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Thanks for the reply,

But as a Belgian, naturally i've been to most locations of the battle in our Ardennes. smile.gif

Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung sounds interesting! But if you have better suggestions wich are not located in the Eifel, please mention them, exept Berlin, i dislike the people/atmosphere there (sorry redface.gif ) ! I've been to Badmünster-Eifel too much already i guess ;)

Friendly Greetings,


[ June 11, 2002, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: SturmSebber ]

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Still looking forward to it. Slight change of plans on my end. Father in law and family can't make it, but my CM hotseat partner is making the trip with me.

BTW, you guys will still be nice to me after we beat you on Friday? :D

See y'all on Saturday. I'll be the guy all dressed in red, white and blue. ;)



PS: Just kidding. I'm not a soccer fan at all. tongue.gif

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Ja wie? Einfahrt Tiefgarage....was weiß ich, wo die Tiefgarage ist, bin erst einmal froh, wenn ich Mannheim finde.. ;)

Würde sagen, daß wir uns vor dem Hauptbahnhof treffen.

Ich hoffe, daß es nicht zu heiß wird...ist ja mörderisch hier...

Also sagt bescheid, was ihr vom Treffpunkt Bahnhof haltet. Meine Email findest Du am Anfang des Threads.

Sers Leutz

Hat jemand ne gescheite Kamera oder Fotoapparat?? Müßte dann nämlich nicht mein Billigteil mitschleppen.

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Hehe, gut was los hier auf einmal... :D

OK, K_Tiger, tools4fools, dann treffen wir uns am Samstag am Mannheimer Hbf.

K_Tiger, direkt vor dem Hauptbahnhof ist schwierig, da kannst Du nämlich nicht mit dem Auto hinfahren.

Am einfachsten ist wirklich die Hbf-Tiefgarage.

Du fährst einfach zum Hbf, und wirst automatisch in die Tiefgarage geleitet.

Frage Uhrzeit? 12Uhr, dann hätten wir ein Stündchen bis Sinsheim, sollte reichen.

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Originally posted by K_Tiger:

Ich àbe gar keine `Ändy.....*schähm*.. ;)

Isch 'abe gar keine Handy... *nicht wirklich schäm*

OK, my phone number is on the way...

[edited 'cause even a single line without spellchecker can be embarassing...]

[ June 20, 2002, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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Isch habe auch gar kaine Andy *überhaupt nicht verlegen*...

K_Tiger, kannst deine Knipskiste zu Hause lassen, ich bring mein Teil auf jeden Fall mit, inklusive russischem Bren-tripod (land-lease) tongue.gif

12.00 st Eingang Tiefgarage Hbf Mannheim ist gebonkt, komme am 11:14 mit der Bahn an, da habe ich noch ein bisserl Zeit für einen kurzen Frühschoppen. Es wird wohl eine Kneipe am Bhf haben...

Auf bald



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Originally posted by Sarge Saunders:

A battle worn Sturmgeschutz III and a Panther II prototype that sported an 88mm gun (no kidding!).


I don't want to sound too pedantic, but the Panther II on display has a late G turret with the 75L/70 mounted. The vehicle was intended to have a redesigned turret with the 88mm, but I don't think the two were ever actually mated.

The story behind the stug is that it was pulled out of a Russian bog a few years back. Apparently the cold water had a preservative effect, so the paint and everything else are in very good condition. However, battle damage is evident. If you look at the vehicle closely, you will note that the roof of the fighting compartment is cracked and raised slightly, apparently from some sort of top penetration. I wonder if a Sturmovic took it out.

The Patton Museum is still trying to raise the funds to drastically increase their display area. They only have enough space to display a fraction of the vehicles stored in the back lot wharehouses. A few years ago, I had an escort who took me back to a couple of those wharehouses and I was amazed at the rows of vehicles in storage. And this was from visiting only a couple of the wharehouses.

Incidently, if you are only a couple of hours away, you may want to try to make it down for the re-enactment they conduct every year on the fourth of July. Last year, they rolled out a Jagdpanzer IV Lang, as well as several US vehicles (usually a Sherm or two, a Stuart, and a Greyhound participate, as well as a Kubel or two and a similar number of German Armored Cars). A Mustang or two usually do a few faux strafing runs as well. Last year was the first I'd seen the Jpzr Lang, usually the German armor is a Hetzer or two. I really enjoyed watching Guderian's duck touring around the field, although the motor was overheating quite badly. Part of the appeal is to see if the German vehicles will actually be able to move under their own power. One year the lone Hetzer wouldn't turn over before the event, another year one of the Hetzer's blew a cylinder trying to make it out of a ditch. Last year, the jpzr provided the suspense.

If you do plan to attend the re-enactment, I would recommend arriving by 11:00. There is no admission fee, so you can instead spend those dollars on a donation to expand the facility, a worthy cause indeed.

Edited to add: Another nice thing about the re-enactment is that after the event they let you crawl all around/inside the vehicles. NOW THAT is immersion, actually sitting at the sights of the 75L/70, for example, is too cool for us armor geeks!

[ June 20, 2002, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: jgdpzr ]

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