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CMBB in store in Canada??

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I was surprised to see a copy of Combat Mission II in the local Compu-Smart store in Edmonton, Alberta today. It appeared to be the same version as is sold retail in Europe, complete with a German (I think) website reference. I though it was sold by mail order only in North America. (Not that it made any difference to me, it may have been $10 Canadian cheaper, but it doesn't have the printed manual. Is the store allowed to do this, or are they sneaking in the European release version? I have noticed that they do occasionally get in Europoean games, and European versions of games.

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Same thing happened to me when I bought CMBO. The store where I bought in Canada was selling the CDV version. Fortunately there are so many mod sites up & running that I was able to get rid of most of the censored stuff ( ie. WG ) and replace it with proper historically correct stuff.

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I remember that someone saw a copy of the European version of CMBO in the New York branch of Virgin Megastore, a mainly British chain, in New York. I'd guess that once the retailers have bought the games from CDV, they have no power to stop the retailer from selling it were they want, unless 'Not for sale outside the EU' is part of the contract. I doubt CDV are big enough to insist on such terms. This is all pure speculation of course :D .

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