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The "One Hundred Minutes" Tournament

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This is the nightmarish "100M" tournament for eight willing victims. Harsh language is not tolerated but witty flaming is mandatory.

Raw deal as short as I can put it:

Four premade scenarios (see below), not perfectly balanced. Eight players with one half playing as Axis (and the other Allied) each player fighting all four scenarios against different opponents (Thus "Allied player one" would play each scenario against each of the Axis players who in turn would play the remaining three scenarios with various Allied players so that no one will end up playing the same scenario twice).


The players are not compared to their opponents but instead to other players on the "same side". Thus if all players of the Allied side lose a certain scenario those losing it with the smallest margin would be in the lead. This system produces two victors - one for the Allied "side" and one for the Axis (thus giving you a 25% chance if it is a game of luck!).


Each participant will play four different scenarios against four different opponents. Each scenario lasts 25 turns and vary in size and type as follows:

Axis Attack (Large)

Allied Attack (one Medium and one Large)

Meeting (Small)

Other conditions will vary. These are played blind though briefings will often include "intelligence" concerning the opposition.

Adding general briefings here:

Title: Arch Enemies

Type: Meeting (German/Fallschirmjaeger vs. British)

Class: Semi-Historical

Date: 21st of April 1945

Location: Germany, near Zeven

Time: Night

Terrain: Damp

Weather: Clear

Length: 25 turns

Size: Large

In 7th of May 1945 the Guards Armoured Brigade accepted the

surrender of 7th Fallschirmjaeger Division. Since Rhine

these two Divisions had fought against each other with both

ability and resolve shown by soldiers on both sides. When

the war finally ended on the western front the battered 7th

Division was at Cuxhaven. Their request of being allowed to

surrender to their formidable opponent the Guards Armoured

Division was honoured to the letter.

Only a few weeks earlier the Divisions had been smiting each

other to pieces. Late 20th of April the British signals

noticed heavy German radio traffic near to their position.

A detachment from the Guards Armoured was sent into the

darkness in order to reconnoitre enemy movements. Knowing

that they would be facing the dreaded 7th Fallschirmjaeger

Division the Guardsmen advanced boldly with a grim idea of

what future would bring along with it for them.

Title: Mechanized Bushmen

Type: Advance (UK vs. German)

Class: Semi-Historical

Date: 13th of June 1944

Location: North-west from Tilly (near Verrieres)

Time: Day

Weather: Clear

Terrain: Damp

Length: 25 turns

Size: Medium

Breakthrough to inner France was in the allied grasp but several

key locations were still to be captured before the dash to final

victory could begin. The most important "locks" defended by the

Germans were St. Lo (constantly under pressure from the advancing

Americans) and Caen (the main objective of the Commonwealth forces

since the D-Day). Between these locations in the heart of the

Bocage country was Tilly (has been written "Tilley" in some of my

older sources) where some of the fiercest fighting took place as

50th British Division (under Major-General D.A.H. Graham) and 7th

British Armoured Division (then under Major-General G.W.E.J. Erskine)

clashed with the (in)famous Panzer Lehr (under General Bayerlein).

As the "Desert Rats" of the 7th Armoured marched towards their

fiasco in the hands of Wittmann many small "Lehr" detachments

deployed to slow down the allied advance were hotly engaged with

the 50th Division troops. One such battle was fought near Verrieres

(n-w from Tilly) when panzer under Hauptmann Felmer supported by a

mixed detachment of grenadiers from the 902nd Regiment faced elements

of the 9th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry backed by armour

from the 61st Reconnaissance Regiment and 5th Battalion R.T.R.

(actually a 7th division unit by the time).

Title: Dies Irae

Type: Advance (Germans/SS vs. British)

Class: Semi-Historical

Date: Operation Epsom 30th of June 1944

Location: Southwest of Caen

Time: Dawn

Terrain: Dry

Weather: Clear

Length: 25 turns

Size: Large

Epsom offensive had brought the British VIII Corps across Odom.

This served as a reason for the Germans to commit most of their

reserves including 1st, 2nd, 9th and 10th SS Panzer Divisions

against the hard pressed British troops forcing them back over

the river. In the last days of June the fact that no German

armoured assault could throw the advancing allies back to the

sea was clear. The best of the German armoured forces on the

Normandy front had been committed piecemeal to halt the British

thrust and their steam was dwindling as the VIII Corps fought

for its survival.

Elements from the 2nd Battalion (Glasgow Highlanders) 15th

Division had moved during the cover of the night to their new

positions Near Tourville. After digging in and preparing to

face once more the attacking Germans they tried to get some

rest despite the sounds of battle just south of them. In the

first hours of the 30th of June some supplies got through to

them and though the food was all welcome no other munitions

were received. As the first signs of dawn were noticed by the

soldiers they heard a sound coming from the south. It was the

sound made by an armoured vehicle closing in fast.

Title: Recogne Recount

Type: Advance (Americans vs. Germans)

Class: Semi-Historical

Date: 4th of November 1944

Location: Recogne in Belgium

Weather: Fog (Smoke)

Terrain: Damp

Length: 25 turns

Size: Large

Allied were making fast progress during late 1944 with their attack

towards the German border in Belgium. The weather was damp and the

roads were all muddy presenting some challenge to the advance. Their

German opponents seemed to withdraw rather than fight and thus the

allied were boldly pressing on without any clue that their enemy was

preparing to a great counteroffensive once to be known as the Bulge.

While the greater picture was unclear to the men on the field the

allied forces happily liberated Belgian towns and villages one by one.

The German resistance was weak and uncoordinated but in some villages

vicious defensive actions were performed against the usually more

numerous Americans. In Recogne the defending troops had decided that

no allied force should be let through without a fight.

As the Americans were advancing to the village of Recogne in Belgium

the air was thick with smoke which irritated eyes and made the men

cough. The village area and surrounding woods were ablaze creating a

huge smokescreen covering the surroundings. Warily the Americans

moved in to secure the remains of the village. Soon the first shots

were fired.

Getting Started:

When all eight have enlisted I'll send each axis all four scenarios and list of opponents (including a note which scenario is played against which opponent) to compete against.


Use TCP/IP, LAN or Pbem - I don't care. If you ever get this finished I'll worry about the diplomas (see below). Take all the time you want (as long as it suits your opponent) and play all four separately or simultaneously - whichever suits you best.

Getting in:

Enlist here, no other choice. Just put a post with your name (Battlefront alias will do), side you want to play and a working e-mail address. First four Axis and Allied players applying are in.

Getting out:

You must find a replacement if you are dropping out. Just name a player who is willing to fill your boots (and his e-mail) and *PUFF*, it's done.


None, flame me and your fellows as much as you like. I have no feelings whatsoever. Join and play.


Post them here. Mail me


or Jay


AARs and reviews:

Post 'em here but not before the tournament is over. None are mandatory but if you want to just go ahead and write.


Reputation and Glory.

Possibly a laminated diploma (if Jay ever get's 'em finished) delivered free of charge.

Official complaints here or:





[ July 21, 2002, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Traject0ry ]

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Guest BigAlMoho

Sounds good... PBEM only as I think these are too large for TCP/IP... If I have to choose a side it would be German but I really don't have a preference...



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Heads up as mails are on the way...

Check your opponents for the first games and start playing if and when you are ready. If someone did not receive my mail please mail me or post here!

Still four players short, gather your guts and slice yourself some glory. willing victims post here!


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Welcome new volunteers!

Some of the games are already on (I hope) and we are still one player short. As I've been swamped with questions I briefly note facts about the tournament below:

You MUST play all four listed premade scenarios!

You MUST play all four as either Axis or Allied, no swapping sides allowed!!!!

You MUST find a replacement if you are backing from the tournament.

You MUST play Pbem if your opponent so requests.

You MUST play each scenario against different opponent!

You MUST have fun!

You MUST send the results via e-mail to me or Jay.

Rest is quite frankly up to you...


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BigAlMoho@aol.com Axis W

packman64@msn.com Axis X

tdfxman@yahoo.com Axis Y

jon@pixar.com Axis Z

stoffers@wanadoo.nl Allied A

boredmeijer@home.nl Allied B

schmegeg@gte.net Allied C

leedisantis@hotmail.com Allied D

Here are the final participants.

Remember that pulling out will require a replacement to be found. Hope you'll

enjoy these. Remember that these are not perfectly balanced and losing a match

will not dramatically affect your chances of tournament victory (unless all

other axis/allied players playing the same scenario on the same side have won).

Axis players will start the games and mail them to their lucky Allied opponents.

May start now (unless they are already running!)...

Axis W:

plays against Allied A "Dius Irae"

plays against Allied B "Arch Enemies"

plays against Allied C "Mechanized Bushmen"

plays against Allied D "Recogne Recount"

Axis X:

plays against Allied A "Arch Enemies"

plays against Allied B "Mechanized Bushmen"

plays against Allied C "Recogne Recount"

plays against Allied D "Dius Irae"

Axis Y:

plays against Allied A "Mechanized Bushmen"

plays against Allied B "Recogne Recount"

plays against Allied C "Dius Irae"

plays against Allied D "Arch Enemies"

Axis Z:

plays against Allied A "Recogne Recount"

plays against Allied B "Dius Irae"

plays against Allied C "Arch Enemies"

plays against Allied D "Mechanized Bushmen"

I shall attach a zip file consisting all four scenarios to this mail (to the axis players)

and all games are to be started and played on your own pace, either pbem or tcp/ip.

If someone has not answered your mail before 10th of June please report to me and I'll check

if the person in question has died or just needs to be replaced. Good luck champions, report to

HQ (me that is) at least thrice in a two-month period! Report the results (both players) and

keep in mind that best allied and axis player will be rewarded!!!!!

If someone did NOT get my mail please post here and give me a WORKING e-mail address. Scenarios can be sent from one axis player to another so just mail the zip file if someone did not get it and my mail delivery will not for some reason get it there...



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Guest BigAlMoho

To whom it may concern:

Ok, it seems we have a problem with Allied players C & D... I have sent setups and follow up emails to both and have not got any response from either... If there is a problem with email or something that I can help with, maybe they can post here and explain...

Otherwise, continued silence would be considered rude and offensive...



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Guest BigAlMoho

Ok, Allied C is onboard and rolling...

Still, nothing from Allied D...

Any word on Axis X and Z?



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Guest BigAlMoho

Axis W vs. Allied A:

"Dius Irae": 40 to 55

[ June 23, 2002, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: BigAlMoho ]

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He Big All,

you beat me with posting the message smile.gif

After a very intense and brutal fight with heavy casualties,I am proud to report the first win for the Allies!!

I will post my AAR when the first round is over

Although it was very close,the flyboys saved my ass.

Thanks Big Al for the great game!

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Coming along nice against BigAll (Axis W, Arch Enemies). We are down to the last turns, men, tanks and bullets, with the advantage swinging wildly from one to the other.

No word (or file) yet from Axis X or Z. Steve (Axis Y, Recogne Recount) hasn't send a turn for some days, but we are about halfway if I remember correct.


[ June 10, 2002, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

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