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I really have a problem with new "Sneak" command...

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Well, the more I play the more I dislike CMBB "sneak"...

"Sneaking" should be "moving silently and out of sight as much as possible". Slower than "move", with somewhat less exposure, not very much tiring.

Then we have "crawling" : moving prone, as fast as possible (but not much fast), minimizing exposure, tiring.

By mixing both we in fact lose the "sneak" command, as CMBB sneak is slow, reduce exposure and is tiring ! And what else can we use ?

"Move" isn't sneaky AND is not meant to be used close to fire, "Advance" is made for move under fire, not sneaky at all and tiring too...

When my Schreck want to sneak 10m to ambush a tank, the new "sneak" is OK, but when I want to move a platoon 100m around an enemy position ?

And I didn't mention the "autosneak=autoexhaustion" TacAI override...

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Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

Well, the more I play the more I dislike CMBB "sneak"...

Like Crawl in CMBO, there aren't a lot of occasions when it is really useful.

"Sneaking" should be "moving silently and out of sight as much as possible". Slower than "move", with somewhat less exposure, not very much tiring.
Maybe we need a new comand: Creep. smile.gif

When my Schreck want to sneak 10m to ambush a tank, the new "sneak" is OK, but when I want to move a platoon 100m around an enemy position ?
Have you tried Move to Contact?


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Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

...but the problem is that the move stops as soon as WE see the enemy, not the other way round !

And why is that a bad thing? I kinda want my men to stop before they get shot at.

Also take note of Sigurd's comment immediately following your own.


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Originally posted by Sigurd:

A new feature in the 1.01 patch can solve your problem : a unit moving to contact with a cover arc will stop only if an ennemy appears in the arc

Well, yes, I'll do with that, but isn't this a more complicated and risky way of "sneaking" ? I mean, I can get plastered by enemies just outside my cover arc without returning fire nor moving back ! :eek:

Why was the old "sneak" not kept, and "crawl" renamed in a misleading way ? :confused:

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Originally posted by Sigurd:

A new feature in the 1.01 patch can solve your problem : a unit moving to contact with a cover arc will stop only if an ennemy appears in the arc

That should be a VERY welcome fix and it should provide great flexibility for the player.

If Move to Contact is like sneak (being that is it supposed to be "sort of" Stealthy) then the MTC with the Cover arc that prevents units from stopping if the contact is outside the cover arc "should" be the PERFECT solution.

No :confused: ??

Looks like the patch is in the testing stage now as Rune seems to imply in the latest peng challenge thread smile.gif .

-tom w

[ November 13, 2002, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sigurd:

A new feature in the 1.01 patch can solve your problem : a unit moving to contact with a cover arc will stop only if an ennemy appears in the arc

Well, yes, I'll do with that, but isn't this a more complicated and risky way of "sneaking" ? I mean, I can get plastered by enemies just outside my cover arc without returning fire nor moving back ! :eek:

Why was the old "sneak" not kept, and "crawl" renamed in a misleading way ? :confused: </font>

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MTC with a CA might do for a lot of situations, but the fact we have to do it seems a bit daft. Personally I would have liked the old 'Sneak' and 'Crawl' to have been supplemented by the the 'Move to Contact'. But I guess the number of different movement orders might start to look a bit daunting?

While I'm typing, although not on-topic, one thing I wish I had was a "secondary" order I could give to my units to tell them what to do when they come under fire.

eg. MTC across that open ground but go to ground with a 'Sneak' or 'Advance' to a pre-determined patch of cover (only allowing one movement leg for this bit) when you're shot at.

The chance of the unit following the "secondary" order is further determined by their experience and current morale. No good for the current engine, but *fingers crossed*.

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Taking out the Crawl and Sneak commands was a bad mistake IMHO (<--- For my buddy, Emrys)

From my limited playing time so far, it seems that although the "Move" command is more stealthy than the old one, it wasn't intended to replace the old "Sneak" command. So BTS, how are we supposed to flank the opposition now if our only movement order to do so is a "Sneak" order that puts us in a prone position?

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So BTS, how are we supposed to flank the opposition now if our only movement order to do so is a "Sneak" order that puts us in a prone position?
I would have thought that plotting a "move" order whose route takes advantage of the natural cover and concealment of the terrain would cover that one, maybe using a short crawl/sneak command to break contact at the beginning of the movement phase (if the forces have already been spotted), and another one to approach the final position. I think CMBB puts much more emphasis on human responsibility for planning moves, rather than trusting the AI to keep your troops hidden. I'm constantly losing contact with the computer's forces when they go to ground; I don't see why it should be different for a human player.
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Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

...but isn't this a more complicated and risky way of "sneaking" ? I mean, I can get plastered by enemies just outside my cover arc without returning fire nor moving back !

Try giving them a CA of 180° and a radius of 200 meters. That ought to cover most dangers.


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I have to agree that it seems simplest to create a new (but already in CMBO) command that allows slower movement which is more attentive to dangers. I would hope the first CMBB patch would have the "Crawl" and "Sneak" commands, which would be a great augmentation to Move, Fast, Advance, & Assault.

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Here is an evil idea from me for upcomming Versions of CM (i think it is to radical for a Patch).

Seperate the Move Orders and the firing Rules...

Have a Move Conmmand Scalable from crawl to run storm etc... fineHave a Move Conmmand Scalable from crawl to run storm etc... fine

and have firing rules for units ala "Cover Arc Armour" or "hold Fire" or "Close Defense Fire only" or Simple Cover Arcs.

Is a Cover Arc able to get past 180° ? if not such a thing would be....

I think you can imagine how i mean it......


At least meanwhile give us back the sneak and crawl command again.......


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Thinking some more about it, I had the following ideas : "Move" orders should have 4 components :

* Move speed : crawl-move-run

* Stealth "on" or "off" : "on" will give more concealment at cost of less speed and some more fatigue

* Combat awareness "on"/"off" : "off" will give better speed, less fatigue but unit will be more exposed and more easily disrupted/panicked

* Response to enemy : none (don't react, continue move), stop & shoot (as long as threat is present), retreat/withdraw (find nearest cover with no LOS to sighted enemy, else go to ground )

With all these components everything should be possible ... Maybe it's a wee too much mocromanagement, so "combos" could be made instead (such as current "move to contact", "assault", ...).

However currently some useful combos aren't possible, that's the issue !

(such as "move sneakily and withdraw from enemy" ... for a tank hunter/schreck team going into position :rolleyes: )

Feedback ? ;)

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From my observations in CMBB "Move" command has a tendency to be changed by TacAI to Run command when unit is fired upon. Very unwelcome thing, given the troops under Run order are now much more vulnerable.

The thing Sigurd said about MTC with CA might be useful IF there is a possibility to give a group CA order. Otherwise there's a big waste of our precious time.

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Fly Pusher you are added to the list.

Please Transfer $ 5.547,23 membership fees for the next 100 Years of Goldmembership to my account at the First National Bank of Keymans Account 334556788556787884554345760989347897643245698437692835791540897 (hey no thats not my WinXP registration number :D the Win XP number is more then double the lenght tongue.gif )

For this u recieve a Gold shining Member card of "Give us back Sneak Command Club"

a Dild* and a Autogram Card from Sigfried and Roy

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