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I don't understand something...

Why if i play 4 germans tanks against 20 russian...

I don't win ...

And with the same game if I do the 20 russian... against 4 germans... I will have many difficulties ton win... and i can loose...

I do the same move than the AI but my tank cannot fire right.. My crew are drunk??? They miss the target 90% more than the AI...

I can fire 8 a 10 time on a AI tank... in The opposite i will shoot 2 times to kill my tank...

Something wrong...

I have some expérience with this kind of game...

I'm shure than the computer is VERRY more Lucky than me...

I am alone in this situation or not???

I'm not stupid i tried many different thing...

Maybe i don't know something...

Help me please...


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Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

Try a PBEM or online game, you'll see if it's the AI that is to blame ... :eek: smile.gif


Pascal If i give the order to my tank in a front to front battle to target the ennemy

Why my tank has not the same precision???

I don't have control on this... after the tank receve the order...

What i think is because the human is more smart than the computer... to obtains a good chalenge maybe they give more chance to the computer...

is it right?

But i'm ready to play online against a human anytime...

We can play together you have my emails...

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Sinclair, welcome to the board!

The AI in CMBB doesn't get any kind of "bonus". So the AI tanks will perform just the same way they perform when you command them.

You need to understand each tank's strength and weakness. What tanks do you use? It's quite different if you engage a company of T34s with your PzIII or with Panthers.

Also try to use hull-down positions to reduce vulnerability. Don't engage in long-range duels with tanks with superior gun and optics.

Try to manuever your tanks to get flank shots on enemy tanks and use smoke to cover your advance.

Use the "shoot&scoot" command and the "cover arc" command to set up ambushes.

If your tanks always get killed by the AI, you should definately revise your tactics.

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Sinclair --

BTS has repeatedly stated, and tests strongly suggest, that there is no AI bonus beyond anything that they're explicitly given, e.g. handicapping.

More tips --

* Don't reveal your AFVs until you need to.

* Don't sit there firing from one place for multiple turns, unless you have a /huge/ advantage (e.g. hull-down JagdTiger engaging T-34/76 at 2.5km away)...

* Pay attention to terrain and LOS. This is absolutely key, unless you're playing on an utterly inane map like a pool table.

* When you do, employ them in force, not piecemeal. Got a platoon? Even if they have radios, don't spread them across the map -- e.g. 4 4-on-1s are far better than 4 1-on-1s.

* On the other hand, if you have two platoons, it may make sense -- if you have sufficient infantry to screen in front of them -- to separate the two, so they can catch an enemy from different angles. This might be considered gamey depending upon how unrealistic the amount of required coordination is, however...

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Originally posted by Mud:

Sinclair --

BTS has repeatedly stated, and tests strongly suggest, that there is no AI bonus beyond anything that they're explicitly given, e.g. handicapping.

More tips --

* Don't reveal your AFVs until you need to.

* Don't sit there firing from one place for multiple turns, unless you have a /huge/ advantage (e.g. hull-down JagdTiger engaging T-34/76 at 2.5km away)...

* Pay attention to terrain and LOS. This is absolutely key, unless you're playing on an utterly inane map like a pool table.

* When you do, employ them in force, not piecemeal. Got a platoon? Even if they have radios, don't spread them across the map -- e.g. 4 4-on-1s are far better than 4 1-on-1s.

* On the other hand, if you have two platoons, it may make sense -- if you have sufficient infantry to screen in front of them -- to separate the two, so they can catch an enemy from different angles. This might be considered gamey depending upon how unrealistic the amount of required coordination is, however...

Thank you

I realise some thing...

Hull down fonction...

shoot and scoot..


I never use this function...

OKOK guys it was a 18inch problem... :D

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...yep and don't forget what Mud said:

whenever possible use more than one tank to attack another (not only guilty for tanks - a good general rule).

What you temporarily miss, due to the concentrated firepower, you win with much higher enemy knockout-rates und much less own losses.

And if you are wondering, that the tactic becomes more difficult with this "Klotzen statt Kleckern"(Guderian)-rule, then you're already on the best way. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

N'Sinc, is it you? :D

not realy... less money...

I tried many same game as a mirror...

But the problem is the same tahn the other who was thinking than the computer is cheating before...

jeigemeister the scenarios...

My germans tank can shoot many time before if the others.. Up to 15 shoot...

But when i did de russian it was the same thing..

But the fire of the german was verry precise... up to 2 shot before killing my tank...

I don'tn have any control on the fire mode...

You lock the target and the computer choot for you... but i'm not as lucky than the AI

I'm shure now than even if i try some tactics i don't have the same precision in fire than the AI


I repeat ton tanks in front to front...

I dont have the same precisoon than the AI and i did a lot of mirror...

I still have'nt precision

..... :confused:

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Originally posted by sinclair:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

N'Sinc, is it you? :D

not realy... less money...

I tried many same game as a mirror...

But the problem is the same tahn the other who was thinking than the computer is cheating before...

jeigemeister the scenarios...

My germans tank can shoot many time before if the others.. Up to 15 shoot...

But when i did de russian it was the same thing..

But the fire of the german was verry precise... up to 2 shot before killing my tank...

I don'tn have any control on the fire mode...

You lock the target and the computer choot for you... but i'm not as lucky than the AI

I'm shure now than even if i try some tactics i don't have the same precision in fire than the AI


I repeat ton tanks in front to front...

I dont have the same precisoon than the AI and i did a lot of mirror...

I still have'nt precision

..... :confused: </font>

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I think you are just running into perhaps a bigger learning curve than you may be used to and much like many others here, the AI is making you pay for your mistakes.

It is very common, but practice with using good tactics will lead to better results.

Some have compared CM to Chess in that both are easy to learn, but difficult to master.

Welcome to the forum and good luck with the game. As you're from Montreal, I am presuming your first language is French. As such I will certainly state that your English is better than my French so keep trying and ask for clarification if you need it. Some polite person will respond.


[ November 03, 2002, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: barrold713 ]

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One stupid Russian sergeant said that "the best anti-tank weapon is a tank"...

When playing as Russians you should try getting 3 tank platoons going at a possible enemy position. One platoon goes head-on. Th other is somewhere on a hill watching out for an unexpected appearance from anywhere. The third platoon flanks the enemy position from an unspottable path. Infantry should be used for spotting with the first platoon....

After the action starts, it's all about luck... any of the three platoons could score a kill, but most likely it will be a flanking one.

Try it out...

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Thanks that the ways i play...

But i order to a 8 tank platton (joseph stalin2) to go attack the panther not visible yet... my tank go totally in the back ennemy position nobody saw it...

And they go out of the forest against the panther...

When they go out they attack the panther in the back... The panther are on a plain field... Nothing for camouflage A VERRY EASY TARGET

BUT MY ****ING tank cannot shoot right They arrives in the back they shoot on their target somethimes two or three on the sames panthers but nobody kill the panthers

And the panthers after drinking a beer... eat a good steak tunrn the turrets and kill easyly my tank in Hull down position... EACH TIME I' DIDN'T KILL ANy PANTHER!!!

I dit this game in a mirror for more than 10 times... and even if i take the germans or the soviet... it's the same thing...


I Will do this game against a human and see if is is lucky as the AI...

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Lol Sinclair for someone who doea'nt speak english good you sure can spell f******, lol

I get fustrated myself sometimes,so what I do is go to quick battle get like 20 tanks agianst 1, on a open field , and BLOW THE CRAP OUT OF IT!!

then I feel better and go back to my original game

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Barrold Thanks for your post... Yes i'm french...

Some are not polite but it's the life we find stupide people all around the world but the majority are verry nice! That what is important...

Have a question...

I don't think it's an error to attack a panther i the back with up to 3 or three tank joseph stallin in a hull down position. The panther are in a plain field... Easy target...

But My tank still miss their target up to 8 times... and alwas give the times to the panther to turn their turrets a shoot all my times after only maximum two shots....

Where is my error??? I was in a verry better position and with many tank 2 or more on each visible panther???

I'm confused...

I will take a beer... :rolleyes:

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Short range... hull down position 4 tanks in the back (some tank on each side) with one in the front a longue range again 2 panhther who target in front and let the back expose...


Did this game more than 10 times...


The two panther kill all my tank... and my tank never hit direct the panther...

They never shoot right to knocked down before 8 to 10 shots...

But the AI always did it after maximum two shoots ans many time at the first...

Not the same thing with a human players...


Somebody want to try?

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