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Who's addicted now?

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Ok, so here I sit and haven't received a PBEM turn in over... what 4 hours? Where IS EVERYONE? I have some 8 PBEM games going with people from all over the place (Hey if the guys in Findland aren't up, the guys in Australia ought to be!) I have in-laws visiting which means someone to hold the babies, so I can answer the important ...er... work e-mails.

So I realised that I'm a CM addict and here are the signs....

- That and turning up the volume on my PC very high so I can hear the turns coming in from parts of the house.

- When I'm upstairs cooking, I have a telnet session open so I can quickly check for a new turn. I frequently know about it before i get it on my desktop.

- When I first get to work, I now go to the forum BEFORE I check out dilbert.

- I get ticked off when I can't accurately track all the forum threads from the 3 different PC's that I have to work on.

- Last, and gawd, most disgustingly... I'm starting to read the Peng threads.

So tell me, all you CM-junkies, how does your addition manifest itself?

Damn! still no turns. *sigh*

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LOL! IIRC when we played you were more than 4 hours late with your PBEMs... several times! :D

Things must have really gone down hill since we played. I think someone else on this board was starting a 12 step program - CMA .

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So tell me, all you CM-junkies, how does your addi©tion manifest itself?
MOD Catalog.

What more proof do I need to show addiction and maybe just plain idiocy! What the hell was I thinking!

Well, back to that Terrain list... :(

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Originally posted by Pak40:

LOL! IIRC when we played you were more than 4 hours late with your PBEMs... several times! :D

Things must have really gone down hill since we played. I think someone else on this board was starting a 12 step program - CMA .

But, that was just a sign of incompetence on my part. I didn't say I was any good... ;)
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Originally posted by ryddle:

So tell me, all you CM-junkies, how does your addition manifest itself?

I now get frustrated when my word processing application doesn't pan left and right when I move the cursor to the sides of the screen. ;)
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I know I'm addicted when my wife says;

"Are you playing that damned game again?"

When I start talking to myself in German "Volle Deckung!!!"

When I havent taken the CM disk out of my drive for nearly a year and a half.

I have dreams about the Hurtgen Forest.

Hey who says life has to be all fun and games anyway?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by ryddle:

- That and turning up the volume on my PC very high so I can hear the turns coming in from parts of the house.

- When I'm upstairs cooking, I have a telnet session open so I can quickly check for a new turn. I frequently know about it before i get it on my desktop.

The true addict will get incoming email alerts sent to his cellphone, which he will wear at all times. This saves him from wasting time constantly checking for new email, thereby gaining him more time in order to... play more games of CMBO.
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