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60mm Mortar Fan Club

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If you like the effect of a bunch of on board 60 mm mortars, then you will really love the effect of on board 81 mm mortars. :eek:

If you hit 'someone' with 'something' bigger, then the 'someone' will have greater detrimental effects than being hit by 'something' smaller. :eek:

Indeed, being hit by one single 155 will have much more effect than being hit by a whole bunch 60s. Check it out. :eek:

However, in all cases, one must make do with what he has. If one has a bunch of 60s, concentrate them and pin prick the target to surpression, disruption, and small casualties. :D:D

I belong to the 155 club. It is more effective than the 60 club. :D

Cheers, Richard tongue.gif

[ May 27, 2002, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: PiggDogg ]

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Well, well, well.

I am glad to see my fan club is thriving.

Today I had an intresting thing occor while playing Chance Encounter. Ya know that house thats near the german edge of the map? Some yuppie with a MG-42 set up in it and started strafing my boys on the hill by the churc from 500 meters, and was causing some casulties. SO I decided to take him out. I had my 3-60mm mortars target his hut and start pounding. At most I expected to shake the hell out of him or kill him with a shell coming in through a shell-hole in the celing. Instead, at the end of one turn of bombardmant, this happened. (Note: each mortar fired approx. 7-10 rounds, so estimate 20 rounds)

If you can't see the image, than I scrwed up and will try this diffrent. BTW, is there anyway to post a screen pic of your machine and not off the net?

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No ****. Those 3 60mm mortars did what 12 turns of 2 105 batteries couldn't do in other senarios.

I know about your usuall collapse. Big shockwave, moderate explosion. Well, perhaps the infantry units inside with the MG (i had a infantry iron cross) had there panzerfausts out and were polishing them, becuse the 'boom' was as high as a couple shermans stacked up, ya know? Took out the damn machine gun, all right.

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Originally posted by Mustang:

I just e-mailed Michel "Mortar Boom." If you want to get this pic to, just say so and you can have it. It is absaloutely amazing.

And be forewarned it exceeds 2MB in size! Unless you have a cable modem or something, I think I'd give this one a pass!



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Originally posted by Mustang:

Actually its 1.54 megabyte.

Hmm, interesting. When I went to my ISP's website to read the text, the attachment said it was 2,1somethingsomethingKB. Hence what I posted. Maybe it gained weight enroute. They say travel is broadening...



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yee haw!

armored night scenario, big map. (current game, hope there's not much intel leaks)

I sent my Coy cmdr with some 60mm up a hill to watch the road connecting the victory flags on the left and right. He sent some men fwd to establish a LP. A Light Panzer? opened up on them but in the dark did little other than reveal his location.

The cmdr directs fire for a couple of his 60mm crews. Man, they hurl alot of shells. First few shots wide and long. Cmdr corrects fire and soon the TC buttons up, 20 seconds later 'Boom' weak point top penetration.

The burning wrek makes a nice light in which to spot other krauts.

lesson of the day:

If you don't know were/what the OpFor is/has in LOS then *always* move your armor after the turn they open fire.

btw nighttime armor battles with hills and cover are a hoot!

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No kiddin? Light mortars taking out a light tank-impressive.

Yes, the small size of the 60 is made up for becuse of it's accuracy, as compared to the off-board. Off board delivers massive amounts of fire, but unless it is absa-foopinglutely massive (155) it is'nt that effective becuse it takes a direct hit or a very very close hit to do any good at all, and off-board is very- area effect LOL. Like I said above, 1 turn of fire from 3 60mm mortars collapsed a building by the end of the turn, in VOL, concetrating TWO 105mm batteries took 4 turns to collapse a building- and they were aiming at a town! It's all relitive, I guess.

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Originally posted by Mustang:

Yes, the small size of the 60 is made up for becuse of it's accuracy, as compared to the off-board.

Killing tanks or blowing up buildings might occasionally happen with 60mm, but what I think it's really great at is killing guns and open-topped vehicles. The accuracy leads to an almost certain kill against guns, w/in two turns and often within one, if you use 2 mortars or more.

81 mm is of course even better, and I love the British 3 inch but what makes the 60mm Fan Club tick is that these suckers are so pervasive. You get 3 of them with every US infantry company, so they're all over the place, in scenarios, QBs--you name it.

Yes, I'll take 155mm (VT preferred) when I can get it, and would drool over 8 inch or 240 mm (which can kill a large heavy building with a single round) but learning to use the pervasive 60mm mortar is a most worthy art.

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