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I think what we are boiling down to is this:

There are three classes of scenarios (1)those scenarios whose authors can still be contacted, (2)those whose authors are incommunicado, and (3) scenarios that are being hosted by other sites.

Here's the proposal:

1) A site which lists ALL of the scenarios and their parameters, similar (but not the same) to the scenario database. Perhaps a rating or voting system for people that have played the scenarios.

2) If a person wants to create a site which lists all of the available scenarios must first attempt to contact the recognized author.

3) Upon the scenario author's written permission, include that scenario in a scenario pack.

4) Scenarios being hosted by other sites will simply have links to those sites. Not directly to the scenarios themselves, just the main website.

5) Scenarios for which the authors cannot be contacted through best effort (will/will not) be included. I would like everyone's inpout here.

6) Should any scenario hosting website go offline, a short (agreed upon) time period will elapse before the author is contacted for potential inclusion in the Scenario Pack.

Everyone, mind you that this is just an idea for debate, and it's not meant to turn into a firestorm. Everyone here is enthusiastic (there's an understatement) about CM, and I think we are all simply trying to preserve and promote the game as best we can.

I think I'd like to enlist someone's help (Spike, you game?) on this project, as contacting authors will be a monumental task.

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I understand what you are saying, and by no means have i intended to step on toes or take a jab at anyone intentionally. If anyone got offended by my letters please forgive me. The Admiral and I just have CM and all the gamers best interest at heart!

I am going to put together a sample web site.. of just a couple of options that i propose... I will take my ideas and combine them with Admirals, using the limitations all of you have put on this. Then you can let me know if the idea is okay....

Spike Out!

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Okay everyone!!!!

Check this out... I have set up a VERY basic site... I think this will work for all of us, please i am acking for help and comments here.. Click on the link below..

go to the site and look around. I used 2 examples here... one was AACHEN which you can now download from the site(JUST FOR AN EXAMPLE) and the second is "Another Road in France" this scenario was created by ECHO! this one... since i have not gotten in contact with him.. i liked it.. go to the site and you will see...

Please let me know what you think!!!

Spike Out!


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The problem with CM DB is not all authors respond to your requests! As the current maintainer of CMDB, I have set up a form for designers to put in the details of their new scenarios/operations but so far, there are too few uses of the form so I have to check out all major sites for the new ones :(

I am happy to help but I don't know how much I could do about it....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spike:

Okay everyone!!!!... Please let me know what you think!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Looks good to me. A couple of ideas...

1) Add GriffinCheng's CM DB form, so the authors can report new scenarios

2) Add a rating system... not sure what would be involved with this

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I don't know if this is doable, but I really miss from the Raiders scenario site were the 'star ratings' for each scenario, where I could tell at a glance what scenarios players had thought were good to excellent (4 or 5 stars) or were just average (3 stars) to poor (1-2 stars).

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Many people, including scenario designers expressed their dismay at arbitrary inclusion of the scenarios in a "Get it all Here" package. I can understand their point of view, and since these scenarios were not mine to begin with, acceded to their wishes. I respect other people's boundaries makes me a coward; hardly. I'd like to see you try anything similar and see how you deal with it. And had you read more carefully, you'll note that Spike and I are working towards providing all of these scenarios in a fashion which is more palatable and legal than simply bundling them together and throwing them out there. There will be at least two web sites which will provide as many of these scenarios for which we can obtain permission.

Coward, eh? Is throwing a temper tantrum and calling people names any better?

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dima - what is your problem?. This was only ever a discussion and as i understand it, it has been resolved to everyones satisfaction. Admiral Keth is correct - many scenario designers and websites hold the intellectual copyright to these scenarios. While i understand the need for easily accessible scenarios, IMHO, i thought there was a better way of doing this, in a way that wouldn't upset anyone.

The new site that Spike & Admiral Keth have started should make it easy for people to find and get the scenarios they want, which IIRC, was the original purpose of the "uber-pack".

[ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: Manx_CM ]

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Spike & Admiral Keth,

I have another idea. The alphabetical organization is good, but I was wondering if a 'by year/campaign' organization could also be done. The old ASL2CM site had such an index, and I found it very helpful in finding exactly what I was looking for. That way, if someone is looking for 'Bulge' scenarios, they can jump right to them rather than wading through all the scenarios. Just a thought.

BTW, if you guys need any help, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

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Progress is going well on the site and aa lot of the authors i have emailed... Have given their consent to host or link their scenarios... I have a lot of "beautifing" ideas for the site but have opted to get all the scenarios on the site ASAP. I figure we can always polish the site a little bit at a time!!! Thanks for all yor support and i hope that http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/

becomes a helpful site to everyone!!!

If you have some spare time and would like to help out please email me!!


Spike Out!

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Ok.... I think that there is a bigger issue here. What the CM community has at the moment is a whole bunch of websites containing much of the same information. The reason is that they all concentrate on a wide spread of topics mods/scen....ect, gathering all this info and then presenting it in a worth while format (i.e. a nice interesting website and not just a page of badly formatted text) takes time and thus the depth of content is general poor.

The idea of a site dedicated to only one topic is a good idea. Although I think a better idea would be a CM ubersite. This site would have several webmasters, one for providing news/site updates info for the index, one for finding and reviewing scenarios, one for mods ect....If only one person designs the layout of the pages then the site will have a consistent feel. I.e. you could have 19 content providers and 1 web designer holding them all together. Hell you could even call it planetcombatmission (although you might get sued).

Manx_CM why don’t you let Admiral Keth and Spike take over control of your scenarios pages? It would free up some of your time for other stuff and you might even get better content/more visitors into the bargain.

All I ask for is sharks with friggin laser beams attached to their heads.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PlankWithANailIn:

Manx_CM why don’t you let Admiral Keth and Spike take over control of your scenarios pages? It would free up some of your time for other stuff and you might even get better content/more visitors into the bargain.


Hmmm....i've got a better idea!...why doesn't Spike hand over HIS scenario section to me!. COMBAT MISSIONS has been running for over a year and attracts anywhere between 10-15,000 hits pw and during a busy month generates 20-30GIG of bandwidth per month.

What Spike is doing is his own thing (and i wish him well with it). His site looks to be coming along very nicely and like many other CM sites, it will provide a good service to everyone in the Community.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx_CM:

Hmmm....i've got a better idea!...why doesn't Spike hand over HIS scenario section to me!. COMBAT MISSIONS has been running for over a year and attracts anywhere between 10-15,000 hits pw and during a busy month generates 20-30GIG of bandwidth per month.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You may have a point. I don't know what Geocities limits are, but Spike's site may draw more traffic than they will allow

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