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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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And now, some Ultra Gamey Updates!

Lars heavily armed and armored Foxpisstruppen are no match for my Commie Paradogs. He has failed miserably in his assault. One of my ATR teams won a commendation (and an extra helping of borscht) by knocking out two, count 'em, TWO of his halftracks inside of thirty seconds. Now, late in the game, he is getting desperate. His latest gamey maneuver was to attempt to neutralize the primary VL by rushing his last tank to it. A couple of demolition charges thrown courtesy of my ragged boys in red took care of that problem. Now, there is little left for him. Projection: MrSpkr Major Victory.

Seanachai's uber-Finns aren't. He has lost at least three platoons of infantry but has only managed to give me one scraped elbow and a flat tire. He is already whining about how this is his worst game except for somefink else in which he claims inebriation as a defense. I say, he ought to play this one drunk too. He couldn't possibly do any worse. Projection: MrSpkr Major Victory.

Sneezy sneakily bought vehicles in this infantry slugfest. Unfortunately, his infantry is not armored and is unable to maintain it's advance on the primary victory area. Projection: MrSpkr Tactical Victory, unless it is a draw or unless he hacks the system to win on points.

Leeo is practicing scorched earth in our battle around Pavlov's House. He sucks and is losing. Projection: MrSpkr Tactical Victory.

Marlow is gallantly leading his Italians . . .pffftt . . . he sucks and his running his Gucci carrying, Lorenzo wearing slip-on shoe sniffers back and forth in front of my Red Horde. He may win, but we got to laugh more. Projection: Draw, unless I win, or unless he hacks the system, because he sucks.

Iskander is claiming home invasion as a defense for his poor play. Sigh. He sent an email whining about how no-one else in his house was speaking English. Sounds like a normal trip to the local convenience store to me. Projection: MrSpkr Major Victory.

Wildman is a useless git who stopped sending turns after my Tigers blew up some of his lesser, punier tanks. Just what one would expect from a fly-fly boy. Projection: Armistice, unless the git returns turns, in which case it will be a MrSpkr Total Victory.

GrogDorosh brought armored cars to a tank fight. He is Dying-A-Lot now. Projection: MrSpkr Major Victory.

Lurkur owes me a turn. He sucks, too. Projection: MrSpkr Major Victory.

Mace sucks, and will be losing as soon as I send him a setup, as he is next on The List. Of course, given that Mace is Australian, saying he sucks is redundant. Projection: MrSpkr Total Victory.

Everyone I'm playing owes me turns.

Now, sod off, the lot of you.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

No wonder he suffers from delusions of grandeur.

More like delusions of adequacy.</font>
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Hakko's post was funny.

In fact, the irony of that statement would make it even funnier had the trail (comet-like) of love-lorn women I have known read it.*

*This post was made possible by Delaney's slumber. Were she to wake, I would quickly add that the trail is merely an insubstantial superfluity to the molten rock that is her.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Roight Ho ! Thats enough of the insults.

What's your feckin' problem?

Anything that can be said about Aussie-tralians is a bleedin' compliment and you should be grateful you dust swept sun-burned Bundy swilling ignoramus!!

Your offhand, poxy petty remarks about Australians can be ignored no longer.
And that's another thing you moronic Melbouornite - EVERYHING Mouse says can be ignored without any great effort at all!

[ November 30, 2002, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

I'd also like to point out that yes I may suck,

Never a truer word spoken.

but I'm not a lawyer.

Irrelevant - the reason for suck status is of academic interest only - that you suck is the only thing of any vague importance.

And it beign you that importance is very vague indeed.

Now where did my G&T go....oh THERE you are my wee beauty.......(hic)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Did I mention my head hurts. Whoever it was invented jello-shots needs to be shot - preferably with enough jello-shots to make his brain a sacharine-dripping gelatinous cube. Whoever heard of mixing vodka with sacharine??

You were doing jello-shots for Thanksgiving?

What were the children drinking, Thunderbird?

I never realized you heartland trailer trash types were so staunchly traditional about your holidays. Did the porn movie you watched while eating your pumpkin pie feature indians and pilgrims?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Did I mention my head hurts. Whoever it was invented jello-shots needs to be shot - preferably with enough jello-shots to make his brain a sacharine-dripping gelatinous cube. Whoever heard of mixing vodka with sacharine??

You were doing jello-shots for Thanksgiving?

What were the children drinking, Thunderbird?

I never realized you heartland trailer trash types were so staunchly traditional about your holidays. Did the porn movie you watched while eating your pumpkin pie feature indians and pilgrims?</font>

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3rd Cricket Test Update:

Perth, <STRIKE>2.40</STRIKE> 3.05pm

Sat 30 Nov 2002

Englands 1st Innings: Pissweak 185

Australia batting: <STRIKE>5</STRIKE> 6 for <STRIKE>311</STRIKE> 341 and climbing rapidly....

"Oh England!!

Wherefore art thou now?

Snoozing in slips,

Cowering at cover,

Languishing at leg,

Wilting at wicket,

Ball-less when bowling,


Any self respecting Pom would be asking that burning question. However, I don't expect any of the Englisher types floating round these parts to have much self respect anyway ... especially judging by their CM dis-abilities.

Cricket. You have GOT to love the game. Especially if you are an Aussie ....

[ November 30, 2002, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Roight Ho ! Thats enough of the insults.

What's your feckin' problem?

Anything that can be said about Aussie-tralians is a bleedin' compliment and you should be grateful you dust swept sun-burned Bundy swilling ignoramus!!

Your offhand, poxy petty remarks about Australians can be ignored no longer.
And that's another thing you moronic Melbouornite - EVERYHING Mouse says can be ignored without any great effort at all!</font>
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

"Oh England!!

Wherefore art thou now?

My gods, stop displaying your ignorance. You are currently mangling a bit of Shakespeare that halfwits have been similarly mangling for years.

What you are, in fact, asking, as you've phrased it, is: Oh England, Why are you now?

That whole bloody quote, in the original, has constantly been mis-read as 'Romeo, where are you?'

This is not what the young woman was saying. What she was asking is: Oh, Romeo, why are you Romeo? To wit: she was questioning the rotten luck that made the lad that is Romeo, the son of her family's most virulent enemies, also inhabit the body of the likely lad that she'd gotten all hot and bothered about.

Even supposing there is an Englishman in here with enough brains to actually have read and understood Shakespeare (oh, a nation quite, quite fallen...I blame Thatcher), I want it noted and acknowledged right now that when it comes to bloody Colonials displaying ignorance and sordid disregard for the beauties of the English language, not to mention an almost magical inability to understand the classics, that it is the Australians who sound like a bunch of nose-picking boobs.

'Oh, England, wherefore art thou now'.

Jesus wept.

[ November 30, 2002, 04:29 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

"Oh England!!

Wherefore art thou now?

My gods, stop displaying your ignorance. You are currently mangling a bit of Shakespeare that halfwits have been similarly mangling for years.

What you are, in fact, asking, as you've phrased it, is: Oh England, Why are you now?

That whole bloody quote, in the original, has constantly been mis-read as 'Romeo, where are you?'

This is not what the young woman was saying. What she was asking is: Oh, Romeo, why are you Romeo? To wit: she was questioning the rotten luck that made the lad that is Romeo, the son of her family's most virulent enemies, also inhabit the body of the likely lad that she'd gotten all hot and bothered about.

Even supposing there is an Englishman in here with enough brains to actually have read and understood Shakespeare (oh, a nation quite, quite fallen...I blame Thatcher), I want it noted and acknowledged right now that when it comes to bloody Colonials displaying ignorance and sordid disregard for the beauties of the English language, not to mention an almost magical inability to understand the classics, that it is the Australians who sound like a bunch of nose-picking boobs.

'Oh, England, wherefore art thou now'.

Jesus wept.</font>

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Originally posted by YK2:

Ok Seanacoochiecoo you know your Shakespeare, but can you decipher this?

"Ring aring of rosies, a pocketfull of poses, atishoo, atishoo we all fall down"

Ahhh, Fair Lady , the Gnome seems to be asleep. Let me guess upon this. T'would be perchance about the Plague and the idea that a posey of flowers carried about oneself would ward off the deadly disease. Unfortunately the rats and their fleas still caused the round markings that were the mark of the plague. After falling ill, you died.


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Ok Seanacoochiecoo you know your Shakespeare, but can you decipher this?

"Ring aring of rosies, a pocketfull of poses, atishoo, atishoo we all fall down"

Ahhh, Fair Lady , the Gnome seems to be asleep. Let me guess upon this. T'would be perchance about the Plague and the idea that a posey of flowers carried about oneself would ward off the deadly disease. Unfortunately the rats and their fleas still caused the round markings that were the mark of the plague. After falling ill, you died.


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