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Invitational Tourney (Part III)

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Not at present, but I remain hopeful. I have gone through the entire hard drive with my antivirus software. Found nothing, but admittedly mine's a bit out of date. Have also removed a thousand plus messages from my hard drive, yielding faster load times for E-mail but no apparent protection from whatever's made my iMac so twitchy of late, causing it kick out memory's filling up messages, followed by loss of parts of the posting window and apparent loss of button function when posting. A crash follows closely thereafter. The latest wrinkle to a problem which has cost me several posts because of system crashes is that something I tried to protect by moving it to the Clipboard didn't take. This cost me yet another post.

I really miss playing the game, and I still don't know what happened in my last turn against Texas Toast.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Ahem.....anybody still playing?

Treeburst155 out.

Ari and I are still poking along here.. We're still at the 'lobbing HE' phase of the battle, though now it's a bit more direct HE. Small arms fire might even commense shortly tongue.gif


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Well, I can now say with confidence that the problem isn't a computer virus or worm, having downloaded the latest definitions for Norton AntiVirus and scanned the entire hard drive. Was clean as the proverbial whistle.

Amidst all the cybergrief, though, I did see one little ray of light, but it won't help TexasToast or advance the Invitational. I remembered that I still have the original demo and the Gold demo, hence can at least play a version of the game. Thrills are where you find them.


John Kettler


Am about to visit the Apple Tech Exchange and say what Apple and the troops have to say about my bizarre computer problems.

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I saw your kind offer in another thread and may well wind up taking you up on it. For now, though, I finally managed to get a version of a detailed problem description posted in what the iMac Usage section of what may be the successor to the Apple Tech Exchange.

I had big problems getting in, and once there, the site crawled and my first post didn't take. Repeated attempts to navigate the site over several hours led to more cybernetic deep freeze. With the sun down, though, I got in right away, and the site worked fine. The reason I mention the access problems is that there was an M class flare plus a strength 6 of 9 geomagnetic storm today (per www.maj.com). In the past, I have had problems ranging from multiple conection attempts being needed to to no access at all for upwards of six hours from such upheavals, not to mention freezes and crashes once in. Moreover, when things got really bad, like X class and worse, my ISP started having big problems, too. I was fascinated to note that other people had problems getting online today, too, judging from some of the other threads.

I appreciate your support and the kind offers.


John Kettler

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You're welcome, John. If you have a monitor in good working order you can build a surprisingly nice PC for under $1000 these days. Of course, if you aren't already the proud owner of a Windows operating system, you are forced to buy that too. Still, you could do well for less than $1,000 I think.

Good Luck!!

Treeburst155 out.

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Hmmm....I didn't know you couldn't use an iMac monitor with a PC. I'm to be forgiven for that mistake however. I've never even seen a Macintosh computer!

Well, I guess John should just buy a new iMac then, if his monitor is good. He could avoid Windows that way too. smile.gif

Now Ben, quit posting, and get playing that game with Ari! :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Having just emerged from cybersurgery, where I performed a successful PRAM (parameter RAM) battery transplant, I can report that the patient is stable

but that the prognosis is exactly as it was before surgery. The CD drive still isn't being read (and believe me, I carefully checked all the connections), but it's definitely spinning up.

Wish I had better news to report after spending all that time and buying an expensive battery. Am off to the Tech board.


John Kettler


The seismic sensor was never overclocked but remains locked up.

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Treeburst155, TexasToast et al.,

The patient is being taken in for exploratory surgery at Fry's tomorrow. Am hoping to avoid the dread Retest Okay, Can Not Duplicate problem. Priority investigations will be focused on CD drive and power supply. May be off the air for a few days unless I get a loaner, in which case I'll have TexasToast resend the last turn and finally resume our lamentably long delayed game.

Thank you all for your patience. Will keep you posted.


John Kettler

[ May 11, 2002, 04:08 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Jarmo:

So.. are any fights progressing? Did I win? smile.gif

I'm having a ferocious fight with Ben, but we are both quite busy now. So it's taking time. About the midpoint going on (turn 12).

And I'm planning to challenge John "Katjusha" Kettler in the near future. Hopefully he'll get the seismic Mac fixed soon.

This is the neverending tournament :cool:


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Heh, yeah, I just bought a house so I'm spending a lot of time packing (and I'm sure just as much time unpacking on the other end) so my turns to Ari have been sporadic at best. We're around turn 12, as he said, but with the carnage occuring in the middle of our map, I'd be suprised if this one goes to 25...


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Does anyone know the name of the night cityfight ( very jagged terrain) in the tournament? I'd like to pass it on to a friend but can't find it in my saved games or scenario folder. Treeburst do you remember?

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Treeburst155, TexasToast et al.,

I'm back! Fry's couldn't identify the problem and even refunded my nonrefundable diagnostic fee, though it did determine that the CD drive's day was all but done. After consulting with Apple directly on cycle time and estimated cost to replace the proprietary drive and troubleshoot my rig (Fry's estimated two weeks and had no cost idea whatsoever), I was referred to Mac Fusion in Signal Hill, California.

Last Thursday I retrieved my iMac from Fry's and drove the computer to Mac Fusion. The tech later confirmed not only that the CD drive was a mandatory replacement, but informed me that the power supply and memory chips all checked out fine.

There were problems with extension conflicts, which were fixed, and all data were transferred to another drive, the hard drive was reformatted, and the OS was freshly installed before moving the hard drive's contents back to my computer. I picked it up late this afternoon. My iMac now boots promptly, can send and receive E-mail, access the Net, and runs Combat Mission with no problems at all.

All this work did reset a bunch of things internally, necessitating a long session on the phone with my ISP's techs to chase the problems down, but what remains is minor, especially when compared to the near cyber collapse my rig was in earlier. The new drive and all the other work cost

a bit over $300.00, but now at least I can use the computer fully for work and personally and can finally resume my long postponed wargaming obligations. I have even seen the last turn TexasToast sent me.

At the latest, TexasToast will receive a turn from me sometime Tuesday, maybe even tonight. I've been away from the game so long I couldn't even remember some of the hotkey commands. Have also been reviewing the movie files in order to reconnect with the current battle.

Thank you all for your patience, encouragement and suggestions.


John Kettler

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Treeburst155, TexasToast, et al.,

Turn sent. SITREP follows.

Following ferocious fighting in the woods to the extreme left and just forward of the left small VL,

small German elements were put to flight, but most died in place under a multiplatoon British attack supported by several pieces of armor, including at least one Cromwell. Heavy support fires straddled at least one British tank, with unknown results, while also punishing surrounding assembly areas.

The victors pursued my fleeing survivors to a large wood directly forward of and downhill from the newly seized position. British elements also swarmed out of the small VL and into another portion of that wood, emerging hence and storming my position on the ridge near the center. My HMG did its best, but was gobbled up by a platoon of British infantry after first being reduced to a single man by tank fires and infantry attack. Another element is in big trouble from yet another platoon, and there are indications of a third.

Essentially, my left flank has been smashed in, and

the British are pouring through the gap in an apparent effort to seize a dominant ridge overlooking and behind the two main VLs. Needless to say, I'm resisting fiercely, with a counterattack in progress.


John Kettler



Welcome back! How's med school so far?

[ May 21, 2002, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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