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Tanks Moving On Their Own?

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In one of my games, one of my tanks decided to go from a safe place behind a hill to cresting the hill on it's own. I gave it no orders whatsoever to do this. At first I thought it was trying to get off the grade it was on and onto flatter land but it went past the flat part and is now peeking over the hill toward the enemy. (By the way no one has been spotted yet that it can see.)

I chalked this up to being some type of "realism feature" but now that I have new move orders, I see a vehicle next to the tank has also decided to disobey orders and has given itself move orders to do the same thing.

What the hell is going on here?

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No, I've seen this kind of weird conduct before. I once had a green Panther crew go waaaaaay the hell away from my ordered path which carried it across plain relatively level grass fields, and it skirted next to a forest lined with salivating US AB equipped with gammon bombs. Though the crew got their much deserved deaths, I didn't feel particularly vindicated.

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Dunno, but my tanks tend to move on their own when they been brewed up and the crew has bailed :rolleyes:

That's usually about the time mine stop moving!! :(

BTS please fix of do sumfink!!

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I see a vehicle next to the tank has also decided to disobey orders and has given itself move orders to do the same thing.
Bumper to bumper next to each other? Other units around? They might be trying to get out of each others way. Esp. if one decided that it needed to back up a bit. Think about what happens when you have a group of units all trying to use the save pavement during road movement.

This, btw, also happens in Operation Flashpoint. I just got the game, trying out the second mission, and get run over and crushed by a Patton tank, I think. (I wasn't able to get a look at it's liscence plate.)

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Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

No, it's about 30 meters away. It was ordered to hide and now it decided to go forward about 100 meters on it's own. Thankfully, it didn't try this last turn so I can order it back to hide.

Then it's all YOUR fault, whiner. ;)

I don't suppose there's a Panther you didn't notice behind them?

Unless someone is using psionic powers - which is unlikely, as I know it isn't me, and the rest of you are dim bulbs - or you've found a previously undiscovered bug (also somewhat unlikely) there's got to be a "logical", but not necessarily smart, reason for the unit's behavior. Look at the terrain again and your orders, or send me the saved game file.

If you wish, I'll pretend to have figured it out but not be willing to tell you. This way you don't have to worry about it being a bug or psionics. Don't underestimate peace of mind.

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Heheheh it all has to do with the tank crews rating, anything at reg and below will do strange things under fire or even during combat not under fire (combat jitters???).

I have had tanks refuse orders and move elsewhere numerous times, and always was a green or regular tank crew. The only time a vet tank crew refuses orders is when it sees something you did not.

I actually like it, it is one of the things that makes this game great. In fact this is the only war game I have ever played that tries to simulate those combat pressures.

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I like those kind of random things in the game myself, but when the vehicle nearby the tank decides to drive off on his own too, I'm thinking maybe it's not a "feature" but a bug.

Then again, maybe BTS programmed it into the game that when one tank takes off on its own, another one nearby might think it's alright if they do the same. Realistically, it makes sense. Just wondering if it's a feature or a bug. Maybe Steve will drop by and give us the low-down.

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I had something like this too once.

I made a map with something like 30-35 shermans one one side and 10 king tigers on the other side (allright I was bored!).

I fired up hotseat play and just did nothing and watched.

True to expectations the score after 1 turn was 5 shermans left alive vs all Kt's.

Next turn only one sherman was still in the land of the desperate smile.gif

Just when I decided that this was too pathetic for words something happend!

This one sherman started "rocking" back and forth (driving about 10 meters forewards and back).

I could see that it was targeted by up to 5 Kt's at times, but they never managed a shot. The sherman stared to plink at the KT's and in the course of 9 turns it managed to destroy 4 KT's! (track hits, gun hits, crew abandoning).

After this it's luck finally ran out and it exploded. I must say this was very exciting watching and it gave me a whole new respect for the tactical AI.

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Originally posted by erwinl:

I must say this was very exciting watching and it gave me a whole new respect for the tactical AI.

Yes, the TacAI is one sorry arsed gamey mother. smile.gif

On a more serious note: I have noticed infantry command units forget their movement orders on a regular basis.

And once I saw a command unit dash to its death in a low LOS environment when it was supposed to stay put and keep the subordiante units in CC and lace them up while they mopped the area.

Other armour related AI anomalies: the AFV's never ever open up on infantry units with the main gun on their own, right ? I have seen a few of them shoot the main gun at infantry units on their own lately.

[ July 24, 2002, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: tero ]

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O yes!

Once (the Aachen battle) I had a command unit do something very cowardly.

I was planning a left hook with about halve of my infantry and after collecting the infantry next to the first two houses at the left I selected this command unit and everything under it's command and gave a group order to advance.

Everybody happily obeyed, but imagine my surprise when this command unit waited for all the soldiers to start their advance and then turn right itself and run into the nearest building!

Try as I might it absolutely refused to leave this building for the rest of the entire battle!

Needless to say I sent him to the Pacific theatre afterwards to meet the japanese smile.gif

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