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The Realm of Uncertainty

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Not trying to toot my own horn here but may I recommend "Fear in the Fog." If you have a fog emulator in your display active it makes for an interesting study in the uncertainties of war.

War has its own fog. When you couple that with a thick morning mist in the Ardennes and you are hunting for infiltrating German units, OR trying to sneak your way behind lines of the Screaming Eagles to open a corridor to Bastogne, it can become somewhat of a nail biter.

It becomes a deadly game of hide and seek. Sometimes you find things you wish you hadn't

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Wild Bill,

I'll give it a try. So far I have found each scenario I've played to be a nail biter at some points. (Will soon need something else to chew on smile.gif) I just cannot get over how each scenario is so much different presenting a new set of challenges for the player. CM models the uncertainty faced by combat leaders to an amazing degree. Should I defend that hill....attack along this axis...will he come this way through the town or might he have armor??? I am constantly asking and evaluating these questions each time I play as I'm sure everyone else does too. I just don't remember a wargame getting this close to reality where the player finds himself in the "boots" of the on-site historical leader and leaders. Real world considerations and tactics are very much a part of this amazing game.

Have a great day...I must depart so I can solve some more harrowing tactical issues.

Out here...


When the situation is obscure....attack!

CGen. Heinz Guderian

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You are aboslutely right, Jager. The decision making of a commander as to troop commital is about as tough as it gets.

Learning how to improvise, how to make the best of a bad situation, all of this is a part of the gut-wrenching reality of Combat Mission.

Seeing your men and tanks set out to obey your orders, watching as they encounter unexpected opposition or problems in executing your orders, all of it is geared to make the adrenalin flow freely.

In my case, it evokes, moans, groans, whoops of joy and a continual peek-in by my wife to see if I have totally lost it. Usually I have biggrin.gif


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Thanks for the reply WB. That decision making element in CM has led me to wonder at the possible professional uses for CM or an "up dated" CM module for military training.

Small unit leaders could be put through their paces and critiqued by instructors who have a "canned" training scenario or scenarios.

A few years back we in the Marine Corps were encouraged by the Commadant to play S&T games on the computer as they were found to improve real world decision making etc. Back then they told us it was fine if we had Steel Panthers or TAC OPs on our office systems.

I was curious as to whether anyone has inquired about doing such a thing. In these times of trimmed-to-the-bone training budgets the services are all looking for ways to maintain readiness through simulations and stay within the budget. IMHO the potential benefit from utilizing CM in a training mode (perhaps with a modern weapons mod) is almost limitless. Put it in the hands of the "trigger pullers" and their lieutenants, project it up on a big screen in a classroom, and see what happens. Just an idea.

Have a great day!

Out here....

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Personally, I think it is a grand idea. I am sure Charles and Steve would agree biggrin.gif

They would want a "modern" version of course, but can you imagine how much fun this game would be on this level...modern warfare.

No, I don't want to hear that it won't work. I think it will. Sure the kill factor is much higher in terms of missiles, better weapons, etc, but that works on both sides.

Love to move through the Fulda Gap with a few Bradleys and a platoon of grunts looking for those invading Ruskies. Wow, got my adrenalin going just thinking about it.



Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Hmm.... Modern CM, eh? I don't know, my buddy and I were doing a bit of research as to how to convert ASL rules to modern. It seemed simple at first, Armor was simple to convert (although had to take into account Chobham, ERA, BLAZER, and misc other exotic armours), Penetration factors were simple, infantry, etc... But then came the missile factor. A missile can have a flight time of up to 30 seconds (probably more, but I can't remember very well) so in that allotted time period, the tank (APC, etc) Could have ducked behind cover, popped smoke, or any number of other things. Not easy to model on the cardboard battlefield, and I imagine it would take an IMMENSE amount of new code to go into the engine to make it work. I'll just be happy with CM2... I always have been a russian freak. Give me my T-34 M43 BAABBYY!

El Jeffe


St. Louis, MO

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I agree with you Wild Bill, it could be done...although there would probably be some difficulties involved. However, I still believe the training benefit for the military and of course the business side for BTS would be worth looking into.

PS...have been playing SON as Americans and am getting my butt handed to me...great scenario!

Out here...

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Wild Bill,

I played that very scenario yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. I played as the Amis,and moved my troops forward for 4 or 5 turns before I made contact with the Germans in the woods east of the small village. Fortunately,I had a bazooka perfectly positioned to get a shot at the side of the tank accompanying the infantry. About this time,my reserves appeared,and I moved a company and a tank down the village towards the east to reinforce the troops fighting in the woods. This second Sherman took out the second German tank when it appeared.

I was feeling pretty good at about this time,having jumped the Gerries and and taken out all three of their vehicles. I moved more troops into the woods north of the town,where I found lots of Germans entrenched pretty securely. They pretty well ravaged my infantry until I could get my Arti spotters in position to bring down the rain. Then,it was a few turns until the Germans had enough and surrendered. I took substantial infantry losses,however.

That was my favorite scenario so far,and I'll probably play it again today to see if I can do a little better. It certainly provided a tension not seen in some of the other scenarios.


[This message has been edited by Bill Mitchell (edited 06-27-2000).]

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Thanks for the good report, Bill. Your strategy was sound. Did you lose any armor? If not, you did very well.

The ground is frozen and wet and creates problems for any tanks. One of mine got stuck but was able to get free (Whew!).

The highlight of the battle for me was one bazooka team, tucked away in the railway station.

That bad boy (can't remember his name) took out a Panther and a menacing halftrack. Had him up for DSC biggrin.gif

The other was a beautiful 3 shot simultaneous fire between a Sheman, a Panther and a half-track. The Panther fired on the town, I fired on the Panther and the half track fired on me. I saved that screen shot. Whim, Wham, Whoom! I got the Panther and the Halftrack wounded one of my crew (internal flaking).

That mean SOB was the one taken out a moment later by my bazooka team.

It is fun. Thanks again, Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Wild Bill,

I did have one Sherman immobilized in the scattered trees east of the village. The crew stayed with her,though,so I think it just became stuck.

That same tank became bogged early in the battle,but I was able to back it out and try a different route.


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Would someone please post the URL for this.

(and how I ordinarily would find it).I have gone into Boot and Tracks, do a browse or search. For the later I put in 'Fear of Fog' no hits. For browse I just get the demo scenario. Someone please show me the error of my ways!


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I just finished "Fear in the Fog" last night. My sysetem did not support fog graphics (It was just white out) so I hit the Shift-W to trun it off.

I end up with 98 points in 18 turns. I played the US and all the Volksgrenadiers were dead or captured at game's end. This was my best game performance of CM to date. Did turning off the fog graphics also turn off the fog's effects? I often get score against a computer opponet over 70, but this just seemed too unbalanced. Would the Fog have helped the Germans?

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Thanks guys! I do appreciate it. I'm glad the battle brought you a challenge without being frustrating. Nothing like winning.

Dragon, you did extremely well, better than I or the testers wink.gif

Remind me never to challenge you to any PBEM type battle rolleyes.gif

I've suffered enough in this life. Thanks LC!

I've been delivered more than once and can attest to that fact. biggrin.gif

The Wild Kunel


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Wild Bill or anyone with ideas...

I fired up the Fear in the Fog scenario and....No fog. I'm running an ATI Xpert 128 16MB card over 96MB RAM on a 350MHz CPU. Any ideas? I have checked the Shift-W but still no fog. I get rain and snow in other scenarios and transparent buildings. Thanks in advance.

Out here....

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I don't. Some people have said that some video cards have a fog emulater capability that might be turned off.

How to access it, I could not say.

You might want to post your dilemma in the Tips-Suggestions section of this forum.

Good luck. Wish I could help. It is a great feature. I can't get it on my older computer either...WB


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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