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CMBB Mod Packs?

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Hi all. Have been gone from the forums quite a while now (got tired of CMBO finally). Waiting for my copy of CMBB to arrive.. This for Mad Matt: will you be releasing any mod packs for CMBB, as you did for CMBO? I also hope subdued terrain, etc CMBB mods will be forthcoming. Anyway, looking forward to dealing with Uncle Joe's minions.. :D

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I would say you are getting a "mod pack" with the 1.01 patch that is coming. It includes a host of new models and textures, including a few new improved textures for models already in place. Now that is what I call a mod pack!

Actually, think about who delivered MDMP1 and MDMP2. Those same folks are doing new art for Patch 1.01 and later for 1.02, so I think we are safe to assume that this time around, we are getting the "mod" pack and game improvements/fixes in one package.

Now you can't be disappointed with that, can you?

EDIT: I really don't think of the Patch 1.01 as only a "patch". Its much more. There is no need for BFC to add additional models and textures as well as additional effects and features. They could just "fix" things. Its a patch, mod pack, and game extension all in one large splendid package. It actually shows BFC's love of their product and their desire to please this oh so demanding community. I'll take it!

[ October 22, 2002, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: kump ]

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Originally posted by Sgt. Steiner:

I also hope subdued terrain, etc CMBB mods will be forthcoming.

Don't you think the terrain is subdued enough already? What we'll really need is terrain for the "bright" crowd.

Quite honestly, the graphics are so much better to begin with in CMBB I don't see why the big fuss for mods...to me, mods aren't a really big enhancment.

Bold newbie,


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There is room for mods. All I want for Christmas is CMBB mods which are...

1) Tom's Snow Mod for CMBB light snow, including the tall pines and trees for "frozen" weather.

2) Normal tall pines are fine, but the Woods need redoing to give less lower cover and broadness so you can see units in woods better, plus add some differing green shades.

3) Take the wonderful CMBB textures and get some snowed on winter vehicles, snowed on winter vehicles, snowed on winter vehicles, and finally, some snowed on winter vehicles.

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Actually, look for correct vehicle polygons on some shared-graphics vehicles in the game, with associated bmp textures. I think it would be stretching it to call the update a 'mod pack'.

I'd be surprised if they came out with old CMBO-style mod packs for CMBB. CMBO was operating under the handicap of those mac graphics files, and before mod manager programs came out switching graphics on macs was rather difficult. Now that everybody can use bmp files the need for 'official' mod packs has gone away.

Not to say 3rd party 'mod packs' may not show up but I doubt they'll be officially sanctioned mod packs.

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