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Blitzkreig Operation (Contains Spoiler)

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Help for a newbie (well on this game not CMBO)

Any tips for taking out those pesky KV2 on the the above scenario I occupy botht he right hand side and middle woods and they have just shown up in the centre by the lake.


[ October 21, 2002, 07:09 AM: Message edited by: The Hairy Legged Lawyer Of Love ]

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Yes - run like hell smile.gif

Just completed this one myself against a friend and it was an absolute nightmare. I got well and truly stuffed. I had 6 PZIV's bounce about twenty AP rounds off one KV2 at 100m approx! The only way I got him was somewhat flukey, I managed to immobilise him with a simple hand grenade and the crew bailed. Another got KO'd by a fighter bomber and the third died a lonely death on the steppe. I think it got stuck. Very difficult!

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Thanks, I was counting on my Stuka to get it but they were bloomin useless!! At the mo my PvIV haven't turned up, I think I will just avoid them until they do!! Did you notice that the Sov infantry seem to hang aroung even when very heavily suppressed?? I had four stugs, 4 pviii and at least four mortars & mg on one tiny stretch of wood and they still managed to cause casualties when my platoon went in.....

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Trouble is getting them in that close....especially with all the Sov infantry. At the mo I am holding the centre and right hand woods and am 'going firm' on them. The plan is to use the reinforcements (an infantry company per battle) to take each of the major Sov positions in turn. The Left hand wood by the wheatfield is next, just hope those damn KV2 stay off to the right. Cheers for the tips, looks like the Tank Hunter Teams have some work to do..... smile.gif

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This operation was lots of fun!

How to get rid of the KV2s??? Their big vulnerability is that they are "SLOW". The old US adage about how to kill a Panther - "grab him by the nuts and kick him in the *ss" was never truer than here. Swarm them! Fast move 2-3 tanks (doesn't matter what!) to either side of them. Their turret is not fast enough to track you so most of your guys will make it. Then just start pinging them from both sides (doesn't matter if they penetrate or not!). Eventually, the crews will go crazy from all the hits and just decide to bail even though the tank is still fine (these are Green and Conscript crews we're talking about here).

I got really lucky with one of them on one of my first encounters - a PZIII spotted one and fired _one_ shot that hit the front and didn't appear to do any damage. Next thing I know, the crew abandonned it. That's when I knew that the crew's were fairly brittle and could be driven to panic fairly easily.

Expect to lose "lots" of tanks dealing with them though (and make sure, your infantry stays out of the way until they're gone - that thing is a vicious anti-infantry monster) ..... the good news however is.....

============= SPOILER ========================

Once they're gone, the battle is a cakewalk.

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Originally posted by Peterk:

..... the good news however is.....

============= SPOILER ========================

Once they're gone, the battle is a cakewalk.

Yah, only to find I only managed to get a minor defeat, while all along there I was, thinking I was doing really well. :(
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I destroyed 2 of them with inf, and the other was abandoned.

I suppressed the inf protecting one with mortars and soem HMG fire, they broke and then I moved one of my platoons and a tank hunter team between cover and assaulted it, lying some smoke will help too. This one destroyed one of my Pz38

Other was spotted in the scattered trees E of the huge forest, it got enganged by several of my tanks while advancing and got the gun destroyed and it was inmovilized too, the crew bailed out under the pressure.

The last pained me on the ass a lot, it destroyed two of my Stugs, but I finally got it with inf, Coy HQ and a tank hunter team assaulted it while it was distracted with a pair of Pz38 which run to their rear.

Very important is to split up the tanks of their inf, and distract them with other faster panzers (38 did very well this for me) while you try to assault them.

I didn't see my CAS for the whole operation, as the bad weather made his pressence.

This operation is pretty intense and very good, is the one which I've liked more until now, I managed to get a total victory.

SHould I say that operations rock in CMBB? I prefer them over battles. Have already played 5 of them (GD operation shows how harmfull can be entrenched inf smile.gif )

[ October 21, 2002, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: KNac ]

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I did the blitz!

in the right of the map just a platoon of stug's and company A,

to the left all the other pz platoon's and behind them the other stug platoon covering the movement,

the main attack was the right formation, infantry on the right and left of the panzer's,

send some scouts 2 turns in front of the main attack

wen i first encouter the KV was spotted by the scout team,

wen the KV was in range i order all my tanks to target the beast 10 panzer's Vs 1, first I inmovilized then desable the gun that was all, no infantry the KV was abandoned in 10 sec of battle, the other was hit by a stuka, i lost more of my panzer's to AT fire. it was lot of fun


[ October 21, 2002, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: PEIPER#1 ]

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> Yah, only to find I only managed to get a minor > defeat, while all along there I was, thinking I > was doing really well

This is probably more due to the briefing not telling you how long the map is - something I've been complaining about in operations for quite a while.

I got lucky. I only managed to take the town on battle 4 of 5 and I was getting nervous because I was sure the map was much longer, but the KVs were out of the game by then, and then on that last night battle my guys just mowed over the last kilometer or so of map. The Flame tanks worked great at night. 4 battles to wear down the russians and 1 battle at the end to move fast and exploit the opening.

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