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Possibly the hardest scenario yet

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Has anyone played the ASL scenario Marechals mill as USA and won? I have tried 4-5 times to no avail. The odds are simply impossible so it seems.

I also let a couple of others try it and they have failed so far.

If someone manages to win this, please post a strategy.


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Perhaps the designer will read these posts and modify the scenario a bit. That is the best solution.

A lot of ASL scenarios will work well in the CM format. Some won't.

But it is the challenge to the designer to find a way to make a scenario at least remotely winnable from both sides if he can.

This is precisely why I have revised Elsdorf and am currently revising the Desobry Operation. If you can't win it, where is the fun?

Otherwise, a strong note of caution should go into the test stating that the battle is unwinnable for one side (in this case the US)

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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It depends, Stefan. Did you choose the scenario in the game or did you download the revision from the Combat Mission HQ web site.

Both play well, except in the original version, the Germans had some problems entering the battle and coming under immediate devastating fire from the US Pershings.

That is why I modified it. But go ahead, with either version, it is challenging but winnable.

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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On this subject of hard-to-impossible scenarios, I have a philosophical question. Basically, life ain't fair and sometimes (or, as it seems to the line troopies, more often than not), the assigned mission far exceeds the capabilities of the tasked unit. But orders is orders so in you go.

My question is, if such a battle is well-documented, should a scenario designer stick to the facts and give the players a pretty much hopeless situation, or should they "tweak" the balance of forces to make it winnable? I mean, we're not talking about an FPS game where you have to win to move to the next level. We're talking about a game that attempts to recreate reality, as part of which there is no "campaign mode" as seen in SP and such. So if you're unit gets wiped out, you don't lose anything in the long run.

For example, take the Huertgen Forest. Here, the US faced some of the thickest segments of the Siefried Line, complete with dozens of interlocking pillboxes and bunkers all surrounded by mines and barded wire, and with dug-in troops in the intervals. And all this in a very dense, swampy forest, that greatly limited the ability of supporting arms of all types to help the grunts break through these obstacles, besides adding treebursts to the woes of the exposed attackers. Plus, on top of all this, the US was at the end of its logistical and manpower tethers while the Germans had the railroads they build for the 1940 campaign, AND the US high command kept grossly underestimating the force required.

So for practically the whole campaign, you'd have a lone, understrength US battalion given a task properly requiring 1 or more regiments. Worse, often these battalions were doing the only US offensive actions on the 1st Army's front, so the Germans were free to bring in fresh troops from other sectors. As a result, battalions would spend days or even weeks trying to advance a few hundred meters, suffering appalling casualties, to be replaced when totally depleted by other battalions, who suffered the same fate.

So say you make an operation of such a battalion's exploits. As true to life as you can make it. What happens? The US player beats his head against the wall for very little gain and terrible cost. Would anybody find this fun? Or even interesting?



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[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 09-14-2000).]

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I have to say that the hopeless defenses and the pointless attacks have a very liberating element to them. Hell, you say, it's hopeless. My historical counterpart got creamed. Well, let's see if I can do better--how bad I can make it for the bad guys?

See also K. Maru, and the hope of beating the unbeatable...

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I agree with Wild Bill that Fictitious battles should be at least marginally winnable from both sides.I also believe that

Historical battles should play out historically.My main gripe about all these new scenarios is the overuse of various weapons.Like rarer versions of Tanks and especially artillery.I was playing a scenario

where the U.S.had an 8 inch spotter.Maybe I am wrong,but I dont believe they were very common.

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Somewhere on a wish list is enhanced map editing capabilities, including cut & paste, rotate, import, possibly cool things like 'smooth roads.'

And, to return to the topic, in the category of tough scenarios I also nominate "Meyer's Decision 1" when playing as Canadians. Against the AI I got stomped even worse than the real-life Canadians did way back when. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to trying again to see if I can improve. Also got stomped on Marechal's Mill. Sigh.

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I won Mareshal's Mill. You know how?

I didn't know what to expect in the scenario, so I rushed the GI's over the bridge. The platoon on the left went over the river there and advanced slowly alongside this flank. Hell was I shocked when I saw what was waiting for me. Some lucky zook shots later I had won.

Easy, isn't it?




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"Nuts!" "

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I could care less if the scenarios are winnable or not. If you want it historicaly accurate, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Some of the most entertaining battles I've fought were desperate tooth-and-nail, down to the last man types.

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Scenarios are like women, it takes all kinds.

I like to see a variety of them all, impossible, hard, fairly easy, historical, fictional, a mix of both.

This way there is something for everyone. Just make sure they are fun to play. That is the vital key. Otherwise, they just gather dust.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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As a gamer I want to be able to have the chance to gain something out of it, even if it is just a moral victory. Even if the scenario is a deathmarch, at least you should get more points for dealing damage with your disadvantaged corps. So, if you are Butch and Sundance charging out into the market, doomed to die vs the Bolivian army, maybe you should be awarded more points for at least killing a few before you go down in a hail of gunfire.

When I was playing Gettysburg it was my dream to have a scenario where I get to play out the attack on Fort Wagner by the black regiment in "Glory". Doomed to failure but a glorious defeat. smile.gif

One of my scenarios, "Polish Fort", if you play from the Polish side, is a withdrawal. You pretty much have to get the hell out of there with as many troops as you can if you want to 'win'. But even if you don't get enough points for exiting, it should be fun to try and escape while under severe attack.



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