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The AI is cheating!

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In today's quickbattle I've found the computer cheating. I was British and AI was German. During the battle AI bombarded my mortar and mg positions and after that he smoked my tank and halftrack on overlooking hill. But when the battle ended, I discovered that it had only 120mm mortar spotter (which we all know can't smoke). There was none of his onboard mortars and also none of armour assets (they were killed many turns before the smoking began). So there is the only possibility that his 120mm mortar fired smoke shells. Why can't I do that?

I have an autosave file, where you can check his forces, but unfortunatelly not the one when smoke was on battlefield so you must believe my word on the smoke part.

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That was fast! smile.gif There was just one spotter dead on the battlefield and it was 120mm one. It was 1000 point ME and he bought that spotter as Veteran, so considering the other available points (combined arms), he couldn't buy anymore spotters.

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A classic logic error.

All you know is that you don't know what caused the smoke.

To jump from there to it being 120mm mortars is not justified.

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I have previously suspected the AI cheats with arty, because once in a QB ME it dropped a combination of 120mm and 81mm on some woods I was in. I couldn't work out where the spotters/mortars could be so I surrendered straight away and found the spotters on the edge of the map, way out of LOS, 'firing". But it felt like the arty was very accurate. But since no one else has reported anything similar I think it must just have been a fluke.

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It "felt" like it was to accurate and so the AI was cheating??

Come on guys - let's have a little perspective here - 2 FO's firing at he same target will produce a denser fire than 1 - regardless of the target type.

Mix in a few 120mm heavies with a rapid fire 81's and I'm sure it would have been a reasonable barrage, even without LOS.

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Originally posted by Mike:

It "felt" like it was to accurate and so the AI was cheating??

:rolleyes: Simmer down.

It was some time ago, and I've never seen it since, but it *seemed* that the AI got a tight arty pattern without LOS or a TRP. Looking back, as I said above, I imagine it was just a lucky salvo. The rounds may have fallen in the middle of the wide patern, giving it the impression of a tight one. No moral or agenda, just an anecdote.

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Indeed the AI 120mm mortars will fire smoke. I just set up a test battle with 5 120mm spotters and 2 shermans w/o main gun ammo. I sent the Shermans forward until they found a couple of the spotters, and then opened up with the MGs. A couple of turns later, the smoke began to fall. It had to be from the 120s, as the Germans had nothing else.

Good catch Porajkl.

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Lol argie.

Is this AI cheating? Or "a feature"?

Anyone out there got a 120mm FO who can fire smoke for them? (I've got one in a game, but I'm 3 hrs away from getting home :( )

If a human player cannot use it, and the AI can, then perhaps the question should be asked of BFC why that is the case?

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Originally posted by Mike:

Lol argie.

Is this AI cheating? Or "a feature"?

Anyone out there got a 120mm FO who can fire smoke for them? (I've got one in a game, but I'm 3 hrs away from getting home :( )

If a human player cannot use it, and the AI can, then perhaps the question should be asked of BFC why that is the case?

I just ran a similar test, one German 120mm spotter and on Allied vehicle. After advancing the Allied vehicle to have LOS and begin firing MGs, I waited. Smoke came down. I played the scenario from the other side;smoke.


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so 120mm's have smoke for both AI and human players?

In which case it's not the AI that's cheating - it's dumb-f*ck humans who trust to unofficial documents and don't check what's available on their unit actino menu??!! redface.gif

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Actualy Adolph old chap it seems that they do if they're AI 120mm.

Dunno if it varies by date, but my experiment was the default date (Nov 44??) both times - no smoke for my FO, liberal use of smoke from the AI FO when confronted with a couple of Churchills!

BTS please fix or do sumfink!! :(

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Originally posted by Mike:

Actualy Adolph old chap it seems that they do if they're AI 120mm.

Thats right Winston, people above have already stated that. I was refering to human use of 120mm arty. So it seems the AI does cheat or it's a bug or something.

I guess it affects the other spotters that don't have a smoke option as well.

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