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Everything posted by crivaroc66

  1. Hi Panzerwerfer42, I just finished the book yesterday. Excellent! It gives a great impression on what it was like on the eastern front.It also provides alot of information for potential CMBB scenarios. It also provides a chapter or so on german tactics, and the use of the MG. Great tutorial stuff to be applied to CMBB. I recommend this book highly. I also noticed while surfing Amazon.de today, that a Panzer Aces II is coming out in the (hopefully near)future. It's already on my wish list! Cheers Chris
  2. Glad you like it Ozzy! Marcus is, of course, right on the money! Cheers Chris
  3. Hi Guys! I'm on vacation till Sept.9th. I Might be back in time to scoot on over. I've asked my wife already, but she wasn't thrilled about it. *sigh* Looks like I'll have to beg. Oh well, it'll be worth it to see the guys again, and the tanks too. Not to mention the Civil War reenactors! Time to beg. *gets on knees*...Honey...honey! can I pleeeeeease..... Cheers Chris
  4. Hi Guys! Thanks Joshik, the password was intended as a joke. Here’s my idea explained in the original letter to TH Forums: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Gentlemen, After visiting this site and reading the excellent tips on tactics (e.g. Swamp's Flanking & Spearhead Envelopment) I had to try them out myself. The same for Gremlin's Boot Camp series, or Fionn's Articles or the many others I have read, cut and pasted, and put into my "CM tactics and tips" file. The question was... "Which scenario should I use?" I decided to make my own. My goal was to utilize the new tactics, familiarize myself with the drill, and coordinate the combined arms... Etc. Capturing the VL was for me secondary. Well it worked. I completely overwhelmed the enemy (AI). I read the "Basic Infantry Movement in Possibly Dangerous Terrain" tried it out, and destroyed my buddy in a hot seat game. We are pretty much equal in skill, so I was surprised by the result. To make a short story long, I thought to myself, "wouldn’t it be great to have small scenarios "For Training Purposes Only." This would be a sort of expansion on the tutorial scenario that is included in the game. Has anybody else already offered this idea? (didn’t do a search) We can look at and read AAR's from other folks, but wouldn’t it be interesting to immediately try it out. The community has so many good scenario designers and the grogs have the information to share with us. We should assume that not all players are active or prior service or have had military training. By increasing their "know how", we could enhance the players skill and knowledge, stiffen the competition in PBEM games, possibly entice more players to play PBEM (Those who are wary because of their lack of tactical knowledge (myself included) and possibly reduce the amount of redundant questions that surface in the various forums. When a player assumes the role of platoon leader or CO, one must assume that he (the character) has been through "Boot Camp" just like every soldier. For the "no prior military experience" player, the conditioning/training is probably nonexistent. By offering this information in a "hands on" fashion we could accomplish this. Surely there are enough former DI's and Range Cadre who would offer to share their knowledge. The missions could be at platoon or company level (mission dependent) to keep it simple. The idea being that the player can learn historical battle drills, SOP, combined arms tactics, coordinated attacks, etc. The mission would be to learn a specific skill i.e. • Fire and Manouver • Tank-Infantry Combined Attack • Night Recon / Armoured Recon • Urban Operations • Defense in Depth • Tactical Withdrawal • Artillery in Support • Breaching Fortified Positions The player learns in each scenario a new skill, repeatedly playing the scenario until successful. This could also reduce many inadvertent "Gamey" tactics. Perhaps an excerpt from an FM could be incorporated into the scenario briefing or included with the zip file. The scenario briefing could be given in OPORDER form detailing the mission, Rules of Engagement etc. Depending on Force choice (i.e. US, German, Can., Brit) the Drills and tactics would vary. Thus, we can learn multinational WWII tactics. The player will understand his function in the overall mission. The scenario designers can create small maps "tailor made" for the mission, with the force "set up" in parade ground formation. The player would then need to "inspect" his troops, assets, and terrain and then deploy them for the specific mission. In conclusion, I would like to say, that it is the players responsibility to learn the game mechanics and unit capabilities. Thank You Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perhaps other members of the community would be interested in helping or developing training scenarios? Any help or tips would be appreciated. E-mail address is in my profile. Thanks again Chris
  5. Hi Tools4fools! Great pix! It really was a blast down there. The book I have is "Panzer und Kettenfahrzeuge des Zweiten Weltkriegs" by Jean Restayn. Bechtermuenz Verlag.I looked by Amazon.de but I couldn't find it.I picked my copy up at Weltbild. I hope it helps. I agree with Warphead. We definitely need to setup another trip to one of the other museums. Lawyer, sounds good, but... I'm afraid that at that point in time I'll be with the family on vacation. On the other hand, I talked the wife into visiting the Ardenne,so it could be we show up in the same place at the same time.We will also be touring the Normandy beaches and if there is time, the museum in Saumur.*crosses fingers* Have fun on your trip! Mental note: print out the CM flag posted earlier in this thread and carry it everywhere you go. Parabellum, it's Friday...hast Du wieder dieses prickeln in deinem Bauchnabel? Prosit! schoenes Wochenende Cheers Chris
  6. Hey Guys! I finally made it home from the campground. It was a blast meeting you all. The pix look great. Parabellum, in the uhum...drug picture, the shadow under your nose gives you a slight resemblance to a certain WWII dictator. Maybe he was he on drugs too? The biergarten was really...interesting. After seeing the guys at the bar eye-balling K_Tiger, I decided to refrain from any alcohol. Safety first! I noticed in the tank garden my fat ass fit in right with the other tanks. I can just see someone looking at the pictures (scratching their head) what camo pattern is that(Beige/Brown/ checkered) Thanks again guys! Let's get working on our next ttrip. Koblenz, Ardennen, Munster. I'm in. Cheers Chris PS Marcus: E-mail will be on the way shortly.
  7. Still looking forward to it. Slight change of plans on my end. Father in law and family can't make it, but my CM hotseat partner is making the trip with me. BTW, you guys will still be nice to me after we beat you on Friday? See y'all on Saturday. I'll be the guy all dressed in red, white and blue. Cheers Chris PS: Just kidding. I'm not a soccer fan at all.
  8. Hi Fionn, Thanks for the quick reply.Lots of good stuff as usual. Would you recommend the Nafziger collection being offered now at BFC? I'm interested in the Soviet stuff, but the others as well. Already talked my wife into "the need" for the new books, so...if they are as good as the book I have from G.F. Nafziger on Napoleon's invasion of Russia...I'm sold. Your thoughts? Thanks Chris
  9. Hi Darknight_Canuck Are you researching for the "hopefully upcoming" release of your british sleeve mod? *crosses fingers* I'm still looking forward to it. Cheers Chris
  10. Hi Fionn, I find your discussion with ThomasZ very interesting. My gaming experience is very similar to his. My PBEM experience is zero. I play hotseat against only one opponent and win quite frequently. The TacAI is also quite predictable. I am in the process of “training” in infantry only battles, but only at the company level. I see your point that learning to maneuver at battalion level is more appropriate and will promote myself from Co. CO to Battalion CO. A few questions if I may. Please pardon any redundant questions that may have already been addressed in this thread. Is this a correct assessment of a soviet battalion sized infantry only attack? -First Co. (Recon Co.) moves to contact, collapses the FSE, locates the MLR (consolidates and moves to reserve) -Second Co. fixes the enemy, provides a base of fire. -Third Co. maneuvers and assaults the weakest point in the MLR on a narrow front supported by artillery. After the initial breakthrough, is one of the non-assaulting platoons expected to exploit the bottleneck? Is it a commander’s call or prescribed by doctrine? What roll does the Heavy Weapons Co. / Plt. play in your doctrine? Your attack tempo seems to indicate that they would be too slow to keep up. What would be the appropriate arty support (# of 81mm FOs) for one Inf. Bn. in CM terms? I also would be interested in your point values for purchasing. Do you max out your purchase points? Or do you say “this is what I need”, purchase, and then forfeit the rest of your points? I find that most of the time I purchase what I need, and then max my points buying more irrelevant units (which usually distract me from my mission, and are probably potential victory points for the opponent) One last question. ThomasZ , if you would care to pass on some of that “useful stuff” Fionn sends you I would appreciate it. The information in this thread is a goldmine. My address is crivaroc@gmx.de Cheers Chris PS: Good Luck in your baptism by fire with Fionn
  11. Super Danke für die Einladung! Wir treffen uns dann unten. Übrigens, mein Schwiegervater (Sp?) wird dabei sein. Er war 35 Jahr Bundeswehr (Panzertruppen) und hat Taktik an der Infanterieschule in Hammelburg gelehrt.Er kennt sich gut aus, ist aber anstrengend Sagt mir Bescheid ob Ihr Euch interessiert seid mit ihm zu plaudern, ansonsten lass' ich ihm bei der Familie :eek: Bis dann Chris PS: Ein bissle' Deutsch kann ich
  12. Hi Guys, room for one more? I wouldn't mind seeing the museum again. I'll have to make the trip with the family, but they understand that I will most likely "disappear" for a couple of hours. Alright with y'all if I join you? Can you put up with an Ami for a few hours? Cheers Chris
  13. Thanks for the info guys.Take your time Darknight_Canuck, just glad to hear it's still in the works.I use your Canadian stuff all the time. Andrew, I'm glad to hear that your going to be working on the tankers uniform.More quality stuff on the way. Cheers Chris
  14. Did Darknight ever complete his british sleeve mod? IIRC he was still looking for shoulder titles or something of that nature. I would be interested in having it. Cheers Chris
  15. Try this site http://www.militariaworld.com/ww2/britain/army/insignia ,it's got just about everything. good luck.BTW, great canadian stuff, use it all the time. waiting for the finished product. chris
  16. Hi Clubfoot! Will the ruleset for the MarkIV's also be available separately? If so, could you send it my way like you did with the Panthers? Thanks for the super work you are doing for us, and thanks again to GEM for this wondertool(no dirty remarks people). Oh, can anybody help me find the mod Ram_Kangaroo_DF_GM_hr.zip listed on the new CMMOS page at CMHQ ? I got the plain version but don't recall ever seeing the camo version. Have a nice weekend. Chris
  17. Hi Gordon That tip with the folder C:\windows\temp did the trick. It seems CMMOS only searches/writes in that folder. My Windows being in C:\WIN98SE was not recognized. Thanks again and have a nice weekend Auf Wiedersehen Chris
  18. Hi Panzerwerfer 42!! Nope, I'm running a Pentium 3 500Mhz. Never had problem with any mod or other downloads before.The net was really draggin ass when I d/l'ed it. No clue! I'll ask my buddy here to d/l it. If it works for him , its a tech problem on my end. Thanks Again Chris
  19. Technical Difficulties.. Hi Guys!!could use some technical advice.Just downloaded CMMOS(Thanks Gordon!!) unzipped it into it's default folder,and doubleclicked the icon. I got a dialog window that reads"unable to open 'C:\windows\temp\CMMOSlog.txt'. I clicked OK and got this dialog "Access violation at address 00420AEF in module 'cmmos.exe' read of address FFFFFFFF. :confused: clicked ok and CMMOS crashed.Could this be some type of internal conflict in my system? I noticed in CMMOS setupthat before I clicked finish, I had the option to read the .rtf and/or launch CMMOS.Are there supposed to be checkmark boxes under this text? It was just empty space with a finish button in the lower corner of the window.I clicked finish and it went back to the desktop.Downloaded and installed it two more times with the same results.Any help would be appreciated. I got the whole weekend to "CMMOS" my bmp folder. It would be a shame not to be able to get started.Thanks in advance,and a nice weekend to all of you who CAN use this super program. Auf Wiedersehen.
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