of 282 casulaties. Elefant: 2 IS-2s, 2 T-34s, and 1 inf. Hetzer took 2 T-34s and 2 Stuarts. 1 Turin, 1 Grille, and couple other thin skinned AFV's brewed up by the Ruskies. There are lots of obscure tank types to play around with so I will be enjoying this game for a long time to come. The ROF for the Sturm is sloooooooowwww (3 turns to reload) but 1 shot took out 7-8 inf markers. Well worth the wait. :D

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