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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by erwinl

  1. O yes! Once (the Aachen battle) I had a command unit do something very cowardly. I was planning a left hook with about halve of my infantry and after collecting the infantry next to the first two houses at the left I selected this command unit and everything under it's command and gave a group order to advance. Everybody happily obeyed, but imagine my surprise when this command unit waited for all the soldiers to start their advance and then turn right itself and run into the nearest building! Try as I might it absolutely refused to leave this building for the rest of the entire battle! Needless to say I sent him to the Pacific theatre afterwards to meet the japanese
  2. I had something like this too once. I made a map with something like 30-35 shermans one one side and 10 king tigers on the other side (allright I was bored!). I fired up hotseat play and just did nothing and watched. True to expectations the score after 1 turn was 5 shermans left alive vs all Kt's. Next turn only one sherman was still in the land of the desperate Just when I decided that this was too pathetic for words something happend! This one sherman started "rocking" back and forth (driving about 10 meters forewards and back). I could see that it was targeted by up to 5 Kt's at times, but they never managed a shot. The sherman stared to plink at the KT's and in the course of 9 turns it managed to destroy 4 KT's! (track hits, gun hits, crew abandoning). After this it's luck finally ran out and it exploded. I must say this was very exciting watching and it gave me a whole new respect for the tactical AI.
  3. Ok thanks, Now that I know this I can plan it more to have the maximum amount of damge from them. Not that I wasted any rounds in my first scenario. I waited for the Germans to occupy the victory flag and I shelled them there. I ended with 12 casualties against 56 injured/killed germans. Off course I forgot to look at the turn numbers, so that the battle ended just when I was ready to bayonette the germans. It ended up as a draw, but still a nice result for a first time if I may say so
  4. of 81mm mortar ammo? Ok, I've just received my new copy of CMBO this weekend by mail. I've played the tutorial scenario, but I think I should have had more pleasure from my 81mm FO. After two turns he got targeted by the german 81mm FO (at least that's what I think it was). Off course my FO ran away to evade the incoming mortar shells. After this he had no ammo left, but I saw that he had 1 casualty and 1 healthy person. Does this mean his radio got damaged and he couldn't call in more mortars? Or does he really hav only two turns of 81mm at his disposal?
  5. During Verdun (WW1) the Germans tried to use flamethrowers on the battlefield. After some initially successes they retracted them. Whenever the french saw a FT team nearing (with constant artillary bombardements, there were hardly any communication trenches with to aproach unseen). Usually there happened one of two things. Either the FT carrier burst into flames (not exploding, but the differance for the man carrying the thing would have been moot) or he would be wounded and spray his comrades in his death throws (wouldn't that be fun to have in CM?) Needless to say this all was very amusing to see for the french!
  6. LOL No, what I meant is I'm going to play true CM as opposed to playing the demo. That again shows that I have to be carefull making jokes in an other language than my own (dutch).
  7. Thanks! I'll call them tomorrow. I think I'm going to be true CM before the end of the week
  8. I'm asking this because, after downloading the demo I want to buy the complete game. Only there is this software distributor that say they sell Combat mission for 44 euro (but they link to battlefront as the makers. Seeing as Battlefront sells Combat mission for $ 45 (ca 51 euro) would I buy something very old or would it be a bargain?
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