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Canister Shells?

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I was playing Yelnia Stare as the Axis and was moving a Tank Hunter team into position to take out a T-34 when they were spotted and opened up on by it. I didn't really pay much attention, thinking they were done for and I had more teams so what the heck, when I saw a barage of rounds fired at it like a shotgun. I hadn't this before in any game and came to the only place I could think of that would hold the answer! I have a pic but dunno how to post it cuz I'm a silly newbie to message boards so some help would be appreciated.

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A Canister round is an anti-personnel round (filled with pellets) which effectively coverts the main armament into a giant shotgun (76mm or whatever). It has a relatively short range but is very effective within that range.

These days we have more sophisticated rounds that don't just detonate at the muzzle "muzzle action" but can be set so they fly down range (up to just over 4km) and then explode showering an area with sharp darts.

When you fire this at waist high grass land you see a puff of smoke (through the sight) and then the grass looks like its been mowed!!!

Anyone still want to be in the Infantry?

[ September 02, 2002, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: gibsonm ]

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