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Newbie to CMBO multiplayer games

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Hi everyone. I just joined the forum a few days ago. I Hope this is the best forum to ask this since...

I've been playing CMBO for well over a year and have been engrossed in trying all the awaesome mods out there and playing all the custom scenarios everyone creates. However, all my games have been aganist the computer AI. I've never tried PBEM or an IP game. A couple of questions from a multiplayer newbie:

1) Is there a good resource, FAQ, or thread to go to that explains details about how to set up, join, and play PBEM or IP games?

2) Do you guys find playing live opponents so much more challenging that you never really go back to playing against the AI?

3) What's more enjoyable, PBEM or IP games? What are advantages/disadvantages of each?

4) Any advice or warnings about playing mulitplayer games?

Any info on any of these questions would be appreciated. Thanks! smile.gif

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Originally posted by Green Hornet:

Hi everyone. I just joined the forum a few days ago. I Hope this is the best forum to ask this since...

I've been playing CMBO for well over a year and have been engrossed in trying all the awaesome mods out there and playing all the custom scenarios everyone creates. However, all my games have been aganist the computer AI. I've never tried PBEM or an IP game. A couple of questions from a multiplayer newbie:

1) Is there a good resource, FAQ, or thread to go to that explains details about how to set up, join, and play PBEM or IP games?

2) Do you guys find playing live opponents so much more challenging that you never really go back to playing against the AI?

3) What's more enjoyable, PBEM or IP games? What are advantages/disadvantages of each?

4) Any advice or warnings about playing mulitplayer games?

Any info on any of these questions would be appreciated. Thanks! smile.gif


Some tips here:

anthology of useful posts

and here:

th forums

read all the strategy and tactics articles.


versus Human can be 10 x more challenging, 10 times more fun. I can't go back to the AI. Its just not the same.


PBEM or IP is a matter of taste. You'll have to fine out for your self. I prefer TCP/IP by far.

PBEM too slow for my pace.

4) be prepared to get your arse kicked time and again at first when playing versus human. Its a new game.

there are chat room to hook up with people for tcp/ip games

Tournament house <-- Beware the newbie sharks!

Combat Mission HQ

Band of brothers

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I play almost only PBEM. Human intelligence will always (we hope :D ) be better than AI, so you can't beat PBEM or IP.

One thing I do is to have a few games (3-5 usually, but sometimes as high as 20 :eek: ) going at once, that way when you get on in the evenings (or whenever) you've got a good hour of plotting moves and watching movies. If you're lucky, one of your opponents will be ojnline at the same time, and by the time you've finished all the turns in your inbox, another turn may've come back.

Believe it or not, even when I had 20 games going, I never had a problem remembering my plans and the battle. Whenever you see that map it all comes back.

Hope that helps! Enjoy.

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Hi, and welcome.

I find that playing TCP/IP battles much more enjoyable than PBEM, cos of the simple reason that it happens straight away, you dont have to wait hours/days/weeks for a reply, and you can follow your tactics "live". But, I guess that is a question of taste.

When you play other players, you can play either "ladder" or for fun. I highly recommend that you play just for fun in the beginning, and when you feel you are ready to play a bit more competatative, start playing ladder games. I only play ladder games now as it's fun to see how I "stack up" against other players.

Whatever game style you prefer, I think there is one very important issue to remember before you start playing. AGREE ON RULES! Some players dont like SMG sqds, some dont like Flak HTs, some dont like Force mixing etc. If you dont agree on some rules it's very easy for the other player to get favorable odds against you, even before the game has started, simply by selecting a date/terrain/force that suits this battle.

But, the only way to learn is simply by playing. If you get your ass handed to you (as Im sure you will experience plenty of times) dont let it stop you, just keep it up ans soon you'll be kicking their ass.

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Panzer Leader, Panzer76,

Thanks for all the good information and tips. I've been out of town for a few days and just logged back on. I figured playing against humans would probably be much more challenging and fun that playing against the AI. It's also nice to hear every tell me that I'll get my butt kicked the first few times I play...that way, if someone knows they're playing a newbie they won't get too mad if I'm "easy pickin's". smile.gif

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