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Can Tanks push Guns?

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I rather stupidly left an Axis 88-Flak gun just deep enough in the woods so it can't gain LOS on it's targets. As you know, these guns are too big to actually move once a scenario starts. If I could just inch it forward 5m, I'd be in business. So near and yet so far.

But I've heard of folks inching immoblized tanks into LOS by pushing them with other tanks. So my question is--would the same thing work with a BIG AT gun--i.e., could it be pushed by a tank, or would the tank, in effect, roll right over it? Anyone know? And would this be gamey, gamey, gamey?

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it would be gamey as possibly can be? I mean who wants to push a sitting duck into a vurnerable position? Even if you give him a good LOS, he still is glued to the ground, unable to manneuver...

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No, tanks cannot push guns. Overrun, yes, but not push. By the way, putting AT guns far back into woods isn't a clever idea anyway, because the worse your LOS gets, the lower your hit chance becomes. On the other hand, If you're fired upon, it's usually done with HE, and has an effect even for near misses. So your gun will usually have a better chance of winning a duel against a tank if it's right at the edge of the woods.


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